...a. What type of organization is Australian Beverages Limited (ABL)? ABL is an Australian public listed company operating in multi-beverage business. It commenced operation in 1937 with its first manufacturing plant opened in Sydney in 1938. After a series of market expansions, ABL is currently the second largest company in Australia non-alcoholic beverage industry. The company is run by Tom Dwyer, the current managing director, who has been appointed since 2005. b. What industry, product segments/markets does ABL operate in? ABL is currently the second largest company in Australian non-alcoholic beverage industry. With the exception of bottled water, ABL operates in almost all product segments of non-alcoholic beverage market, that is, carbonated soft drinks (CSD), fruit and milk-based drinks, etc. It has also moved into snack food market through acquisition of several small businesses. Its core activities include manufacturing, distribution and marketing. c. What is the current life-cycle position of the industry? Non-alcoholic industry ➢ The non-alcoholic beverage industry is at the growth stage of its life cycle. This is evidenced by: (1) Consumption of non-alcoholic beverage in Australia increased form 179.7 liters per capita in 2005 to 228.5 liters per capita in 2009, representing a 27% increase. (2) As Australian per capita consumption follows US pattern, Australian’s current level of 63% of US per capita consumption indicates significant opportunities for growth...
Words: 11374 - Pages: 46
...broaden their brand portfolios to include noncarbonated beverages like tea, juice, sports drinks, and bottled water. For over a century, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola had vied for the "throat share" of the world's beverage market. The most intense battles of the cola wars were fought over the $60 billion industry in the United States, where the average American consumes 53 gallons of carbonated soft drinks (CSD) per year. In a "carefully waged competitive struggle," from 1975 to 1995 both Coke and Pepsi had achieved average annual growth of around 10% as both U.S. and worldwide CSD consumption consistently rose. This cozy situation was threatened in the late 1990s, however, when U.S. CSD consumption dropped for two consecutive years and worldwide shipments slowed for both Coke and Pepsi. The case considers whether Coke's and Pepsi's era of sustained growth and profitability was coming to a close or whether this apparent slowdown was just another blip in the course of a century of enviable performance. A rewritten version of an earlier case by Michael E. Porter and David B. Yoffie. Essay: The case study “Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in the Twenty-First Century” focuses on describing Coke and Pepsi within the CSD industry by providing detailed statements about the companies’ accounts and strategies to increase their market share. Furthermore, the case also focuses on the Coke vs. Pepsi goods which target similar groups of costumers, and how these companies have had and still...
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...Breaking Down the Chain: A Guide to the soft drink industry aCknowleDgments this report was developed to provide a detailed understanding of how the soft drink industry works, outlining the steps involved in producing, distributing, and marketing soft drinks and exploring how the industry has responded to recent efforts to impose taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in particular. the report was prepared by sierra services, inc., in collaboration with the supply Chain Management Center (sCMC) at rutgers university – newark and new Brunswick. the authors wish to thank kristen Condrat for her outstanding support in all phases of preparing this report, including literature review and identifying source documents, writing, data analysis, editing, and final review. special thanks also goes to susanne Viscarra, who provided copyediting services. Christine fry, Carrie spector, kim Arroyo Williamson, and Ayela Mujeeb of ChangeLab solutions prepared the report for publication. ChangeLab solutions would like to thank roberta friedman of the yale rudd Center for food Policy and obesity for expert review. for questions or comments regarding this report, please contact the supervising professors: Jerome D. Williams, PhD Prudential Chair in Business and research director – the Center for urban entrepreneurship & economic development (Cueed), rutgers Business school – newark and new Brunswick, Management and Global Business department 1 Washington Park – room 1040 newark, nJ 07102 Phone: 973-353-3682...
