...Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs a n d R i g h t s o f Yo u n g P e o p l e s i n c e I C P D – T h e C o n t r i b u t i o n o f U N F PA a n d I P P F Bangladesh Country Evaluation Report DFID Department for International Development Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs and Rights of Young People since ICPD: The contribution of UNFPA and IPPF Bangladesh Country Evaluation Report September 2003 Written by: Alanagh Raikes Malabika Sarker Hashima-e-Nasreen For: UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG UNFPA and IPPF Evaluation: Bangladesh Country Report CONTENTS Acronyms................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... ii Acknowledgements ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... iv Analytical Summary ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 1 Key Findings and Recommendations................................ ................................ ..................... 8 Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 12 Section 1: The Country Specific Context ................................ ................................ .............. 14 Section 2: The Country Programmes’ Strategic Priorities ................................ .................
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...Community Health Advocacy Cherilynne Dator NUR | 544 January 14, 2013 Terry Kapfhammer Community Health Advocacy More than ever, thousands of young people experiment prohibited drugs. Whereas numerous of young teenagers by no means take their drug usage farther than the experimentation level, far too many will persist to absorb in this treacherous behavior until their drug abuse interrupts their lives. The most prevalent drugs of abuse among teenagers include alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs as well as common over-the-counter medications such as cough syrups containing pseudoephedrine and inhalants. This paper focuses on the drug abuse of prescription medications among teenagers from age 13 to 18 that has emerged as a public health concern and one that has evolved into epidemic levels. This seeks to elevate the visibility of the elapsed challenges, and problems associated with this epidemic. Prescription Medication Abuse: A Public Health Threat There is a compelling rationale that prescription medications are intentionally to be taken under the direction of a physician because if improperly consume these can be hazardous. Subsequently, teens are crafting decision to abuse prescription medications based on lack of information. In fact, numerous teens assumed that prescription medication abuse is safer than abusing illicit medications. Unfortunately, drug abuse pertaining to medication prescription is on the rise. This is the primary...
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...postmodern movement, and has been influential in the field of cultural studies. Some have gone so far as to attribute the rise of cultural studies (the cultural turn) to social constructionism. Berger (1966) is perhaps best known for his view that social reality is a form of consciousness. Central to Berger's work is the relationship between society and the individual. In his book The Social Construction of Reality Berger develops a sociological theory: 'Society as Objective Reality and as Subjective Reality'. His analysis of society as subjective reality describes the process by which an individual's conception of reality is produced by his or her interaction with social structures. He writes about how new human concepts or inventions become a part of our reality (a process he calls reification) Within the social constructionist strand of postmodernism, the concept of socially constructed reality stresses the on-going mass-building of worldviews by individuals in dialectical interaction with society at any time. The numerous realities so formed comprise, according to this view, the imagined worlds...
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...families formerly residing along the Pasig River, railroad tracks and privatized government properties; (3) isolated communities; and (4) families unable to meet the minimum legal requirements to apply for and secure legal electricity connections. The thrust of rural/missionary electrification is to develop feasible alternatives to provide these communities with electricity through workable socialized schemes that are suitable to these potential beneficiaries in partnership with Local Government Units (LGUs), Non- Government Organizations (NGOs), and multilateral or bilateral financing institutions. As the leading electric distribution utility company in the country, Meralco also extends support and assistance to other distribution utilities and cooperatives in restoring electricity service to their customers in urban and rural areas particularly in times of emergencies. 2. Grassroots Partnership (Local Government/Barangay) Meralco recognizes the importance of local government units, government agencies and barangays play in uplifting the lives of the people, improving the environment of their communities and enabling commercial and industrial businesses to operate in a sustainable manner. Meralco continues its commitment towards strong partnerships with local government and barangays by providing appropriate support for certain local community needs, such as health, sanitation,...
