...for change Synergetic solutions Inc. as a company had specialized in assembling computers from major leading brands then later sold the computers at a subsidized price. The need for growth and expansion brought the issue of computer networking into perspective (Burnes, 2004). It was agreed that the organization should take part in this venture. In the event of effecting a change in any organization external and internal factors must be taken into consideration. At Synergetic, employee dissatisfaction is one of the major internal drivers. The employees have to be positively motivated to ensure that they welcome the changes and they take the initiative to learn new skills to aid the success of the change that was intended. “Morale largely surges when employees are empowered to aid reduce the impact of the company’s products and processes” (National Research Council Canada, 2003). Through incentives and bonuses for the employees they ensured success in one of the internal drivers of change. Another internal driver was better quality of their products in the market. Synergetic solutions had to come up with ways to ensure that what they were giving out in the market was performing at ultimate level. One other internal driver of change was humble financial performances which caused anxiety among employees. The fear that there might be future belt-tightening or company shutdown was a major fear among employees. Among the external drivers for change at Synergetic was the market...
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...Life Styles Inventory Paper DeVry College of New York Leadership & Organizational Behavior Abstract This paper contains detailed analysis of my primary, back up and limiting thinking styles depicted from Life Styles Inventory survey results and how I manifest these thinking styles in my personal and professional life is in the first part. This paper also contains the impact of my personal style on management style, assess the impact on my effectiveness as a manager in terms of the four functions of management in the second part. Genesis of personal style, how I developed these styles as revealed by the Life Style Inventory survey is included in the third part. The paper will conclude with summary containing on how I value this exercise for my academic, personal and professional growth. Life Styles Inventory Part I: Personal Thinking Styles (Primary, Back-up, and Limiting) From the Life styles Inventory (LSI) survey, my primary thinking style is “Conventional” which showed a score of 91th percentile and my back-up style is “Self-Actualization” which showed a score of 90th percentile. I accept the survey results regarding my primary and back-up personal thinking styles. “Conventional” thinking style measures how the native adheres to rules, follows practices and principles. “Self-Actualization” thinking style represents the Self-respect, Self-realization, Receptive, Simplicity, emphasis equality, creativity, pursue of knowledge and desire to give for the society of...
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...Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Intrapersonal Effectiveness 2 2.1 Definition of Intrapersonal Effectiveness----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2.2 Jackson’s Hybrid Model 2 2.3 Learning Style Profiler 3 2.4 Goals Settin 4 2.5 Organisational Effectiveness 4 3.0 Social and Cultural Issues---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 4.0 Interpersonal Effectiveness 5 4.1 Definition of Interpersonal Effectiveness 5 4.2 Communication Process Model 5 4.3 SPARK 6 4.4 Diversity and Culture 6 4.5 Organisational Effectiveness 7 5.0 Conclusion 7 6.0 References 8 7.0 Appendices 10 1.0 Introduction Learning is regard as holistic processes of adaptation to the world. People learn for the resolution of possible conflicts between dialectically opposed and synergetic modes between the workplace and oneself (Kolb & Kolb, 2005). In the portfolio I will reflect on my learning in relation to my experiences that I have study on BSB124. I will discuss it in two second, including intrapersonal effectiveness and interpersonal effectiveness. First, I will indicate how my learning style helps me be effective to intrapersonal study and work. Then, I will reflect on my practice as developing our group presentation. My reflections will be evaluated and supported by reference to the related theories and models we have learnt from this unit. Also...
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...the Source of Learning and Development (Kolb 1984), is built on six propositions that are shared by these scholars.” 1. Learning is best conceived as a process, not in terms of outcomes. 2. All learning is relearning. Learning is best facilitated by a process that draws out the students' beliefs and ideas about a topic so that they can be examined, tested, and integrated with new, more refined ideas. 3. Learning requires the resolution of conflicts between dialectically opposed modes of adaptation to the world, i.e. reflection and action - and feeling and thinking. 4. Learning is a holistic process of adaptation to the world, not just cognition but also feeling, perceiving, and behaving. 5. Learning results from synergetic transactions between the person and the environment. 6. Learning is the process of creating knowledge. (see constructivism) Using the learning cycle proposed by Kurt Lewin and the philosophy of John Dewey, David Kolb developed the experiential learning model to describe...
