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Com 520 Mba Slu


Submitted By Middlelm
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Ken 7 Windows Security Controls
COM 520
LaTroy Middlebrook
September 27, 2015
Dr. Nguyen

Select from these security controls:

a. Place a firewall between the Internet and your Web server. b. Place a firewall between your Web server and your internal network c. Enforce password complexity d. Implement Kerberos authentication for all internal servers e. Require encryption for all traffic flowing into and out from the Ken 7 Windows environment f. Separate wired and wireless network entry points into separate logical networks g. Require all personnel attend a lunch and learn session on updated network security policies

Security Policy Statements:

___ 1. More and More users are using the Ken 7 Windows network to access social media sites during business hours, causing the network to slow down. Users should not use Ken 7 network resources for social media access.
ANSWER: G This will garner everyone who has network access attention so that a sign in the blank can be done so if they get caught, they are liable because it’s documented.
___ 2. Most Ken 7 personnel own mobile phone and PDA’s that can connect to the Internet. Ken 7 administrators are concerned that personal device access may pose a security threat to Ken 7 network resources. Personal devices must not be allowed to connect to the Ken 7 Windows network.
ANSWER: F Secure and lock down unnecessary traffic and entry points for improved activity.
This will alleviate all personnel from plugging into the network freely or as they please. ___ 3. Anonymous users of Ken 7 Web application should only be able to access servers located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). No anonymous Web application users should be able to access any protected resources in the Ken 7 infrastructure.
ANSWER: B By inputting a firewall, users have a block and no access to the DMZ. ___ 4. Users who print confidential reports must not be allowed to send reports to unsecured Printers
ANSWER: D it’s against NIST 800 Instructions and uncommon safety practices to print confidential items on an unsecure printer. Most times, they aren’t connected to the same network. ___ 5. Passwords should not be words found in the dictionary
ANSWER: C This is common computer practice. Most passwords are set to 8 characters or more. With a combination of, special characters, numbers, and capital letters.

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