...DIRECT AND INDIRECT APPROACHES In writing letters, memos, and e-mail messages (the focus of Chapters 2 and 3), one issue that you'll need to consider is whether your message is one that is likely to be well-received or one that may encounter resistance or ill-will--a "bad news" message of some type. Searle’s spends a good bit of time in Chapter 1 discussing tone and making sure to use a reader-centered perspective that utilizes a "you" approach and positive wording. In addition to a reader-centered perspective, however, you also should consider the difference between what is called a direct and an indirect approach when organizing letters, memos, and e-mail messages, especially ones that convey bad news. DIRECT APPROACH The direct approach anticipates no resistance to its message--for instance, "you've been hired," "your order is being shipped today," or even "the project will be done in one week." In this case, organizing your message is simple. Searle’s mentions that memos and letters should have some kind of brief introduction, sometimes as its own paragraph. If you're using the direct approach, this introduction is simply a straightforward statement of the main point of the message. For instance, if you are writing a letter to confirm an order, simply begin by stating, "We have received your order for part #23-B-4439 and are shipping it today." Then the rest of the letter can provide details like shipping time, cost, etc. Whenever possible, use the direct approach...
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...Changing views of the contribution of popular Spanish resistance to victory in the Peninsular War. The guerrillas have been viewed in a variety of different ways in the historiographical record of the Peninsular War. Until relatively recently, according to Tone, “historians have paid them scant attention” putting the focus on, according to Esdaile “great men, great armies and great battles”. This essay will explore some aspects of the guerrillas that have been the subject of debate in the historiography, focussing first on exploring who the guerrillas were and what their impact was on the war. Tone, in a study of the English language historiography and that of France and Spain identified that there was a difference in the way each treated the guerrillas. He summarised that while the British ignored the guerrillas’ role, the French overplayed the role of the church and the Spanish tended to portray the popular resistance as comprising the whole of the population. It could be argued that this reduction of three historiographic traditions to just three simple ideas is an oversimplification, but there is some justification for at least one of these ideas. To illustrate, and explain the British view, Tone cites Napier’s 1882 history of the Peninsular War as discussing the guerrillas, or partidas (the name given to guerrilla bands by the Spanish themselves) in less than glowing language. Reading the rest of the Napier, it is true that there are very few mentions of the guerrillas...
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...the ideas of others or to an entire situation occurring. These ideas lead to groups of individuals who have similar opposing ideas to what some call the norm, these are called resistance groups. These groups are usually hidden and show their own twist on the ideas altering from the countries beliefs. Naomi Klein and Barry Lopez are two boisterous authors when it comes to resistance. Barry Lopez was not the one to sit back and let something he believed to be not right go on without voicing his opinion. Therefore he creates the multiple short story book “Resistance” to show his readers how he believes the world is not healthy. Naomi Klein on the other hand takes her own approach to resistance and puts it into a more straightforward subject of excessive branding and globalization. “No Logo” created by Naomi Klein, focuses in on four parts of the excessive branding going on in the world today, “No Space", "No Choice", "No Jobs", and "No Logo." () These four confrontational ideas that Klein speaks about throughout “No Logo” are the basis to her resistance. “I was an angry bystander. I'd no power to intervene, and had no intention of dropping the work I was already committed to, not in order to raise someone else's awareness, promote greater indignation, or organize.” (Resitance) Lopez begins resistance with the short story “Apocalypse,” () a key short story to the complete book. Apocalypse tells a story of a man who receives a letter from the “Office of Inland Security” arranging...
