...ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED WORK 4.1 Text Samples The samples of text are taken from a database consisting of about 5500 messages comprising of the messages which are sent from individual-to-individual and those that are sent as spam to a large number of recipients. As stated previously, unsolicited bulk messages are called SPAM, whereas those which are normally send from one-to-one in routine are known as HAM. Table 4.1 enlists a few of such samples. The complete database is provided in the CD ROM enclosed. TABLE 4.1 NORMAL (HAM) AND SPAM TEXT MESSAGES NORAMAL (HAM) SPAM Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat... Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's...
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...ASSIGNMENT 1 COMP-202, Fall 2014, All Sections Due: September 19th , 2014 (23:59) Please read the entire pdf before starting. You must do this assignment individually and, unless otherwise specified, you must follow all the general instructions and regulations for assignments. Graders have the discretion to deduct up to 10% of the value of this assignment for deviations from the general instructions and regulations. These regulations are posted on the course website. Be sure to read them before starting. Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: 60 points 20 points 20 points 100 points total It is very important that you follow the directions as closely as possible. The directions, while perhaps tedious, are designed to make it as easy as possible for the TAs to mark the assignments by letting them run your assignment through automated tests. While these tests will not determine your entire grade, it will speed up the process significantly, which will allow the TAs to provide better feedback and not waste time on administrative details. Plus, if the TA is in a good mood while he or she is grading, then that increases the chance of them giving out partial marks. Marks can be removed if comments are missing, if the code is not well structured, or if your solution does not follow the assignment specifications. Assignment Question 1: Scratch Project (60 points) You are to head to http://scratch.mit.edu/ and create an account. Start by exploring some projects, and click on the see...
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...and arithmetic/logical unit together known as CPU (central processing unit). –Arithmetic/Logic Unit: carries out mathematical operations and logical comparisons, consist of very large scale integrated circuits, can perform billion operations per second, numbers taking from memories as input and results stored in memory as output. -Control Unit: controls the other five compo of the comp system, enables the comp to take advantage of speed and capacity of its other compo, list of operations called a program, these operations read from memory, interpreted and carried out one at a time (stored program concept). –Cache memory: high speed, high cost storage, used as intermediary between control unit and main memory, compensates for speed mismatches built into the comp system. –Multiple processor configurations: a comp system usually contains more than one processor, dual processor contain two physical separate processors as two separate chips, dual core contain two complete processors manufactured as a single chip, dual processor are better and faster. –Input: devices allow users to enter data into the comp for processing, common devices: keyboard, disk drive, magnetic ink character, etc) –Terminal: Simpler than PC, design for input and output, connected to computer with telecommunication line. –Output: devices produce results in usable format, common output methods: printer, output to paper using various types of printers, video display unit, displays output on a screen. –Data: Streams...
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...Standard du gouvernement du Québec sur les ressources informationnelles Cadre commun d’interopérabilité Volet 0 – Mise en œuvre Version 1.3 31 mars 2005 © Gouvernement du Québec Avertissement Ce document ne constitue pas pour l’instant un standard officiel du gouvernement du Québec. Il a franchi l’étape de l’enquête élargie qui précède son approbation par le Conseil du trésor. Son contenu est encore sujet à modification sans préavis. Toute référence à ce document doit donc obligatoirement inclure la mention « ébauche de standard en cours d’officialisation », en plus du numéro et du nom du standard, ainsi que du numéro et de la date de la version. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires à propos de ce document, veuillez vous adresser au Sous-ministériat à l’encadrement des ressources informationnelles (SMERI) du Ministère des Services gouvernementaux au (418) 528-6148. . © Gouvernement du Québec Table des matières SIGLES ET ACRONYMES .........................................................................................................................4 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................6 2 LE CADRE COMMUN D’INTEROPÉRABILITÉ DANS LE PAYSAGE GOUVERNEMENTAL .....................................................................................................................10 3 LA PORTÉE DU CADRE COMMUN D’INTEROPÉRABILITÉ...
