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Comparing Odysseus And Calypso In Homer's Odyssey

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On our poster we drew a sunrise because in the book Odysseus left Calypso's island when the sun was starting to rise, and there was still some stars in the sky (pg. 103). In addition, we drew an island with a cave, a bunch of trees, and gigantic rocks. We drew a bunch of tall trees because on page 102, it described the appearance of the trees that surrounded the island’s rim. Also, we drew a cave because that’s where Odysseus and Calypso slept before he departed the next day (pg. 101). Thirdly, we drew gigantic rocks to represent the shoreline of the island. Additionally, we drew Calypso wearing a robe with a gold belt, and Odysseus wearing a tunic and cloak. They are wearing this type of clothing because these were the type of clothing that

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