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Consumerism In Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World

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In the novel A Brave New World the future society is considered a consumer society, but if you think about it our society mirrors that very closely. Consumerism started to grow in our country around the 1920s when big business was booming. In our society people always buy something newer than its previous model when it comes out; people also generally seem to consume more and more every day. Are we really happy with this kind of society, or are we digging ourselves deeper into a dark hole. This, honestly, could be affecting people in a bad way psychologically, even though many seem happy on the outside. It is the same thing in A Brave New World because they convince people to believe something is good or bad so they will buy a product or never touch it. In our society today people are affected by the mass production of consumer products. People shop day and night just to be able to show that they always have the newer stuff. Every time a new iPhone comes out people with perfectly good iPhones buy the new one just to buy it. …show more content…
When people are asked if they are happy with their lives, the usual answer is “Yes, because I have everything I could ever want.” Most people are blinded by that saying because they never have everything they need because they always want something better than what the already have. If people keep going through life with this mindset, it’s only going to make our society worse. People are digging themselves deeper and deeper into a future full of trouble. If society keeps going down this path than massive consumerism and big business are going to be a hundred times worse in a few years. People are already going to the mall everyday just to be able to get stuff that they’re not going to need in a few days. There needs to be a change in consumerism, in our society, if our future descendants have any chance of having a good

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