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Comparisons on Christianity and Islam


Submitted By Sgwill
Words 332
Pages 2
Christianity and the Islam religion are the two largest religions in the world. Although both vary in different ways, both religions do have a wide range of beliefs and practices. However some things regarding both religions have similarities. Through my investigating I found several things that were similar, but I will only list the similarities I found the most interesting and dominant. 1. The first similarity I discovered was the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible (Christianity)”Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name” and the opening chapter in the Qur’an (Islam)”Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, the compassionate, the merciful. King of the day of reckoning”. Both opening statements go to the root of all religions professed by man. These opening statements also tell of adoration of the Lord. The whole prayer of both the Islam religion and the Christian religion are universal prayers that are standard.[1] Both of these opening prayers are short and to the point. They open with professing their adoration of the Lord. As the prayers continue both have submission of man to the Lord and then supplication. 2. Another thought on similarities between the two religions is that both are monotheistic. This means that both believe in one God/Allah. Christians believe in God and Muslims believe in Allah. Both religions agree that there is one God who created the universe and is sovereign in the lives of men.[2] They both conjure that there is no God but God and we are not to worship any other Gods.[3] God/Allah is the creator of everything and has a unique relationship with humans. 3. Praying is also a big part of both Christianity and the Islam religion. They both take prayer very seriously and have standard prayers. Prayer is a means of communicating with God/Allah. The Christians and the Muslims believe God/Allah can hear prayers spoken and can grant

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