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Computers and Technology


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Words 1642
Pages 7
Book review
Johnson, Nsikak Emmanuel
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Uyo, Uyo.
Dr Uko Uwak
Lecturer in change
Pol 314; Politics of Development and Underdevelopment
Department of political science and public administration
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Uyo, Uyo.
July, 2014.

Title: Development and underdevelopment: Politics of the north-south divide
Author: O. O. Okereke/ A. E. Ekpe
Place of Publication: Enugu-Nigeria
Publishers: John Jacobs Classic Publishers Ltd.
Year of publication: 2002
Numbers of Chapters: Nine Chapters
Price of the book: Not Stated
Numbers of pages: XV + 198 = 213
ISBN: 978-050-276-9
Reviewer: Johnson, Nsikak Emmanuel

Development and underdevelopment: The politics of the north-south divide is written specifically to keep the students and the general public abreast of the causes and reasons for Africa, Asia and Latin America Perpetual underdevelopment despite the enormous human and materials resources God deposited in the continent. According to the author of the book, development and underdevelopment: Politics of the north-south divide was written with the intention to familiarize the readers with exciting and challenging subject of political economy of development and underdevelopment. It endeavour to expose the students to various strands of perspectives that are inherent in the study of politics of development and underdevelopment- it is the anticipation of the author that the book would be a good resource material for the researchers and the students of the social sciences as a whole.
The students of politics of development and underdevelopment, state and economy, third world and dependency, international economy relations as well as those studying political

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