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...Does Disciplinary Power enforce good or bad behaviour from students in York University Accommodation? Introduction When looking at Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, we looked at our own expectations compared with our actual experiences of living in university run accommodation. With most students coming to university, it is the first time that they will live on ‘their own’, without the rules and restrictions that they had when living at home with their parents, therefore a degree of freedom and independence was expected. However, we noticed that our actions were restricted by the rules imposed on us due to the acceptance of the university run accommodation. From our own experiences, we witnessed students displaying bad behavioural characteristics through resistance. This led our group to investigate the impact that the rules have on students’ behaviours and the universities use of disciplinary power to ‘control’ students’ behaviour. We also wanted to determine from the student’s perspective, the impact these controls had on their behaviour. Methodology There has been a lot of research conducted to study the behaviours of students and their resistance to authority, however they were not written in the students’ perspective. By investigating the behaviours of students from their perspective, it allows us to have a more accurate account of their experiences and the impact that the university’s restrictions has on them. It also enables us to determine why students either...
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...The term resistance to change simply means that individuals are set in his or her ways and often don’t want to modify his or her routing. However, this change resistance doesn’t just occur when individuals who like their jobs are asked to make a change. Resistance even happens when individuals are chronically upset with their working conditions. For them, the known evil is preferable to the unknown. For anyone to resist a change, there obviously has to be a change. These new conditions are the events that occur around us every day. And these events, big or small, good or bad, invariably lead to some result. However, it is important to distinguish between the symptoms of resistance to change, and the causes behind it. These behaviors fall into two categories -- active-resistance or passive-resistance. Symptoms of active resistance occur where individuals are taking specific and deliberate action to resist the change. It may be overt, with such as public statements and acts of resistance, and it may be covert, such as mobilizing others to create an underground resistance movement. Overt active resistance, although potentially damaging, is at least visible and you have the option of using formal disciplinary actions (although more positive methods should normally be used first). When it is covert, you may also need to use to covert methods to identify the source and hence take appropriate action Passive resistance occurs where people do not take specific actions. At meetings...
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...swelling. Had to go to infirmary and be operated on. Evacuation, Leaves with his father well recovering from foot (People in the infirmary were told they could stay, and would be fine/not killed, some didn’t believe that). Chapter 6; Page 85: March through a Blanket of Snow and Death. Eli, his father, and the rest of the prisoners began their march. Any who stopped or slowed down were killed. Zalman (young boy from Poland who was marching behind eli, worked in the electrical material depot in Buna) collapsed and died. Eli wanted to stop, to no longer feel anything and die. His father was the only thing that stopped him from doing so (he responsible for his father, and thought it was selfish to him) [“We were masters of nature, masters of the world. We had transcended everything – death, fatigue, our natural needs. We were stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns and the desire to die, doomed and...
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...Women on the U.S Home Front When the war began there was an extremely high demand for jobs to produce wartime materials, and when the men were shipped off to war, the women stepped up and took their place. Women also did various other things from victory gardens to rationing goods. But, arguably their most important role was to keep a positive attitude and high moral on the Home Front. War can be a very scary time but women did all they could to make their children, and others feel safe. During WWII, life on the Home Front was a significant part of the war effort and had a major impact on the outcome of the war, and no one had a more significant role on the Home Front than women. This document is a personal account of Mourine Merrow, she describes her early life and her life throughout the wars. It also includes a photo of Mourine and her husband working together at the Aircraft Training School. Mourine Merrow was born in Michigan in 1916 and she lived there throughout the war. Mourine felt many impacts of the war in her daily life, and rather than complain or get upset, she took things into her own hands and did all she could to support the war. She supported the war by rationing foods and goods, by volunteering at various places, wrote letters to troops to boost moral, planted a victory garden, and she even enrolled in the Aircraft Training School. This story was intended for all U.S citizens, to show everything that she did, and you can do, in your life to be a good American...
