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Consensual Relationship


Submitted By cochrantl
Words 1750
Pages 7
Assignment #1 – Consensual Relationship Agreement

Tammy Cochran

Leadership and Organization -BUS 520

Dr. Reeley

October 26, 2012

Consensual Relationship Agreements are common among many corporations or companies addressing workplace romance. In today's work place, romances and the related topics of sex and privacy have become important issues confronted by most employers. With more employees working longer days and spending so much time together on the job, romantic relationships are developing more frequently. Workplace romance may be the only option for employees whose workload limits their outside activities, but for employers, this trend may prove to be a problem as the potential liability associated with these relationships rises. Some organizations ban all workplace dating, while other employers have no policy at all to address these issues. Some companies now, find policies as being favorable and others find it to be harmful to the workplace output. The research has concluded that CRAs are more often a waste of time and are more pushy then helpful. Most organizations fall somewhere in between, with precise or at least unspoken policies that prevent or discourage certain workplace relationships. The workplace is for work not romance and if a relationship does come about it should be kept separate and should not have an effect on the workplace.

According to Hellriegel & Slocum (2011), A Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRA) is essentially a written “contract” in which the romantically involved parties acknowledge the following: Their relationship is voluntary and consensual, they agree to abide by the employers antidiscrimination , anti-harassment, and workplace conduct policies, they promise to report any perceived harassment to management, if it occurs, they agree to behave professionally and not allow the relationship to

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