Comparative Essay: “Original Creation of the Earth (the Big Bang vs. Sis Day Creation)” Phsc 210
Submitted By mjones106 Words 1440 Pages 6
Marilynn Jones
Liberty University
PHSC 210-A17
Sonia Cooper Weeks
Adjunct Instructor Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Old - Earth View
III. Young - Earth View
IV. Compare and Contrast
V. Conclusion
Christians today have a biblical principle and opinion of the universe existence. Christians believe that God created earth and that he accomplished that in only six days. Genesis 1 explains the creation and the interpretation is so utterly clear and one writer states “Thus, any interpretation that goes beyond a clear plain meaning of the text is considered to compromise Biblical authority and capitulate to evolutionary theories”. One look at the Young Earth View is said to be formed from the Modern English Bible. Jon W Greene also writes that “Two Christian apologists state this problem well: “When the ‘young earth’ creationist insists that the biblical evidence indicates an earth only six to ten thousand years old, all communication bridges to the secular science community break down. The communication gap widens and such reactionary creationist views are labeled as ‘folk science.’ The scriptures and the gospel are consequently dismissed as meaningless.” And, “Many non-Christians are driven away from the God of the Bible by the young-earth claims which are, frankly, ridiculous to most people who love science. It is a shame that people who love science, who would like to know the One who created the universe, reject, out of hand the Christian God, because they see Christianity as so unscientific.
Old - Earth View
The scripture shows only six literal days used to create earth and at the hands of God; which is found in Genesis 1 and Genesis 5. The English Bible based the Masoretic findings 1656 years passed from the creation of the flood. The Jewish calendar provides similar dates from the 2nd century which is also based it’s time