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Copmare Tow Airlines Web Sits


Submitted By yara
Words 714
Pages 3
Services Marketing

Web Site Evaluation

I choose Saudi Airlines and Emirates Airlines. Airlines businesses are an example of services business. I'll compare the two organizations according to their web sites.

1. The first criteria is User-friendliness: * Saudi Airlines: it's has been improved the last years. The site was so unprofessional and the use of it was only to read about the Airlines without any services to offer. However the site now a days is more effective and able the users to interact with the services they provide such booking and issuing the boarding. As I visit the tow sites I think Saudi airlines web site is friendlier than Emirates. It easy to use and to contact them there are many options like sending emails or calling a direct number. They divide the contact options into categories for example a window for the technical support and the self-services support and so.
If you click on the self-service the fist window to open is the steps for the services such: Printing boarding pass steps with pictures. The home page has a panel for online booking with a tutorial video that explain the whole process and how to pay for the ticket.

* Emirates Airline: elegant and very nice but I think it's a little pet complicated. It is friendly site allow customers to interact with the help center they provide that gives contacts to contact them in required or as needed. The site is convenience. It offers a verity of services that passengers need such booking or ranting cars. The site is not as fast as Saudi airlines site not even as easy as Saudis airlines
I believe the try to maintain a high quality services for their customers as well as presenting the united emirates spicily Dubai.

2. Applicability of contents and features to each of the five technology-dominated petals of the “Flower” (Information, Consultation, Order-Taking, Billing, and Payment). * Saudi Airlines: * Information: full of information about the organization, well organize and easy to access. * Consultation: the best in giving directions and steps to use online services. * Order-Taking: Step-by-step Online booking that allow the customer to issue the tickets from the site. * Payment: easy and direct. After booking the customer can go immediately to the last step which is paying the total vies. as must web sites you can use your credit card or visa. it offer Sadad services as well for payment

* Emirates Airline: * Information: contain information about the services * Consultation: * Order-Taking: allow customers to make out reservations and issuing the boarding as well as payment. * Payment:

3. Overall effectiveness and suggestions for improvement on specific dimensions

The overall effectiveness for the both sites is great. They are well done to achieve their purposes. But I think that Emirates Airline needs to be easier to use as we go through the differences Saudi Airlines is easier to use. However Emirates has a better design, layouts and graphics. I suggest for Saudi airlines to use more colorful layouts.
Emirates needs to but the online booking service in home bag rather than clicking on the options to go through the booking process. They have easy steps to go through however I suggest a steps tutorial so customers use when they need any help pr to avoid any mistakes

4. Compare and contrast the different Web sites in terms of what each is trying to achieve. Which is the most successful? The least? Why?

Saudi Airlines: is trying it best to be so useful and to help customers to do things online in an easy, safe and direct way so that they achieve customer satisfaction and reduce the overload phone booking. I think them success in achieving this because the site is pretty easy and contain how to do tutorials.

Emirates Airline:

5. How does the Web compare as an information medium relative to other media used by service marketers? What do you see as its potential for the future?

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