Words: 40786 - Pages: 164
...1 UNIT 1 Living Things and Their Environment DRAFT April 29, 2014 Photo Credit: http://www.flyingfourchette.com/2013/05/25/around-ubud/ 2 UNIT 1: Living Things and Their Environment Introduction At this point, students have already learned in Grade 8 how the body breaks down food into forms that can be absorbed through the digestive system and then transported to each cell, which was on the other hand discussed in Grade 7 to be the basic unit of life. The learners have also discovered that cells divide to produce new cells by mitosis and meiosis. They have understood that meiosis is an early step in sexual reproduction that leads to variation. Students have been introduced to genetics to be able to appreciate evolutionary differences among species. Learners have also found out that biodiversity is the collective variety of species living in an ecosystem, and by studying the ecosystem; they have come across the various cycling of materials and energy transformation. DRAFT April 29, 2014 All modules in Grade 9 Unit 1-Living Things and Their Environment present student-centered activities that will allow the learners to discover and develop concepts that they may consider useful to their everyday life. At the end of each lesson, key concepts are provided for the students to grasp ideas and information that they will remember even after they have left school. Instructional activities are designed to build up the students’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and ability to transfer...
Words: 68324 - Pages: 274
...part of human behavior. It serves as the foundation for the agency model of financial, organizational, and governance structure of firms. The growing body of social science research on human behavior has a common message: Whether they are politicians, managers, academics, professionals, philanthropists, or factory workers, individuals are resourceful, evaluative maximizers. They respond creatively to the opportunities the environment presents, and they work to loosen constraints that prevent them from doing what they wish. They care about not only money, but about almost everything—respect, honor, power, love, and the welfare of others. The challenge for our society, and for all organizations in it, is to establish rules of the game that tap and direct human energy in ways that increase rather than reduce the effective use of our scarce resources. © M. C. Jensen and W. H. Meckling, 1994 Journal of Applied Corporate...
Words: 13167 - Pages: 53
...Physical Chemistry Understanding our Chemical World Physical Chemistry Understanding our Chemical World Paul Monk Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): cs-books@wiley.co.uk Visit our Home Page on www.wileyeurope.com or www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP, UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England, or emailed to permreq@wiley.co.uk, or faxed to (+44) 1243 770620. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Other Wiley...
Words: 233668 - Pages: 935
...NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water Micro & NaNo TechNologies series editor: Jeremy ramsden Professor of Nanotechnology Microsystems and Nanotechnology Centre, Department of Materials Cranfield University, United Kingdom the aim of this book series is to disseminate the latest developments in small scale technologies with a particular emphasis on accessible and practical content. these books will appeal to engineers from industry, academia and government sectors. for more information about the book series and new book proposals please contact the publisher, Dr. Nigel hollingworth at nhollingworth@williamandrew.com. http://www.williamandrew.com/MNt NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water edited by Nora savage Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and (in alphabetical order) Mamadou Diallo Materials and process simulation center, Division of chemistry and chemical engineering, california institute of technology Jeremiah Duncan Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison anita street Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign richard sustich N o r w i c h , N Y, U S A copyright © 2009 by William andrew inc. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying...
Words: 90139 - Pages: 361
...IN THIS CHAPTER YOU WILL . . . 1 Learn that economics is about the allocation of scarce resources Examine some of the tradeof fs that people face Learn the meaning of oppor tunity cost See how to use marginal reasoning when making decisions TEN OF PRINCIPLES ECONOMICS Discuss how incentives af fect people’s behavior The word economy comes from the Greek word for “one who manages a household.” At first, this origin might seem peculiar. But, in fact, households and economies have much in common. A household faces many decisions. It must decide which members of the household do which tasks and what each member gets in return: Who cooks dinner? Who does the laundry? Who gets the extra dessert at dinner? Who gets to choose what TV show to watch? In short, the household must allocate its scarce resources among its various members, taking into account each member’s abilities, efforts, and desires. Like a household, a society faces many decisions. A society must decide what jobs will be done and who will do them. It needs some people to grow food, other people to make clothing, and still others to design computer software. Once society has allocated people (as well as land, buildings, and machines) to various jobs, 3 Consider why trade among people or nations can be good for everyone Discuss why markets are a good, but not per fect, way to allocate resources Learn what determines some trends in the overall economy 1 TLFeBOOK 2 4 Ten Principles...
