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Comparing The European, West African, And European Groups In The New World

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There were three groups in the new world; Native American, West African, and European. It was the new era of discovery, achievement, and revolution for the new world
Native American the one who came to America at very first. They also known as American Indians. They had occupied North America for thousands of years before the arrival of the Europeans. They were very different in all aspect. They lived with nature. They understood the relation of land and environment, so they never tried to change it, like the way European did. They do not want to destroy the nature. They might produce crops in an area for a year and they would move on in different place, so they would have allowed that land to becomes wild again. Some Indian also known as crops producer, some were haunters, some were often at war, and some were peaceful. They were extremely spiritual people with a belief of unseen power. They also believed that souls or spirit not only exits in human but also in animals, plants, rocks etc. In their society where man goes out for hunting, fishing and bring food back home whereas women operates farms and grows crops as the man went out. …show more content…
Africans were especially skilled in subjects like medicine, mathematics and astronomy. As well as domestic goods, they made fine luxury items in bronze, ivory, gold and terracotta for both local use and trade. They also did exchanges locally mined gold with the traders from North Africa for salt. Most of the West Africans were farmers, they shared agricultural tasks between the men and women. They were strong physically and mentally, so European thought that they can take advantage out of them therefore, they brought them for labor market as a

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