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Contemporary Business


Submitted By dezz
Words 1446
Pages 6
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Contemporary Business (BUS508)

Strayer University, Takoma Park Campus
October, 2014

In the beginning, Jerry and Murrel had to make a choice, either to convince their two oldest sons to go to college or consider the other alternative that is keeping them at home and save their college fund to start up a family business. With this decision Five Guys was found in mid 1980’s including all the children in the family into the business. In less than a period of ten years, the business expanded to different locations. Gaining experience, franchising the business to operators, getting recognition from its customers, the business grew up rapidly. Five Guy’s and their business are not limited to U.S. Today, there are about 670 stores across U.S and Canada. What is the company’s sanctified philosophy that enabled it to best compete with its counter fast food chains? How the original values of the start-up company remained strong today? What are the possible factors that contributed to the success of the business in such a short time? How is Five Guys responsive to its customers and the community at large? This case study examines issues brought for the discussion using the interactive case study “Five Guys Burgers and Fries: Ingredients for Success” and other body of literature as a secondary source.

Five Guy’s Philosophy
Five Guy’s strongly believe living by strong values is the key to good business. It seems that Murell and his family strictly adhere to the values they set at the heart of every decision they make and in their daily operations of the business. As we heard the story, the basic philosophy of Five Guys’ is that they believe in the quality of their product and the satisfaction of their customers. No matter how long the time takes to prepare a burger with all the 17 toppings, they prepare it carefully. That

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