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...THE IMPACT OF THE CHARITIES AND SOCIETIES LEGISLATION ON THE PROMOTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN ETHIOPIA By Gebremedhin Birega gbdagaga@gmail.com March 2014 Addis Ababa Ethiopia 1 Abstract Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in general and environmental CSOs in particular, have been playing considerable constructive role in the nation building efforts in Ethiopia. However, all their contributions are not wholeheartedly accepted by the government. In 2009, the government introduced a new law overtly presented to register, administer and create an enabling environment for a more meaningful contribution of CSOs/NGOs. Nevertheless, it has been argued that the introduction of the new law further weakened the already young and inexperienced CSO/NGO sector in general and those engaged in environmental justice in particular. The main objective of this paper is therefore to assess the impact of the legislation on NGOs/CSOs engaged in environmental justice mainly in: limiting areas of intervention; affecting access to foreign funds and other forms of support to undertake mandated tasks; retaining competence including knowledge and skills; making government answerable to felt needs of the society; advancing meaningful networking among CSOs at national, regional and global level on environmental policy reform issues; downsized change in amount of budget and skilled staff; engaging in research undertaking; conducting quality monitoring and evaluation activities. Based on...
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...322 COURSE TITLE: COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION AND PARTICIPATION CHS 322: COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION AND PARTICIPATION Course Developer/Writer Chief Michael Wilson Ibet- Iragunima Rivers State College of Health Science and Technology Port Harcourt Prof. Afolabi Adebanjo School of Science and Technology National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos Programme Leader Course Coordinator Kayode S. Olubiyi School of Science and Technology National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos National Open University of Nigeria Headquarters 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way Victoria Island Lagos Abuja Annex 245 Samuel Adesujo Ademulegun Street Central Business District Opposite Arewa Suites Abuja E-mail: centralinfo@nou.edu.ng URL: www.nou.edu.ng National Open University of Nigeria 2008 First Printed 2008 ISBN: All Rights Reserved Printed by…………………………………. For National Open University of Nigeria Headquarters 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way Victoria Island Lagos e-mail: centrainfo@nou.edu.ng ur/: www.nou.edu.ng Study Units The study units in this course are as follows: Module 1: Unit I: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Community Mobilization Concept of Community Mobilization Rationale for Community Mobilization Steps involved in Community Mobilization Community Participation Rationale for Community Participation Formation and Organization of Development Committees Community Diagnosis Concept of Community Diagnosis Rationale for Community Diagnosis Steps in Community Diagnosis Methods...
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...FOREWORD In a span of only five years, the population of the Philippines grew by 7.7 million – from 68.8 million in 1995 to 76.5 million in 2000. During this period, the population growth rate (PGR) was 2.36 percent per year, which means the population doubling time will be within 29 years if the rate does not decline (NSO, 2001). Side by side with rapid population growth is poverty, which still grips about a third of the country's 15.3 million households (NSO, 2001a). This Country Report is timely in that it revisits the link between population/development and poverty, environment, and resources. The Report has two purposes. First, it intends to review the Philippine population/development situation, including issues of reproductive health and gender equity, from the perspective of goals affirmed in the Bali Declaration, the ICPD Program of Action and other related documents. The report's second purpose is to highlight priority population issues in the context of alleviating poverty and improving the quality of life of Filipinos. To reduce poverty significantly within the coming decade, the Philippines must face the challenge of building the capacities of its vast human capital. Only in this way can Filipino families, especially the poor, meaningfully, responsibly, and productively participate in the development process. CONTENTS |FOREWORD ...
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...Health Advocacy Campaign Childhood obesity is considered one of the major pressing health issues of our century. The rate of childhood obesity has increased alarmingly, with the number of obese children under five globally standing at over 42 million today. Approximately 35 million of obese children are living in the developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) children who are obese and overweight are very likely to stay obese into their adulthood; further, they stand a high chance of developing non communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease while they are still young (Cheng, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the gravity of childhood obesity based on statistics and the health effects that the issue has on the children and impacts in the society. Further, the study will develop a health advocacy plan for the problem. Review laws, regulations, and ethical issues that could impact health advocacy plan in regards to childhood obesity. Population Health Issue and Population Affected Childhood obesity has spread to global dimensions and is progressively affecting many low- and middle-income countries, and particularly those that are domiciled in urban settings. In the US alone, one in every five children is obese or overweight; this number is on the rise. Although weight problems can be traced back to the family genealogy, however, this is not all children who come from families that have a known...