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...Introduction Leadership? What is it? What all does it encompass? Can you define it? Over decades, leadership has been a very fluid concept. Various scholars and researches (maybe influenced by the leaders of their respective times) define the term differently with each definition possessing unique features, qualities and its significance to the society as whole. For example, in 1930s, E.S. Bogardus defined it as “a process in which the activities of many are organized to move in a specific direction by one leader”. This definition signifies ‘Directional leadership’, which is to say one-leading-many. In 1990s, however, J.Rost’s definition on the other hand was “Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes” i.e. mutual influence for mutual benefits. The question arises which one is correct? If any? The answer is both in their respective domains. Leadership is a vast and multifaceted concept that is ever evolving with time. Thus, it is not important to chase the definition of the concept but to concentrate on its essence. The most important essence of leadership is follower-ship, since without followers one cannot be a leader. The word ‘leadership’ misleads into believing that the leader is the central figure in the concept, it is in fact the followers who are of the utmost importance. It is imperative for a successful leader to understand the needs of the followers and to empower, inspire them...
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...------------------------------------------------- ESSAY STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AT QUANTUM 1. Juni 2015 Jasmin Fink & Kerstin Grobe 1. Juni 2015 Jasmin Fink & Kerstin Grobe Introduction The following case study is based on an article by Deborah Barber, Mark A. Huselid and Brian E. Becker which was published in the Human Resource Management Magazine (© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) in 1999. It describes the Strategic Human Resource Management at the Quantum Corporation, a company that was founded in 1980 in San José/ Silicon Valley. Quantum is committed to the computer industry and was the leading global supplier of computer hard disks at that time. As information technology industry is exposed to tough market conditions, Quantum had to face some major challenges. For that reason, Quantum’s human resource management is in line with its superior strategy and the company prepares its employees to master the challenges while simultaneously creating a motivated and satisfied workforce. External Challenges facing Quantum Companies such as Quantum face five big challenges: Globalization, growth, technology, intellectual capital and change. Operating on a global market demands a paradoxical approach: Thinking global while simultaneously acting local. This means “maintaining the advantages of a small, focused company” which enables them to customize their products to meet local customers’ needs while sharing ideas, people and information around the globe. Quantum’s...
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...Mentoring Made Easy A practical guide NSW Government Publication ISBN 0 7310 9771 8 Written by Carlie Spencer Updated by Kathy Tribe Designed by Jana Sokolovskaja © Employment Equity and Diversity, Public Employment Office, NSW Premier's Department 2004 First published 1996 Second edition 1999 Third edition 2004 To order more copies, please contact: Employment Equity and Diversity, Public Employment Office, NSW Premier's Department 2004 Level 17, Bligh House, 4-6 Bligh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 02 9228 4444 Fax 02 8243 9484 TTY 02 9228 3544 Email eeo@eeo.nsw.gov.au Home page www.eeo.nsw.gov.au CONTENTS Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 What is Mentoring? .................................................................................................................. 5 Why a Mentoring Program? ..................................................................................................... 6 The Benefits of Mentoring Programs ....................................................................................... 7 Steps to a Successful Mentoring Program............................................................................... 9 Choosing a Mentor................................................................................................................. 15 Roles and Attributes of the Mentee and Mentor.......................................
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...Analysis Page 16 Monitoring and Evaluating Workforce Trends Conclusion Page 17 Reference List Introduction: This intent of this Workforce Planning Report is to ensure the correct management of current labour supplies and demands and those for the next 3–5 years and to enable Video Ezy to correctly and efficiently manage its overall workforce. Video Ezy is one of Australia’s best-known and largest names for DVD, Blu-Ray and video game rentals and purchasing in Australia, with both in store and online shopping available. Video Ezy employs 70 people at their head office in Rhodes, Sydney, New South Wales. With the inclusion of 375 franchise stores, over 2,600 people are employed under the Video Ezy banner. Video Ezy has also created synergetic partnerships with the likes of McDonalds, Coke, Virgin Mobile, Pizza Hut and Smiths. In the busiest hour on an average Saturday night, Video Ezy stores serve approximately 100,000 people. Company History and Background: Video Ezy opened in 1983 with the first store in Hurstville, Sydney. Video Ezy expanded rapidly and now boasts 375 stores nationwide. 2009 - Video Ezy acquired DVD retailer, EzyDVD Pty Limited from its administrators. 2008 - Video Ezy...
