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Comparing The Kite Runner 'And A Thousand Splendid Suns'

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The worst pain in the world, It is the betrayal of a friend and a family. Usually, we like to fight by ourselves in order to achieve our goals but, what we do not understand is that there is always someone who can and willing to help us through our problems. And sometimes the people who we think will help us do not stand up for us. Both main characters faced challenges. Their life stories shows that sometimes you cannot fight alone in order to stand up for your beliefs. The death of their lost ones, the guilt, they got confidence from it to stand up for what they believe and for the people they love, their parents abandon them because people would talk and they will lose their respect and their name, the characters were betrayed by …show more content…
And if you choose right way to get rid of them, then the path may be hard but, at the end it will be easy. Still, most of us choose wrong ways to solve our problems and only few choose the right way.Firstly, the main theme that is common In the novels, “The Kite Runners”and “A thousand splendid suns” by Khaled Hosseini, is guilty. both main characters, Amir and Mariam, faced challenges and both of them feel guilty what they did. In the “A thousand splendid suns”, the main character, Mariam, she left her mother and start to live with her father. But, when her mother died, it broke her apart. After her mother's death she starts thinking that it was her fault that her mother died, she feel guilty for leaving her mother. “I shouldn’t have left her. I should have… these thoughts are no good, mariam jo. You hear me child? No good they will destroy you. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t your fault. No” (Hosseini, A thousand splendid 41). This quote proves that Mariam feels guilty for leaving her mother and she keeps saying that I should not have left her. Mariam blame herself for her mother death, but Mullah Faizullah, her teacher tells her that it was not her fault and she should stop saying that., Amir (a main character of the book, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini) faced problems because of his own mistakes. When Amir was a kid, he had a best friend named Hassan. Both, Hassan and Amir, were really close; they use to do everything together. But, one day everything …show more content…
In the kite runner Baba abandons Hassan, even though he knew that Hassan is his son. This proves when Baba's best friend Rahim Khan says,“It was a shameful situation. People would talk. All that a man had back then, all he was, was his honor, his name, and if people talked… we couldn’t tell anyone” (Hosseini, The kite runner 235). this quote shows Baba didn't tell anyone that Hassan is his son except his best friend Rahim Khan, he didn't even tell his son Amir that Hassan is his step brother. In the A thousand splendid suns Jalil abandons his wife Nana and his daughter Mariam. This proves when Jalil wives told him,“Nana had been one of the housekeepers. Until her belly began to swell… the collective gasp of Jalil’s family sucked the air out of Herat. His in-laws swore blood would flow. The wives demanded that he throw her out” (Hosseini, A thousand splendid 6). This quote shows that Jalil abandons Nana and throws her out of his house after Nana was pregnant with Mariam because Nana was a housekeeper in Jalil’s house, people started talking and Jalil’s other wives demanded that he throw Nana out. If he keep Nana in his house Jalil could have lost his name and his respect . Baba and Jalil both abandon their child because people would talk and they will lose their respect and their name. Baba abandons Hassan, even though he knew that Hassan is his son and Jalil

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