Makayla: Makayla and I seem very similar. I am like this when I take tests also. I would advise Mikayla that the next time she gets stuck on a test question, to put a small mark next to it so she knows to come back to it later. I learned that spending too much time on a hard test question takes up way more time in the end. This is definitely not good for timed exams. If I she gets stuck on a question, she should come back to it later and work to rule out the answers that don’t make sense.
John: I understand that folks with a first use for the precision pattern are very detail oriented. Sometimes providing too many details can lead to confusion. Just as the paragraph mentioned, there may also be members in the audience that are not even familiar with the military lingo. Although John feels he is doing his audience a favor by providing every single piece of data, he doe not realize that he may actually be confusing them. I would advise him to leave out…show more content… They do NOT enjoy taking notes and would prefer to take mental notes instead. The problem with taking mental notes is that you tend to forget some of the tasks that are required of you. John’s paragraph demonstrates that. I would advise John that in order to ensure he gets better grades next time, he needs to work on taking notes and being better prepared for assignments.
Raheem: Raheem’s paragraph is a perfect example as to why we should balance out all of our learning patterns. His paragraph mentions how he did not do well in his class due to his carefree laidback attitude, lack of research, and his lack of words (communication). He was very short with his responses. I would advise Raheem that college level courses are going to require more interaction and communication. That means his answers can’t be short and he has to prove that he knows how to research properly. “Chance” will not get you a college degree, you have to work for it.