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...below used Federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Justice and prepared the following final report: Document Title: Lake County, California, Arrest Policies Project: A Process Evaluation Author(s): Brenda K. Uekert Ph.D. Document No.: 201874 Date Received: September 2003 Award Number: 98-WE-VX-0012 This report has not been published by the U.S. Department of Justice. To provide better customer service, NCJRS has made this Federallyfunded grant final report available electronically in addition to traditional paper copies. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. Institute for Law and Justice 1018 Duke Street Alexandria, Virginia Phone: 703-684-5300 Fax: 703-739-5533 E-Mail: ilj@ilj.org Lake County, California, Arrest Policies Project A Process Evaluation April 5, 2000 Prepared by Brenda K. Uekert, Ph.D. Prepared for Lake County, California National Institute of Justice Violence Against Women Office Introduction The Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies Program encourages jurisdictions to implement mandatory or pro-arrest policies as an effective domestic violence intervention that is part of a coordinated community response. Congress appropriated funds for the Arrest Program under the Violence Against Women Act (1994). The Program assumes that the arrest of a batterer will leverage...
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...Community Health Advocacy Project-Part One Community health is a way to provide the necessary information patients need without having to give patients a new health care provider. Community health provides families with the help that they may need and a peace of mind knowing that they are there. The disciplines of people that are helped vary from community to community. This paper will explore an aggregate that has health concerns that are interesting to the reader. To find an aggregate that has health concerns is easy but finding one that interests a person enough to research is slightly harder to find. Geriatrics is one aggregate that is becoming a larger and is growing every year. People are living longer and need more nursing care as their health declines (Coleman, 2005). Medication compliance is a major problem for those who are in the geriatrics population. Some do not understand why they need to take their medication daily, while others cannot afford to continue taking them. Geriatrics is what the population mostly consists of in the community. Some of the questions that come up include are geriatric patients taking too many medications at one time, are the medications making the patient confused, and do the patients have someone who can assist them when they have questions regarding their medications. Some of the areas considered to have strengths include the use of public health or even home care. Different factors affect how well the medication regime...
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... 2014 Leslie Hernandez Founder & President Human Nature Project 1234 Human Nature Ave. Las Vegas, Nevada 89149 Dear Mr. Mike Sprinkle, We are requesting $79,272 for our agency to hire on two full-time advocates to represent our clients who are underage prostitutes who are seeking to become productive members of society. Human Nature Project will bring two full time advocates to work in our agency’s office to help bring our clients into a partnership within our community. Our agency is located at 1234 Human Nature Ave., Las Vegas Nevada 89149. We believe this request fits under your giving area of Nevada Anti-Prostitution Organization because of your community’s helpful citizen give back program. Our vision and mission are central to our efforts in generating funds for these advocates: The Human Nature Project’s mission is help to women change their situations by giving them hope to transform their lives and no longer be victimized. A new way of life and view of self-worth for the victims of underage prostitution to have a new start within their community is needed here in Clark County for the following reasons: 1) Children cannot consent to prostitution and are considered to be victims of child sex trafficking 2) Underage prostitution is on the rise in Clark County 3) Some minors are charged as criminals instead of being looked at as victims. With this grant, we hope to employ two full-time advocates to accompany our clients to court. This court...
