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Com 4920 Portfolio Development Paper

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COMM 4920 Portfolio Development
Career Exercise 1: Developing a Career
For each of the following career-goal considerations, describe your desired situation for the future.
1. Working conditions: I am wanting to work in some form of TV production or photography. I want to work somewhere, where I am not sitting at a desk all the time. I want to be in an environment where everyone helps one another to learn and grow within their chosen field. I want to be around those who I can learn from and look up to. I want to be in a friendly environment. I want to be in a work environment that pushes me to do better than I could have imagined. I want to work in an environment where I am challenged and am not doing the same thing day in and day out.
2. …show more content…
Skills/types of knowledge you wish to use: I want to be able to use all of my creative skills. I want to use my photography skills, script writing, TV productions skills, and my creative skills and ideas in general.
4. Size/location of organization: Size does not particularly matter to me. But I would prefer to work in a well-known organization when it comes to TV production and not a just up and coming or extremely small company or organization. As for location I do not have a choice in the matter. I go where the army tells my husband to go and the location of where I work will depend on the current base we are stationed at. As of right now we are based at fort Campbell and as of now I would like to work for a TV production company in Nashville, …show more content…
What is your current career goal (upon completion of your present educational program?
I want to work either in photography or in TV production, preferably TV production. I know that I may have to start out as an intern due to lack of hands on experience but I eventually want to move up to the rank and eventually become a producer. My current plans are to start contacting companies in Nashville at the end of the summer in hopes of getting a job or internship in the TV production field since I will be graduating in December of this year. But due to the fact that my husband is in the Army and is coming up on the time most military families receive orders to move I may have to rethink my current plan.

2. What is your career goal five years from now?
It is hard to plan that far ahead since I don’t know where I will be living. I don’t even know if I will be living in the U.S. or overseas somewhere because of my husband’s line of work. I don’t know how quickly I can become a producer but that is my main goal is to eventually be a TV producer. I know I may not reach that goal in five years but I hope that I will be on the right tracking to gaining that

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