As the new communications manager for International Gadgets, a goal has been set forthto most effectively and efficiently communicate information about a new product that theResearch and Development team believes will revolutionize the industry. The importance andrelevance of this product must be properly communicated to all employees and teams withinInternational Gadgets.
The type of communication that should be used in a business environment should bebased on the objective that is trying to be achieved. When the goal is to communicate generalawareness to a large number of stakeholders, existing and established communication channelsare an effective choice. Communication channels that are commonly used in a businessenvironment are memos, letters, email, instant messages and text messages (Gerson, 2014). Inaddition to these commonly used methods of communication, reports, web sites, blogs,Powerpoint presentations and telephone or face to face communication are used.
The Communication Team will collaborate to identify the best channels forcommunication to each of the intended audiences. The first communication amongst theCommunications Team will occur via email. This email will outline the product details,projected launch date and the goals that R&D has requested the team to accomplish. Once weekafter the email is sent, a brainstorming meeting will be held. In this meeting, the information andgoals will be identified communicated in more detail. Additionally, the team members will beasked for feedback or ideas for helping to improve delivery of the message to all employees andmembers of management. The team will identify the best methods for communication based onthe information that the various employees will require in order to complete their assigned jobduties. According to Caywood and Stocker (1993), the first step is to determine who isresponsible for reaching a particular audience and the appropriate channel for communicating tothat audience. Once this has been determined, a backup plan also needs to be put in to place incase the initial communication channel fails. The audience also needs a method for providingfeedback or questions back to the communications team. The methods for communicating to thevarious audiences and feedback methods are identified below.
Module Three Short Paper
The first step in launching the product is obtaining approval from Upper Management.For this approval, management will need to understand the product and how it will help thecompany to expand. These steps are required to educate management with the information theyneed to approve funding for mass-production. An email will be sent with a brief introduction ofthe product and scheduling of a web presentation for additional information. During this webpresentation, R&D will provide product data and statistics as well as how the product will benefitcustomers and fall in line with the business plan of International Gadgets. Financial data willpresented, advising management of project costs and timelines. This information will be in depthand include a Gantt chart and all associated financial data, including a projected schedule forReturn on Investment. This information will consist of factual information and the webpresentation will allow for group collaboration and communication. Any questions thatmanagement has during the presentation can be addressed immediately and follow up will occurvia email.
The Sales and Marketing teams need to understand the product so it can be properlymarketed. With this in mind, R&D will provide all pertinent operating data, business benefitsand projected launch date. This information will be printed on a color brochure, both paper anddigital formats. This information, along with a demonstration video, will be distributed to allcurrent customers using similar or partnering products. The demonstration video and brochurewill provide potential savings and return on investment information. While the presentation toUpper Management will be largely text and data based, the sales presentation will contain thesame information but in a more attractive, colorful format.
Technical Support needs to thoroughly know the product in order to support it to thecustomer base. Operational videos and data spec sheets will be provided to technical support.Once a demo unit is completed and available to International Gadgets, a training meeting will beheld with all Technical Support staff. They will see the operations of the product in person andwill have the opportunity to ask questions and try the product first hand. Upon completion of thismeeting, a demo video will also be made available on the company website. This demo page willalso include a tab for general product information, a tab for product specifications, a tab for itemsrequired for operation (such as operating system, other components, etc.), a tab for troubleshooting and a tab with information that is distributable to customers.