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Conflict Resolution & Mediation


Submitted By kholter
Words 2512
Pages 11
Conflict Resolution and Mediation: A Look at Same Sex Couples
Psychology 399
Kari Holter
May 3rd, 2013

Conflict can be both good and bad and with mediation and conflict resolution we can handle conflict situations properly and strengthen relationships. In this paper I will focus on same sex couples and how mediation and conflict resolution is the same and different compared to heterosexual couples. I will talk about some background info on conflict, mediation, and same sex couples and families. I will then discuss the 4 articles I read and what was found on same sex couples and mediation.
Conflict is the interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility (Folger, Poole, Stutman, 2009). The most important feature of conflict is human interactions and they are sustained by behaviors of the parties involved and their reactions to one another. These reactions are usually verbal and nonverbal communication.
Mediation is a range of processes in which a mediator facilitates communication between parties to assist the parties in reaching voluntary decisions related to their dispute (SBHE Policy 605.5, Antes, 2003). There are three types of mediation. 1. Transformative – empowerment and recognition opportunities are supported. 2. Facilitative – parties reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. 3. Evaluative – parties decide based upon a clear understanding of what the consequences are outside of mediation (Antes, 2003).
Transformative mediation is the most popular. Some research shows that through transformative mediation: -People express themselves more calmly, openly, and directly as the mediation unfolds. -People interact more confidently and competently as the mediation progresses. -Negative and difficult

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