Premium Essay

Consideration of New Procedures Report


Submitted By alhaines
Words 1217
Pages 5
Bangor Area High School Slater Band Boosters
Sept. 9, 2012
Consideration of New Procedures Report
American Linux Service
Alfred J Haines C.E.O.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Problem Statement 4 Method used 4 Gmail 4 Google Calendar 4 Google Docs/Drive 4 Google Groups 4 Conclusion 4 Recommendation 4 Resources: 5

To: Bangor Area High School Slater Band Boosters 2012-2013 Board members

President Laraine Brands; Vice-President Linda Ruggiero; Secretary Wendy Watkins and Treasurer Cynthia Christman

* Executive Summary
Google Services has developed four keys ways to organize data and communications and the use of these tools can improve how fund-raising committees function. The use of Google Services will improve our communications between members while reducing the work-load on our Secretary. The most time consuming aspect of organizing volunteers for our Band Boosters has been communications. With the varied methods that are available a Secretary could spend the whole of her day just making calls and leaving voice-mails. This has been simplified by Google Services with their free Email, Calendar, Docs/Drive and Google Groups. Though the use of these free services our communications channels can be professionally managed in a fraction of the time that we currently spend. The use of Google Calendar with email reminders can avoid these problems. Documents such as reports and proposals can be composed directly on Google Docs. Documents and reports can be archived and remain available though Google's Archives. * * Introduction
The main purpose of this report is to recommend changes to the committees current system of scheduling and notifications as requested by the board. The following recommendations are submitted as a solution to on-going failures to communicate. Although it is by no

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