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...This is CS50. Harvard College Fall 2010 Problem Set 3: The Game of Fifteen due by 7:00pm on Fri 10/1 Per the directions at this document’s end, submitting this problem set involves submitting source code on cloud.cs50.net as well as filling out a Web-‐based form (the latter of which will be available after lecture on Wed 9/29), which may take a few minutes, so best not to wait until the very last minute, lest you spend a late day unnecessarily. Be sure that your code is thoroughly commented to such an extent that lines’ functionality is apparent from comments alone. Goals. • Introduce you to larger programs and programs with multiple source files. • Empower you with Makefiles. • Implement a party favor. Recommended Reading. • Section 17 of http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm. • Chapters 20 and 23 of Absolute Beginner’s Guide...
Words: 4248 - Pages: 17
...U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION HEARING HELD IN WASHINGTON, DC, JUNE 26, 2008 Serial No. 110–99 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor ( Available on the Internet: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/congress/house/education/index.html U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 43–027 PDF WASHINGTON : 2008 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 Fax: (202) 512–2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402–0001 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 10:55 Dec 17, 2008 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 G:\DOCS\110TH\HELP\110-99\43027.TXT HBUD PsN: DICK COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR GEORGE MILLER, California, Chairman Dale E. Kildee, Michigan, Vice Chairman Donald M. Payne, New Jersey Robert E. Andrews, New Jersey Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott, Virginia Lynn C. Woolsey, California ´ Ruben Hinojosa, Texas Carolyn McCarthy, New York John F. Tierney, Massachusetts Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio David Wu, Oregon Rush D. Holt, New Jersey Susan A. Davis, California Danny K. Davis, Illinois ´ Raul M. Grijalva, Arizona Timothy H. Bishop, New York ´ Linda T. Sanchez, California John P. Sarbanes, Maryland Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania David Loebsack, Iowa Mazie Hirono, Hawaii Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania John A. Yarmuth, Kentucky Phil Hare, Illinois Yvette D. Clarke, New York Joe Courtney...
Words: 49958 - Pages: 200
...Network Security Audit Final Practical Project Steffen L. Norgren A00683006 COMP 8006 - Network Administration & Security II • BCIT • April 18, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary 3 Introduction 3 Network #1 4 Detection Overview 4 IP Address Locations 6 Malicious Traffic – TCP 7 Malicious Traffic – UDP 10 Reconnaissance Traffic 11 High Risk Addresses 12 Network #2 16 Detection Overview 16 IP Address Locations 17 Network #3 18 Detection Overview 18 Detection Overview 18 Traffic Overview 19 Conclusions 20 Page 2 of 20 SUMMARY An overview of the data for all three networks shows that each network was compromised in one manner or another. For instance, network #1 had intrusive access via a Microsoft ISS web server to cmd.exe, which allowed complete access to the system. This was achieved through a buffer overflow attack against IIS. As such, the administrator of this network should ensure that all systems are fully patched in order to avoid known exploits. For network #2, an exploit via phpBB enabled access to the system. Network #3, “EXPLOI~1.RTF”, which a user must have downloaded, was executed, opening up a backdoor into the system. Unfortunately, as outlined in my conclusion, an in-depth analysis of this data was aborted partly due to time mismanagement and a very large course load for the term. INTRODUCTION This assignment consisted of the analysis of three...
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...HACKING SECRETS REVEALED Information and Instructional Guide HACKING SECRETS REVEALED Production of S&C Enterprises T able of Contents Disclaimer Introduction i Trojans Joiners ICQ CHAPTER 1 1 Chapter 6 Access Granted CHAPTER 2 1 15 18 18 19 19 19 19 CHAPTER 7 42 43 44 45 49 55 59 Bank Account Information Email Pictures Resume Survellance Via Internet Connection 36 37 39 39 39 40 29 34 34 System Intrusion in 15 Seconds The Trojan Horse The Hack NewsGroups Grapevine Email Un-Safe Websites IRC ChatSites CHAPTER 3 20 20 Acceptable Files Readme & Text Files How To protect Yourself Firewalls Antivirus Software Tips & Tricks Protecting Shared Resources Disabling File and Printer Sharing Oh No My system's Infected Chapter 4 Who are Hackers Anarchist Hackers Hackers Crackers 24 24 25 26 Chapter 8 Every Systems Greatest Flaw Chapter 9 How to Report Hackers 65 60 Chapter 5 Tools of the Trade Portscanners 27 28 Chapter 10 Final Words 74 DISCLAIMER The authors of this manual will like to express our concerns about the misuse of the information contained in this manual. By purchasing this manual you agree to the following stipulations. Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this manual is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the information in this manual can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. The authors will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals...
