Premium Essay

Continuing Academic Sucess


Submitted By shenna31
Words 957
Pages 4
University of Phoenix Material

Academic Success

Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities, and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly assignments to help you compose your answers.

|Question |Your reflection |
|How would you define academic |I would describe academic readiness as all of the the steps it takes to be ready for your |
|readiness? |academic classes. Success requires smart goals this means you can't get to where you want to be|
| |unless you know where you are going. Time management is also a step that you need for academic |
| |readiness. Managing your time and setting a goal for how long it needs to take to reach your |
| |goal. Last but not least putting fourth the effort to make it happen. It might get hard |
| |sometimes but you got to keep working towards your goal. |
|What concerns, if any, do you have |I really don't have a problem with academic reading or writing , because I need the writing |
|with academic writing and reading? |skills to help me learn the the right techniques that I will have to use to move forward with |
| |my career. The reading process I need because the more I know thew farther I can can go. By |
| |reading about a certain class or area will teach things like what to look forward to in the |
| |long run, tells

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