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...The lives of people on the home front were greatly changed by evacuation during World War II. How useful and reliable are these sources in explaining how people's lives were changed by evacuation during World War II. During World War II, children were moved to places such as the countryside due to area's being at risk of being bombed by the Germans. Pregnant women, teachers and the disabled were also evacuated. They all had to leave behind their families at home to move to area's where they were at lower risk of the bombing. All the evacuations took place on the 1st of September 1939, the evacuation was named 'Operation Pied Piper'. Over one million evacuees left London by train, all the children would have a label attached to them with their destination they would be staying at. The aim of this essay is to see why the lives of many people were changed due to the evacuations. I will be analysing a range of primary and secondary sources to decide how reliable and useful they are to she how they changed people's lives. In Source A1, it informs people that the government have made plans for the removal from what are 'evacuable' area's to safer area's known as 'receptional' area's, the source tells you that this for school children, children who are too young for school as long as they are accompanied by their mothers and also for the blind people. This source is reliable as it was written in 1939 when the bombings were about to take place, it was also written by the government...
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...History CASS During the Second World War, Britain’s civilians faced a major number of problems due to the amount of bombs falling continuously night after night during the 8 months of the Blitz in 1940 – 1941. I am going to use three criteria in my assessments of these representations to determine a judgement of which is ‘best’ for describing the reaction of civilians. Representation 1 is not complete in it’s analysis of the civilians reaction as it fails to mention certain key points. One would be that there is no mention of any civilians showing high spirits for the Blitz, this article for example, shows the vast amount of devastation, disenchantment and suffering caused by the Blitz but they all had to continue with their ordinary lives and bounce back as quickly as they could in order to restore their homes and I am aware that people ripped up their fences for the use of metal to construct planes to support the soldiers, however there is no mention of this at all in Representation 1. Another key point would be that there is only mention of bombs and the ruin they caused however there is no mention of evacuation of children and how it affected the families in the process or how many people had to ration throughout the Blitz in order to survive with the little amount they had. Representation 1 is not objective as the author (Craig Stewart-Hunter) is clearly trying to break the idea of positivity. The article is modern (2011), therefore there should be some objectivity as...
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...1301 The Tears of Korean Comfort Women After Chosun (the former name of Korea) was invaded by Japan in 1910, Korean women were forcibly sent to Japan as comfort women: sex slaves of the Japanese military. ‘Comfort woman’ is a euphemism for a female sexual slave to the Japanese Imperial Army before and during World War II. The Japanese military recruited young and unmarried Asian women to join the military, then sent them to brothels in China and other Asian and Pacific countries in order to “comfort” Japanese soldiers. One of the few surviving Korean comfort women, Soon-duk Kim, gave the following testimony to Sangmie Choi Schellstede, the editor of the book, Comfort Women Speak: Testimony by Sex Slaves of the Japanese Military: “I was promised a job as a military nurse…[however, the Japan military took us to] a ruined village of Shanghai. Rooms were divided into tiny cubicles. Each of our fifty girls was divided to one of these cubicles. Now this house became a brothel, and we were sex slaves in it” (38). Kim was wounded due to numerous rape. She explained about the horrible remedy she received: “One day our manager gave me packets of black powder to take once a day…[But] after I used it several times, he then told me the powder was made from a leg of a Chinese soldier’s corpse” (38). This experience is not limited to Kim. Approximately 200,000 Korean women suffered as sex slaves of Japan’s military system before and during the World War II. Today, however, not many people...
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...Bibliography Argibay, Carmen M. "Sexual Slavery and the Comfort Women of World War II." Berkeley Journal of International Law , 6th ser., 21, no. 2 (2003): 375-89. Accessed November 20, 2017. http://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1242&context=bjil. "Comfort Women." Comfort Women | a photo story by | Panos Pictures. Accessed November 24, 2017. https://www.panos.co.uk/stories/2-13-1144-1650//Comfort-Women/#. Edwards, Wallace. Comfort women: a history of Japanese forced prostitution during the second World War. United States: Absolute Crime Books, 2013. Jonsson, Gabriel. "Can the Japan-Korea Dispute on "Comfort Women" be Resolved? ." Can the Japan-Korea Dispute on "Comfort Women" be Resolved? * 46, no. 3 (2015): 489-515. Accessed November 20, 2017....
