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Comparing Moral Blindness In King Lear And A Doll's House

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A person’s experiences in the past have a significant impact in their relationship with others. In the play, King Lear written by William Shakespeare, my experiences of moral blindness are similar to King Lear when he is deceived by his daughters while banishing the people who truly love him. Whereas; in the play, A Doll’s House, by Henrick Ibsen, my experiences of hinesty differ to Nora Helmer when she lies to save her husband’s life which results her to abandon her own family. Lastly, in the novel Lives of the Saints written by Nino Ricci, my family experiences contrasts to Christina when her relationship with her family becomes dysfunctional due to her adulterous acts. Although I have experienced unpleasant events in the past, these experiences

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...Ben Jonson (1572–1637).  The Alchemist. The Harvard Classics.  1909–14. | | |  | |Introductory Note | |  | |  | |BEN JONSON was born of poor parents at Westminster in 1573. Through the influence of Camden, the antiquary, he got a good |  1| |education at Westminster School; but he does not seem to have gone to a University, though later both Oxford and Cambridge gave | | |him degrees. In his youth he practised for a time his stepfather’s trade of bricklaying, and he served as a soldier in Flanders. | | |  It was probably about 1595 that he began to write for the stage, and within a few years he was recognized as a distinguished |  2| |playwright. His comedy of “Every Man in His Humour” was not only a great immediate success, but founded a school of satirical | | |drama in England. “Sejanus” and “Catiline” were less popular, but are impressive pictures of Roman life, less interesting but more| | |accurate than the Roman plays of Shakespeare. ...

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