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...issues for the CCIC’s Learning Circle on NGO Engagement with the Private Sector. CCIC is grateful to the IDRC’s Canadian Partnerships Program for funding for the Learning Circle, including the production of this paper. The author wishes to express appreciation for the editing and other assistance provided by Brian Tomlinson of the CCIC, and for suggestions from other members of the planning group for the Learning Circle: Andrea Botto, Anne Buchanan, Tim Draimin, Philippe Jean, Brian Murphy and Lynda Yanz. 2 NGO Engagement with the Private Sector on a Global Agenda to End Poverty : A Review of the Issues Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. What is this discussion really about? 2 3. Canadian NGOs: issues in advocacy, dialogue and partnership 3 3.1 Advocacy 3 3.2 Direct dialogue 6 3.3 Programming social partnerships and strategic alliances 8 3.3.1 What is driving the discussion of social programming partnerships and strategic alliances? a) Corporate interests b) Intermediary organizations c) NGO interests d) Government agendas e) Overlapping NGO-corporate interests? 10 10 11 12 13 14 3.3.2 Financial relationships 15 3.3.3 Strategic alliances and programming partnerships a) NGO and service / consulting firm partnerships b) Mining sector alliances and partnerships c) Codes of conduct for consumer goods 16 16 17 18 4. Cross-cutting issues 19 4.1 Approaches to social change for poverty reduction 19 4.2 Due diligence 19 4.3 Transparency and Accountability...
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...government agencies, political parties, labor union etc. Unnayan Shamannay denotes coordination of developmental activities, not in the narrow sense, but in the wider context of all the aspects of a living society and human race - reckoning with all the quantifiable and qualitative actions a society carries out. The members of Unnayan Shamannay have been striving to invigorate and further strengthen private sector initiatives for socioeconomic and cultural development of Bangladesh through a concerted grassroots approach.It is an innovative non-profit research organization of resourceful professionals working in the arena of research and development. It is engaged in quantitative and qualitative research work, training, communication and advocacy, cultural learning and developmental activities. The organization was incorporated in July 1994 under the Companies Act, 1913 (section 26) with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh (The Registration number is C-345 (02)/94).Unnayan Shamannay was conceived in the light of a felt need for an alternative socio-cultural trend, a trend that encompasses the struggle for survival thriving on the creative talent of the people. This trend does not seek to depict the country as poverty-ridden. Rather it seeks to uphold the country as a free and resilient entity, demonstrating...
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...partnerships with communal, local and regional Non-Governmental Organizations, whose development and advocacy projects Oxfam support and whose cause Oxfam try to champion in the North. Background Oxfam International (OI) is a confederation of 13 organizations working together with over 3,000 partner organizations in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. Currently Ol, with an objective to ensure Economic Justice, has initiated a global campaign with national focuses. Bangladesh has been selected as one of the ten focus countries across the globe. This has resulted into the Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) in Bangladesh with a view to seeing that more women and men living in poverty with vulnerable livelihoods in rural areas will realize their right to secure sustainable livelihoods. This will require Oxfam to contributing to equality with growth, the empowerment of women and men to demand their economic rights, and reducing the vulnerability of poor women and men. Under the framework- agriculture, climate change and trade policy have been identified as three major areas to address and work on to reduce rural poverty and vulnerability. Nearly 70 non-government organizations are now part of the campaign in Bangladesh. The Campaign’s goal and objective necessitate OI’s basic campaign activities like, research, advocacy, media works and popular mobilization (pop-mob) to advance the...
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...Health Advocacy on Childhood Obesity Janeane Horan Walden University August third, 2014 Introduction According to the Center of Disease Control approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. Since 1980, obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has almost tripled (CDC, 2012). Today’s nurses are faced with a growing trend in overweight and obese children and have the responsibility to be the patient advocate and help. Health promotion is one of the most important aspects of nursing, and no matter what setting a nurse is in; they have the power to provoke change. Childhood obesity will be discussed in detail throughout this paper. Public policy needs to address the arising concern that childhood obesity has on today’s society. Creating an advocacy program based on two effective childhood obesity programs; The Power Up Initiative and Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) can do just that. The potential community-based advocacy program in this paper will address what needs to be included in school and after school programs to promote health and prevention of obesity. The program will also need to have a specific plan on what and how to educate local pediatricians and nurses regarding childhood obesity. What is it and what is the cause? Obesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of fat in the body (Mckinney, E., James, S., Murray, S., Ashwill, J., 2009). Fat is accumulated in the body when there is a combination...
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