Words: 11585 - Pages: 47
...Pages de variables تعلم البرمجة مع بيثون 3 ُ تأليف : جرار سوين ِ ترجمة : هشام رزق الله وآخرون مراجعة و إخراج : مجتمع لينكس العربي النسخة اللكترونية من هذه ص يمكنك الحصول عليهها )باللغة الفرنسية( مجانا وبحرية من: ً النصو ّ http://inforef.be/swi/python.htm ) How to think like a computer scientistكيف تفكر كعالم حاسوب( بعض فقرات هذا الكتاب قد تم تكييفها وفقا لكتاب: بواسطة: Allen B. Downey، Jeffrey Elknerو Chris Meyers أو: http://www.openbookproject.net/thinkCSpy متاح على: http://thinkpython.com جميع حقوق الطبعة العربّية محفوظة لتجتمع لينكس العربي )2102 – 3102( جميع حقوق الكتاب اللصلي محفوظة للمؤلف جيالد سوينو )0002 – 2102( يتم توزيع هذا الكتاب بموجب " Creative Commonsرخصة البداع العامة غي التجارية الشاركة باللثل 0٫2". وهذا يعن أنك تستطيع نسخ وتعديل وإعادة توزيع هذه الصفحات بحرية تامة، ش ط أن تتبع عددا من قواعد هذا التخيص. ً وفي الساس، اعلم أنك ل يمكنك الحصول على ملكية هذا النص وإعادة تتتوزيعه )معتتدل أو غيتت معتتدل( محتتدِّدا لنفستتك حقتتوق تأليف ونش أخرى. الستند الذي قمت بإعادة توزيعه، معدل أو غي معدل، يجب أن يتضمن النص الكامتتل للرخصتتة أعله وهتتذا العشعار والتمهيد الذي يأتي بعده. الوصول إلى هذه اللحظات يجب أن يبقى ح را للجميع. يمكنك طلب مساهمة ماليتتة لتوزيتتع ً هذه اللحظات، لكن البلغ الطلتتوب يجتتب أن يرتبتتط بتكلفتتة النستتخ. ل يمكنتتك إعتتادة توزيتتع هتتذه اللحظتتات وجعلهتتا بحقتتوق تأليفك ونش،ك، ول يمكنك أن تحد من حقوق الستنساخ للنسخ الت قمت بتوزيعها. . الترخيص : هذا العمل...
Words: 58244 - Pages: 233
...UEFI Shell Specification September 25, 2008 Revision 2.0 The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or impliedly, to any intellectual property owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this material or to any contribution thereto. The material contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this information is provided AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses and of lack of negligence, all with regard to this material and any contribution thereto. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." The Unified EFI Forum, Inc. reserves any features or instructions so marked for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO THE SPECIFICATION AND ANY CONTRIBUTION THERETO. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER OF THIS...
Words: 35960 - Pages: 144
...IND131 IND131xx IND331 IND331xx Terminals User’s Guide www.mt.com 64067481 (11/2012).06 © METTLER TOLEDO 2012 No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of METTLER TOLEDO. U.S. Government Restricted Rights: This documentation is furnished with Restricted Rights. Copyright 2012 METTLER TOLEDO. This documentation contains proprietary information of METTLER TOLEDO. It may not be copied in whole or in part without the express written consent of METTLER TOLEDO. METTLER TOLEDO reserves the right to make refinements or changes to the product or manual without notice. COPYRIGHT METTLER TOLEDO® is a registered trademark of Mettler-Toledo, LLC. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. METTLER TOLEDO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE REFINEMENTS OR CHANGES WITHOUT NOTICE. FCC Notice This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and the Radio Interference Requirements of the Canadian Department of Communications. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant...
