Premium Essay

Comparing Donald Trump And Colin Kaepernick's 'White America'

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Words 731
Pages 3
This article compares Donald Trump and Colin Kaepernick political stand on modern day racism. The article is giving examples of how ‘’White America’’ sees both sides. This article talks about Trumps campaign and all the empty promises he has made. Such as the Muslim ban, departing millions of Hispanics, and Trump Care. None of which are passed by congress. On top of all the empty promises he has made, he also is getting involved into things that has nothing to do with his presidency. Trump sub-tweets calling former and current NFL players SOB. That’s the president of the United States though. White America has no problem with Trump acting the way he is, because behind closed doors America doesn’t care much for colored people. As soon as a colored person steps up there is an uproar. Such as Colin Kaepernick. This man simply kneeled in front of the flag to show awareness of the police brutality that was going on. He never cursed anyone, he never harmed anyone. He simply was asking to be equal to a white man. White people all over the states went completely nuts. Calling out his name, just speaking to degrade the man. This article is basically exposing the true colors of America.
Trump is still in campaign mode, he is only reaching out to …show more content…
Everyone was equal in his eyes. There was no speculations on deporting millions of Hispanics or banning Muslims. Former president Obama treated everyone as equals. Trump is the complete opposite, he thrives on separation. He doesn’t have a problem with being the bad guy. This is a man who openly admitted that he grabbed a lady by her private area without her permission. Still somehow he still became our president. Obama never did anything wrong towards the people of our country but still figured out a way to hate him. Trump obviously is separating the country and he is getting praise for. That tells me that us black people will never have a place in this

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