Words: 368 - Pages: 2
...Introduction To date, World War II was the world’s worst event in human history. Colonisation is one of the reasons as to why World War II was the most horrific. Many Asian nations such as Korea, Vietnam and the part of China and so on were colonised by the European powers and Japan during World War II. And it had been raging for more than four years. Although several Asian nations were decolonised by the European powers and Japan after World War II, the wounds of the war were too serious; millions of people died and women raped and killed. Survived people still have suffered permanent injury from disease, psychological trauma of the war and social ostracism. Now, today’s Asian cinemas have been portrayed as traumatic memories of military terror to remind the history. This essay shed light on the significance of trauma in both films; The Flowers of War and The White Silk Dress in connection with the history of Korea. The Flowers of War In 1937, Nanking (today more commonly called Nanjing) Massacre was enforced for 6 weeks by Japanese troops. Millions of Chinese people cruelly died regardless of age or sex. It is also called as The Rape of Nanking, because the Japanese troops raped and killed a great number of Chinese women (Chambers 2010). The Chinese movie, the Flowers of War shows the bald historical fact of Nanjing Massacre in 1937. It is a remake of the Chinese novella, 13 Flowers of Nanjing. Then China’s Nationalist party developed friendly relations with the Nazi Germany...
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...How do you believe Great Britain successfully convinced thousands or hundreds of thousands of normal, everyday citizens to either join the war effort or to support it from the comfort of their homes? The answer is, if you thought correctly, propaganda techniques. A propaganda technique is defined as “an improper appeal to emotion used for the purpose of swaying the opinions of an audience”. In this case the improper appeal is World War II propaganda posters utilized to influence the audience, which is citizens on how they felt towards the war. By using various posters, the British government and the armed forces applied just several of the numerous propaganda techniques to encourage individuals to support the war efforts. One poster inspires industrial workers to use their time efficiently and not to waste any of their efforts because it shows a picture of a man at work taking his break standing in front of a clock. This poster utilizes one of the many persuasive...
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...Nikki Perry Period 3 3/20/13 Effects of WW2 on minorities World War II brought about many socio-economic changes into the United States as it opened up new ways for the minorities as well as women to formally become part of the majority American society. For a long time African Americans, Native Americans (Indians), Mexican Americans, and women were treated differently compared to everyone else (white men) and not in a good way. World War II brought about a lot of changes including, more working opportunities and military opportunities for minorities. African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and women were allowed to join the military although there were still some segregation and discrimination. African-Americans gained economic independence during WWII because of the job openings throughout the industry. African-American soldiers were welcomed into certain branches of the armed forces in this war, but, like other wars, there was discrimination and segregation. Soldiers still fought in segregated units throughout the war, but there were advances in the number of commissioned officers. Other forms of racism included barring African-Americans from the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army Air Corps, and the Navy only allowed African-Americans as mess men. These conditions were not promising, and these policies have been called “Jim Crow military”. Some changes were made with the 1940 Selective Service Training Act which stated that all men between 18...
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...migration often focuses on asylum seekers and refugees, but there are other groups of displaced persons. This paper will look at trafficked people, particularly on Korean comfort women during the Imperial Japan times, from the years 1931 to 1945. Comfort women are females who were forced into sexual slavery during the Sino-Japanese War and World War II, to provide sexual services to the Japanese Imperial Army troops so to improve the morale of Japanese soldiers (Lynch, 2009). The focus is placed on Korean comfort women as 80% of comfort women in Japan are Koreans (Soh, 1996). It was estimated that 160,000 Korean women were coerced into sexual slavery (Lee & Crowe, 2015). This research aims to investigate the impacts of forced migration on the lives of Korean comfort women. This paper postulates that the impacts of forced migration on the lives of Korean comfort women spans across three areas. Physically, Korean comfort women suffer from violence and injuries, sexually-transmitted diseases, as well as infertility. Mentally, they suffer from severe mental distress and lifelong trauma. Lastly, from the social aspect, Korean...
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