Words: 37056 - Pages: 149
...Nessus Report Nessus Scan Report 24/Jan/2014:09:12:12 Nessus Home: Commercial use of the report is prohibited Any time Nessus is used in a commercial environment you MUST maintain an active subscription to the Nessus Feed in order to be compliant with our license agreement: http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus Table Of Contents Hosts Summary (Executive).................................................................................................4 •kupangkota.go.id..........................................................................................................................................................5 Vulnerabilities By Host......................................................................................................... 7 •kupangkota.go.id..........................................................................................................................................................8 Vulnerabilities By Plugin.....................................................................................................64 •51192 (6) - SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted....................................................................................................... 65 •57582 (6) - SSL Self-Signed Certificate................................................................................................................... 67 •54582 (2) - SMTP Service Cleartext Login Permitted...........................................................
Words: 29406 - Pages: 118
...TE AM FL Y Mastering Apache Velocity Joseph D. Gradecki Jim Cole Wiley Publishing, Inc. Mastering Apache Velocity Joseph D. Gradecki Jim Cole Wiley Publishing, Inc. Publisher: Joe Wikert Copyeditor: Elizabeth Welch Executive Editor: Robert Elliott Compositors: Gina Rexrode and Amy Hassos Editorial Manager: Kathryn Malm Managing Editor: Vincent Kunkemueller Book Producer: Ryan Publishing Group, Inc. Copyright © 2003 by Joseph D. Gradecki and Jim Cole. All rights reserved. Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8700. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4447, E-mail: permcoordinator@wiley.com. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations...
Words: 70755 - Pages: 284
...2010-04-13[11:16:39]: Logging started mode 01570 ---- LOG ROW INFO [0000010] ---- ---- LOG TABLE INFO [0000020] ---- ---- LOG DB INFO [0000040] ---- ---- LOG DBMS INFO [0000100] ---- ---- LOG SQL INFO [0000400] ---- ---- LOG DEBUG INFO [0001000] ---- Portingset mode 6.1c >>msql_attach_server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFFECTIVE MSQL DRIVER SETTINGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common ~~~~~~ Level : 1 msql_dsn : msql_serverhost : (local) msql_init : 003000 000001:MSQL_ARRAY_FETCH : 0 000002:MSQL_ARRAY_INSERT : 0 000004:MSQL_EXPLAIN : 0 001000:not MSQL_USE_VARCHAR : 1 002000:MSQL_LEVEL1 : 1 004000:MSQL_PRINT_ERROR : 0 010000:not MSQL_LEVEL1 : 0 msql_use_cc : OFF msql_use_sp : ON msql_max_open_handles : 190 msql_max_ret_rows : 0 msql_max_arrsz : 1 msql_array_fetch : 0 msql_array_insert : 0 msql_log_warnings : 0 msql_lock_timeout : 10 (timeout after N seconds) msql_max_sql_buffer : 8000 msql_use_ffo : 1 msql_65_schema : 0 msql_odbc_prof_all : 0 msql_odbc_perf_stat : 0 msql_odbc_long_queries : 0 msql_odbc_query_timeout : 3000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msql_alloc_henv id 8393960 Done. allocate_sql_buffer_area size 8000. msql_attach_server done... tbase_refresh D -1 ...
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...[pic] Assignment for Course: BUS 625 Multi-National Corporations and International Trade Submitted to: Dr. Lee Pickler Submitted by: Zachery Engels, Frank Mayse, and Gina Glorioso Rendall Date of Submission: April 11, 2015 Title of Assignment: Global Expansion Project - Ancestry CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. Student Signature: __Gina Glorioso Rendall__________ ******************************************* Instructor’s Grade on Assignment: Instructor’s Comments: AN EXECUTIVE BRIEFING ON [pic] Researched by Downtown Dominators Zachery Engels, Franklin Mayse, and Gina Glorioso Rendall Spring 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY 5 DOMINANT MARKET ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT 5 INTRODUCTION 5 POLITICAL / REGULATORY 5 ECONOMIC: MACRO 5 TECHNOLOGY 6 SOCIETAL 6 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AND COMPANY PERFORMANCE 6 SUMMARY 8 INTRODUCTION 9 FINANCIAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT 9 CASH 9 MARKETABLE SECURITIES 9 LEVERAGE (ABILITY TO BORROW) 9 CREDIT RATING 10 STANDARD AND POOR RATING 10 ...
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