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Community Policing: A Counter-Terrorism Analysis

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4. Community policing as a counter-terrorism strategy
The first reaction of most police services was to abandon the community policing philosophy in the so-called “war on terror”. Many returned to the traditional model of policing with its paramilitaristic approach. This phenomenon could in fact be observed in Belgium after the terrorist attacks in Brussels on March 22nd, 2016. Critics however view this approach as counterproductive. It undoes all progress made by community policing in gaining trust from the public (Murray, 2005). In the aftermath of the events on 9/11, authors such as Murray (2005), Rice (2015), Paris (2007) and Pickering et al. (2007), all proposed to explicitly use community policing strategies to counter terrorism. Now …show more content…
Liberties such as the right to be free from surveillance, to practice a religion without the interference of the government and the freedom of association, are all violated (Aziz, 2014).

Fourth, it is argued that it helps to perpetuate the stereotype of the “terrorist-other” rather than abolishing it (Aziz, 2014). Community policing as a counter-terrorism strategy namely primarily focuses on Muslim communities as the ‘suspect community’. This only tends to give even more rise to Islamophobia. Increasingly, Muslims are victim of racial abuse. Women are being spat on for wearing a hijab, their headscarves get ripped off in public, Mosques are being vandalized and so on (Sumpter, 2016).

Fifth, community policing as a counter-radicalization strategy turns being part of a religious community as it were into a crime, differentiating “good Muslims” from “bad Muslims” rather than terrorists from civilians (Mamdani, 2002). The differentiation made between “good Muslim/bad Muslim” is based on an individual’s willingness to cooperate with the police and share intelligence about their community (Aziz, …show more content…
‘Can community policing serve as a counter-radicalization strategy in an era of terrorism?’ Throughout this paper, the answer to this question has been sought. It can be concluded that community policing, a philosophy which emphases trust, collaboration and partnership in preventing and fighting crime, definitely should not be abolished in the current era of home grown terrorists.

What’s more, this paper confirmed that community policing could indeed be deployed as a counter-terrorist strategy. Through building partnerships with many members of a community, police can gather important intelligence, which can help to trace down radicalized individuals or groups before they actually commit acts of terror. While there are many advantages to this strategy such as the de-mystifying and de-vilifying of culturally and linguistically different groups, the identification of underlying causes of radicalization and the very prevention of radicalization, there are also a considerable amount of downsides to deploying community policing as a counter-terrorist strategy. It for examples divides the Muslim community into ‘good Muslims and bad Muslims’. Moreover, it destroys community bonds and violates numerous civil

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