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...THE EFFECTS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON PRODUCTIVITY USING THE PROBIT MODEL (A CASE STUDY OF SKYE BANK PLC EDO STATE) BY SIDI VICTOR IZUAGBE ACC/2008/501 DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKE, ENUGU, ENUGU STATE AUGUST, 2013 TITLE PAGE THE EFFECTS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON PRODUCTIVITY USING THE PROBIT MODEL (A CASE STUDY OF SKYE BANK PLC EDO STATE) BY SIDI VICTOR IZUAGBE ACC/2008/501 A RESEARCH PROJECT PRESENTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUTANCY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc) DEGREE IN ACCOUNTANCY, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKE, ENUGU STATE AUGUST, 2013 APPOVAL PAGE This project on The effects of total quality management on productivity: A case study of Skye Bank Plc, written by Sidi Victor Izuagbe of Accountancy Department has been approved and assessed by the committee of Accountancy Department, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Caritas University Amorji-Nike. Enugu ……………………………… SUPERVISOR ……………… DATE PROF. E.O. NWADIALOR …………………………….. ………………. HEAD OF DEPARMENT DATE DR. FRANK. E. OVUTE ……………………………… EXTERNAL SUPERVISOR ……………… DATE CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the research work titled the effects of total quality management on productivity using the probit model: a case study of Skye Bank Plc was carried out by and written by SIDI VICTOR IZUAGBE with Registration number...
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...MGMT 20027 Internet and Electronic Marketing Assessment Item1 Written Assessment Web Case Study: Facebook and small business Executive Summary As social media has grown, the amount of virtual communities (VC) and consumer-generated contents have increased and established its power. This provided marketers so many opportunities and advantages to convey their marketing survey or to plan and implement marketing strategies. However, due to enormous amount of data and various possibilities to use this marketing tool, it has become great mystery for some businesses how they can use it wisely. Issues can be seen when some marketers cannot make appropriate decisions related to its purpose of marketing campaign or core values of the businesses. Hence, This report examines how companies use this one of the most powerful social media, Facebook with a case study of an apparel company, Lorna Jane. This company has succussed operating their Facebook page since they commit to make efforts to engage with their customers rather than push to sell their products too much. This paper reveals their effective strategies such as: • To appeal their cultural side or their company messages to invite consumers’ agreement and enhance its community. • To respond to customers action on Facebook on real time when needed so that they will not miss the opportunity to increase customers interactions. • To encourage consumers to be actively involved in their...
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...Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal Managing complexity: using ambivalence and contingency to support diversity in organizations Iris Koall Article information: Downloaded by Roehampton University At 03:40 24 January 2016 (PT) To cite this document: Iris Koall, (2011),"Managing complexity: using ambivalence and contingency to support diversity in organizations", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 30 Iss 7 pp. 572 - 588 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610151111167034 Downloaded on: 24 January 2016, At: 03:40 (PT) References: this document contains references to 76 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 2271 times since 2011* Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: Christina Schwabenland, Frances Tomlinson, (2008),"Managing diversity or diversifying management?", Critical perspectives on international business, Vol. 4 Iss 2/3 pp. 320-333 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/17422040810870033 Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour, Fernanda Serotini Gordono, Jorge Henrique Caldeira de Oliveira, Jose Carlos Martinez, Rosane Aparecida Gomes Battistelle, (2011),"Diversity management: Challenges, benefits, and the role of human resource management in Brazilian organizations", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 30 Iss 1 pp. 58-74 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610151111110072 ...
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...SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN System development life cycle INTRODUCTION Systems Development: is the entire process of creating an application, gathering user requirements, designing the database, designing the modules, coding the programs, testing the product and implementing it. The historical perspective provides insights that inform today’s work. The history started with business applications created in the 1950’s, develops under the influence of legacy systems, and evolves together with technological and social factors. The significance of system changes has increased. Moreover, many specialists now need certain skills in the analysis, understanding, and evaluation of the system development and evolution processes. Systems are created to solve problems. Early systems development often took place in a rather chaotic and haphazard manner, relying entirely on the skills and experience of the individual people members performing the work. The history of systems development has a different fundamental change agent, a different factor which may be thought of as driving the history, of stimulating long-run changes. All system development efforts engage in some combination of the below tasks, System conceptualization, System requirements and benefits analysis, Project adoption and project scoping, System design, Specification of software requirements, Architectural design, Detailed design, Unit development, Software integration and testing, System integration and testing, Installation...