Words: 235775 - Pages: 944
...MODULE ONE THEORY AND CONCEPT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDIES Learning Objectives At the end of this module students should be able to; Discuss the origin of Entrepreneurship Define the concept “Entrepreneur” List the roles and characteristics of an Entrepreneur State the motivational factors of Entrepreneurship. UNIT ONE: ORIGIN AND CONCEPTS OF ENTREPRENEUR AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Objectives: At the end of this unit students should be able to; Compare and contrast the various definitions of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship. 1.2. Differentiate between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship. List five contributions to the study of Entrepreneurship. Introduction Businesses are any undertaking created for the purpose of creating utility. Utility is simply the satisfaction derived from consuming certain goods and services. Businesses are created by a special kind of labour which is also referred to as the entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is regarded as a special kind of labour because not all labour possesses entrepreneurial abilities which enable them to start a business from the scratch. Thus, entrepreneurship is simply the establishment of a new business or business enterprise or venture. This Unit looks at the development of the concept of entrepreneurship and the various ways in which this concept can be defined. Quick Review questions I. Businesses are not any undertaking created for the purpose of creating utility...
Words: 63960 - Pages: 256
...COLLAPSE HOW S O C I E T I E S CHOOSE TO FAIL OR S U C C E E D JARED DIAMOND VIK ING VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Group (Canada), 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi—110 017, India Penguin Group (NZ), Cnr Airborne and Rosedale Roads, Albany, Auckland 1310, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England First published in 2005 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 13579 10 8642 Copyright © Jared Diamond, 2005 All rights reserved Maps by Jeffrey L. Ward LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Diamond, Jared M. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed/Jared Diamond. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-670-03337-5 1. Social history—Case studies. 2. Social change—Case studies. 3. Environmental policy— Case studies. I. Title. HN13. D5 2005 304.2'8—dc22...
Words: 235965 - Pages: 944
...Insights into the Food, Beverage, and Consumer Products Industry GMA Overview of Industry Economic Impact, Financial Performance, and Trends The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) represents the world’s leading branded food, beverage, and consumer products companies. Since 1908, GMA has been an advocate for its members on public policy issues and has championed initiatives to increase industrywide productivity and growth. GMA member companies employ more than 2.5 million workers in all 50 states and account for more than $680 billion in global annual sales. The association is led by a board of member company chief executives. For more information, visit the GMA website at www.gmabrands.com The Food Products Association (FPA) is the largest trade association serving the food and beverage industry in the United States and worldwide. FPA’s laboratory centers, scientists, and professional staff provide technical and regulatory assistance to member companies and represent the food industry on scientific and public policy issues involving food safety, food security, nutrition, consumer affairs, and international trade. For more information, visit FPA’s website at www.fpa-food.org The member firms of the PricewaterhouseCoopers network (www.pwc.com) provide industry-focused assurance, tax, and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. More than 130,000 people in 148 countries across our network work collaboratively...
Words: 24438 - Pages: 98
...Advertising for Results By G.F. Brown Advertising for Results Legal notice Advertising for Results is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between any people, things, places or entities in this book and actual people (living or dead), things, places, or entities, is purely coincidental. There is no connection whatsoever at all. In reading any part of this book, you agree to take no action against this book’s author or any party. You are completely and solely responsible for anything you do, and you will not attempt to link your actions to this book in any way. Advertising for Results is written for entertainment purposes only, so disregard everything in this book, including the so-called advice, recommendations, and statements that something will happen. No part of Advertising for Results may be sold by anyone except the author. You agree to never be compensated for it in any way. If you do not agree with all this, stop reading Advertising for Results now. All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners. Copyright © 2003 by G.F. Brown from Richmond Heights. All rights are reserved. 2 Advertising for Results For my wife. 3 Advertising for Results “It is the dry and irksome labor of organizing precincts and getting out the voters that determines elections.” Abraham Lincoln 4 Advertising for Results Acknowledgments Thanking everyone would almost be a book in itself. It would fill lots of pages, and many excellent people would still...
