Premium Essay



Submitted By suman5985
Words 459
Pages 2
Communication Communication is the ability to listen, question and articulate thoughts and ideas appropriately. The ability to communicate effectively is important in relationships, education and work. Communication produces work that is legible, clear and structured using correct spelling and grammar. This is one of the basic skill that is needed not just for degree, but also in future job too. Communication acts by declaring the knowledge and experiences, giving advices and commands, and by asking questions. These acts may take many forms, including gestures (nonverbal communication, sign language and body language), writing, and verbal speaking. Nonverbal communication or body language is a necessary ingredient for developing relationships with any people. Solid eye contact, enthusiastic hand gestures, smiling on a regular basis, and nodding one's head occasionally suggest confidence in and enthusiasm for the message communicated. By developing your awareness of the signs and signals of body language, you can more easily understand other people, and more effectively communicate with them. By becoming more aware of this body language and understanding what it might mean, you can learn to read people more easily. This puts you in a better position to communicate effectively with them. Good communicators are rarely at a loss for words. Most professionals believe that writing is a means to an end rather than a skill to be developed and perfected over time. But it has been always true that without good writing, any kind of communication is impossible. If the list is long, it has to keep short to a manageable number. Additionally, its necessary setting sights on specific postures or radical changes of opinion. Neither is likely unless people are highly motivated or easily influenced. Look for an opening discussion that captures their attention and causes them

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