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...The Marketing Review, 2003, 3, 289-309 www.themarketingreview.com Demetris Vrontis1 and Iain Sharp2 Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and Legal and General The Strategic Positioning of Coca-Cola in their Global Marketing Operation Examines how Coca-Cola has strategically positioned it self within the world’s soft drinks market. Given that they operate in over 200 countries, they are faced with a clear choice of whether to standardise their product offerings globally and reap the potential benefits of economies of scale, adapt their offerings to a particular market (which may facilitate increased market specific penetration), or adopt an integrated approach utilising both approaches simultaneously (Vrontis’ AdaptStand approach). There has been much literature written regarding the external and often uncontrollable factors which may impact upon a firms positioning strategy; this paper looks at these externalities and the internal controllables in order to derive a ‘best fit’ strategic and tactical approach. Moreover, this paper looks at the strategic international positioning of Coca-Cola by utilising a number of models. Keywords: Coca-Cola, global, international, strategy, positioning, adaptation, standardisation, AdaptStand, AdaptStandation, international, marketing, Introduction If we consider business to be akin to war, then perhaps there is no better starting point than the writings of Sun Tzu [circa 400-320 B.C.]. ‘The Art of ...
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...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ International Conference on Telecommunication Technology and Management (ICTTM 2015) April 11-12, 2015 ORGANIZED BY Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management Indian Institute of Technology Delhi ACADEMIC PARTNERS Telecom Ecole de Management, France GSM Association (GSMA) PUBLICATION PARTNER SPONSORS 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Day 1 (11th April, 2015) Registration (9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.) Venue: Seminar Hall, IIT Delhi Inaugural Session (10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.) Venue: Seminar Hall, IIT Delhi Networking High Tea (11:00 A.M.. - 11:30 A.M.) Panel Discussion (11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.) Venue: Seminar Hall, IIT Delhi Lunch (1:00 P.M.- 2:00 P.M.) Venue: Cricket Ground, IIT Delhi Track 1 Venue: Room No 101, Ground Floor, Bharti School, IIT Delhi Session Coordinator: Ms. Shiksha Kushwah Session 1 Session 2 (2:00P.M. to 3:30 P.M.) (4:00P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) Session Chair(s) Session Chair(s) Prof. Sushil Prof. S. S. Yadav Prof. Kirankumar S. Momaya Dr. Sujata Joshi Track 2 Venue: Room No 106, Ground Floor, Bharti School, IIT Delhi Session Coordinator: Ms. Rojalin Pradhan ...
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...OF CONTENTS SL NO. | TOPIC | 1 | INTRODUCTION | 2 | CHALLENGES FACED AND THE NEED FOR GOOD HR PRACTICES IN ORGANIZATIONS | 3 | INNOVATIVE HR PRACTICES | 4 | FOUR CRITICAL DIMENSIONS OF BEST PRACTICES | 5 | INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN DIFFERENT HR AREAS | 6 | CREATIVE THAT LEADING COMPANIES USE TO MAXIMISE THE POWER OF PEOPLE | 7 | ORGANIZATIONS THAT TOP THE LIST FOR THE BEST ADOPETED HR PRACTICES | 8 | LATEST NEWS ON THE INNOVATIVE HR PRACTICES ADOPTED ACROSS VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS: | 9 | CONCLUSION | INTRODUCTION India was declared itself open to Liberalization in the year 1991. This paved the way for industrialization and rapid transformation in the Industry and Business sector. Liberalization also meant change in the working style of the people and hence organizations needed to innovate the HRM practices in an effort to ensure survival in an increasingly hypercompetitive environment. The key challenges of any HR department are employee acquisition, retention, developing employees, performance management, and talent-management according. Seeking, developing and engaging and keeping talent is a big challenge for today’s organizations because of innumerable options available outside. This is especially true for the Indian IT industry. Hence, argues that if companies continue to implement or use the traditional ways of Human Resource practices, is it quite doubtful whether the HR manager would be able to sustain the organization during an economic downturn. HRM in India...
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