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College Admissions Essay: Improving My Life

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Dreams are shaped by ideals and families shape the beliefs we believe so strongly. I seek the capability to improve my life as well as the lives of those around me through an education career because my family has enlightened me that change can be positive and radical in altering lives; I hope to hold that ability someday. And most of all because of those who have raised me I dedicate a path of personal improvement and the formation of dedication individual who promotes good character.

When my father was forced out of his country and immigrated to the United States, he left his passion behind because he was a teacher in Mexico and his chance to pursue that career in the U.S. was in reluctant by his limited ability to speak the English language. My greatest motivation is to keep my father’s dreams alive and to become an educator shaping and leading the youth. I watched my father’s future fall apart, I watched his devotion and ambition be burned down, and as I watched, I was unable to do help. Because of my father, I am determined and confident that I will revive those dreams he once dreamt. With the fire that fuels me, I want to become as great and as inspiring as my father is to me. I pursue to building a brighter future for my family, as well as myself, because when I was lost and confused I was clay and theirs were the artist’s hands. My …show more content…
The hope to be a successful individual flows within me, to be a person that’s caring, hardworking, inspiring, and influential like my father. I dream in becoming someone who tries to change the world and succeed in changing someone’s world. Because of my father, who was a devoted catholic, introduced me into a church in which I learned about the Golden Rule. Today I shape my actions around it and believe in honesty wholeheartedly. People change, it’s to be expected, but I hope that when I change it is only for the betterment of my family and

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