Words: 45800 - Pages: 184
...2011-06-25 School of Economics and Management Lund University Department of Business Administration The Use of Management Control Systems in the Hospitality Industry Supervisor: Per-Magnus Andersson Authors: Richard G. Sicari Fredrik J. Söderlund i Abstract Title: Seminar Date: Course: Authors: Advisor: Key Words: The Use of Management Control Systems in the Hospitality Industry 2011-06-01 BUSP02: Master Thesis in Accounting and Management Control Richard G. Sicari and Fredrik J. Söderlund Per-Magnus Andersson Hospitality Industry, Management Control Systems, Performance Measurement, Contingency Approach, Multiple Case Study The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry. Purpose: Methodology: The study is mainly a descriptive, multiple case study based on deductive reasoning. However, explanatory elements occur. The nature of the study is to a large extent qualitative and is primarily based on interviews and analysis of current management control tools. The analytical strategy includes pattern matching, explanation building and cross-case synthesis. Theoretical Perspectives: The main text editions included are Anthony and Govindarajan (2003 & 2007), Lindvall (2001), Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) and Samuelsson (2004). Furthermore, the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry is examined using literature such as Harris (1995), as well as other articles. Empirical Foundation:...
Words: 36462 - Pages: 146
...GLOBAL PRIVATE EQUITY REPORT 2013 About Bain & Company’s Private Equity business Bain & Company is the leading consulting partner to the private equity (PE) industry and its stakeholders. Private equity consulting at Bain has grown 13-fold over the past 15 years and now represents about one-quarter of the firm’s global business. We maintain a global network of more than 400 experienced professionals serving PE clients. Our practice is more than three times larger than that of the next-largest consulting firm serving private equity funds. Bain’s work with PE spans fund types, including buyout, infrastructure, real estate, debt and hedge funds. We also work with many of the most prominent limited partners (LPs) to PE firms, including sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, financial institutions, endowments and family investment offices. We support our clients across a broad range of objectives: Deal generation: We help PE funds develop the right investment thesis and enhance deal flow, profiling industries, screening companies and devising a plan to approach targets. Due diligence: We help funds make better deal decisions by performing diligence, assessing performance improvement opportunities and providing a post-acquisition agenda. Immediate post-acquisition: We support the pursuit of rapid returns by developing a strategic blueprint for the acquired company, leading workshops that align management with strategic priorities and directing focused initiatives. Ongoing value addition:...
Words: 27471 - Pages: 110
...PART II INSTRUCTOR’S NOTES ON TEXT CASES CASE GUIDE CHAPTER CASE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 1–1 Starbucks – Going Global Fast | X | X | | X | X | | | | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 1–2 Nestlé – The Infant Formula Incident | | X | X | X | X | | | X | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 1–3 Coke and Pepsi Learn to Compete in India | | | | X | X | X | | | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 1-4 Marketing Microwave Ovens to a New Market Segment | | | | X | X | | | | | | X | X | | | | | | X | | 2–1 The Not-So-Wonderful World of EuroDisney | | | | X | | X | X | X | | | X | | | | | | | X | | 2-2 Cultural Norms, Fair and Lovely, and Advertising | | | | X | X | | | X | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 2–3 Starnes-Brenner Machine Tool Company – To Bribe or Not to Bribe | | | | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | X | | | 2-4 Ethics and Airbus* | | | | X | X | X | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | | 2–5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with China | | | | | X | X | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2–6 When International Buyers and Sellers Disagree | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | X | | | | | 2-7 McDonald’s and Obesity | ...
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