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Comparison Learned In Civil Disobedience

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Mahatmas Gandhi and Martin Luther king were few of the brave leaders that lived in the 20th century. They fought and led many people to obtain their freedoms through nonviolent ways. Both were extraordinary men who were influenced by Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience. Gandhi used what he learned in Civil Disobedience to help free India from imperial Britain. While King used his new knowledge to led the Civil Rights Movement in order to improve the injustice that was directed toward the African America citizens. Both Gandhi and King used similar methods to lead their movements in a nonviolent manner. They both had four basic steps for the ideal passive resister or nonviolent protester. Between their ideals, there is not …show more content…
Gandhi’s four values of the perfect passive resister include observing perfect chastity, adopting poverty, following truth, and cultivating fearlessness. Gandhi’s first principle of a passive resister, observing perfect chastity, is being used for the sole purpose of teaching discipline. Gandhi regards that a person who is unchaste loses stamina, therefore becoming a coward who is not capable of achieving anything great. Gandhi believes observing perfect chastity will lead to the gain of mental capacity. The second value of the ideal passive resister, according to Gandhi is adopting poverty. Gandhi believes pecuniary ambition and passive resistance cannot be traits of the same person. He is convinced that those particular traits cannot work well together. He also believes a rich passive resister must be ready to choose passive resistance over his or her money, which is why Gandhi calls this step ‘adopting poverty’. In addition to adopting poverty, Gandhi says passive resisters should follow truth. What he means by that is that a passive resister must follow and tell the truth whatever the cost is. Gandhi says passive resisters should be honest people. Gandhi’s final principle for the ideal passive resister is cultivate fearlessness. Cultivating fearlessness, to Gandhi, means not being afraid of what might happen to you if you revolt or protest. He says a passive resister must not be horrified of bodily injuries or even death. They must be

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