...your research term paper | |include (but are not limited to) the following: | |Ethics and Corporate Citizenship Themes | |Understandings of corporate citizenship | |Links between ethics and corporate citizenship | |Performance measurement | |Accountability and governance | |Stakeholder engagement, consultation, reporting and governance | |Corporations, territory and governance | |Globalization Themes | |Corporate power | |New technologies...
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...force in determining an org’s success * Ex: Steve Jobs and Apple praise, or CEO of company making bad decisions External control view – focus is on external factors that may +vely or –vely affect a firm’s resources * Ex: IMAX did well as action movies came out, or companies -vely affected by recessions * Neither is completely right; leaders can make a diff, but must be aware of opportunities/threats in the external environment and understand their firm’s resources/capabilities What is Strategic Management? * Can’t just make many minor changes to be successful → must be proactive, anticipate change, make significant changes if necessary * Challenge to mgrs: decide on strategies that will persist over time, execute in turbulent times Defining Strategic Management * Sgmt → the analyses, decisions, actions an org undertakes to create + sustain competitive adv. * Competitive advantage → what makes the org’s offerings superior to competitors * Superiority is in the eyes of customers; could come from quality, uniqueness, price, etc * Main elements (1) there are 3 ongoing processes: analysis, decisions, actions * Analysis of strategic goals (vision, mission, objectives) and env * Decisions of where to compete and how * Actions involve allocating resources and executing strategy (2) sgmt studies the reasons for some firm outperforming others * What kind comp adv, how to make it unique/uncopyable * Can’t just achieve...
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...AGENDA FOR CORPORATE GOVENANC Agenda for corporate governance reforms The need for corporate governance reforms in India is call of the hour as scams have become almost as an annual feature ever since we had liberalisation from 1991. Just from last 4-5 days we had been hearing about yet another alleged fraud involving thousands of crores by Kolkata-based Saradha group which may be a case of misuse/laundering by money generated by duping of lakhs of investors & public at large by Saradha group through their chit-fund and other money-pooling activities in West Bengal Capital market regulator SEBI has already passed an order against one group entity, Saradha Realty India, asking it to wind up all collective investment schemes and refund the money collected from investors. Besides, SEBI is also probing at least ten other Saradha entities for raising funds without the regulator’s approval. But question arises how come SEBI ,IT deptt ,Ministry of Corporate affairs and other enforcement agencies having so many guidelines & so called checks & balances allowed it to happen . How can we enact laws like Chit Fund Act 1982 which may have so many loose ends .This is not one of its kind case in India in recent past . We had the Harshad Mehta Scam, Ketan Parikh Scam, UTI Scam, Vanishing Company Scam, Bhansali Scam ,2G scam ,Coal scam and the story goes on this front unabated. To cut a long story short there is immediate need to revitalize in-house system of...
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...the current recession in the global market. The LEGO Group achieved record-breaking profits in 2011 that secured the health of the company. Interestingly, not far from this climb, the LEGO Group had a deep retreat in the late 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s. Major strategic efforts such as theme parks, Clikits craft sets (marketed to girls), Galidor (an action figure) couldn’t respond to management teams’ goal, and brought failure. As a result the LEGO group created bad financial results: their profit margin was -2.5 and Return on equity was -3.5 in 1998. What intrigues me, as one of thousands of enthusiastic users of its products, is a simple curiosity about what kind of sustainable efforts could enable the LEGO to survive from the turbulent recession and gain even better market share. In order to observe the effective management strategies, this paper will trace the new or consistent strategies under the current CEO, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp (2004 - current). In addition to this, I will take a brief look at progress reports to get better sense of what the LEGO Group’s brand positioning and analyze the annual reports to observe financial status. Some financial ratios need to be drawn for a journey to discover how LEGO’s...
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...is able to work as part of a multi-discipline team, committed to providing professional service and able to lead a cross-functional team. A firm and unwavering practitioner of Corporate Governance based on one value of INTEGRITY. Key Competencies: • Possess strong Technical Skills in Airframe and Engine maintenance technologies • Experience in building and leading multi-discipline and cross-functional teams, relationship management, influencing and inspiring teams, utilizing exceptional problem solving abilities. • Goal driven, careful and meticulous, critical of errors and unsystematic work • Proven leadership skills with commendable analytical and problem solving skills. Strong professional and personal integrity. • Strong interpersonal and reporting skills • Versatile and dynamic, having worked in different settings in different countries • Goal getter and a faithful executive • Total commitment to generosity in giving: time, talent, treasure and touch B. Personal Growth With 36 years experience in International Air Transport and wide exposure as the former IATA Regional Director for African Airlines and being a former CEO of two African Airlines, I possess unique skills to provide Business Leadership in today’s turbulent environment. Inspired by a long-standing desire to be a professional entrepreneur, I embarked on the...
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...MGT 488 Entire Course Global Business Strategies https://homeworklance.com/downloads/mgt-488-entire-course-global-business-strategies/ To Get this Tutorial Copy & Paste above URL Into Your Browser Hit Us Email for Any Inquiry at: Lancehomework@gmail.com Visit our Site for More Tutorials: ( http://homeworklance.com/ ) MGT 488 Entire Course Global Business Strategies Week One: Strategic Business Continuity and Internal Risk Assessment Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Identify key firm capabilities. 1.2 Describe the components of sustainable competitive advantage. 1.3 Analyze the influence of the organization on strategic business continuity. Readings Read Ch. 3 of Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Case. Participation Participate in class discussion. All Days 1 Discussion Questions Respond to three discussion questions. Days 3, 4, 5 3 Weekly Summary Write a 300-350 word summary of how this week’s material relates to you professionally and to organization. Post to Weekly Summary Thread. Day 7 1 Learning Team Instructions Create the Learning Team Charter. Select one of the following Virtual Organizations to use throughout the course for strategic plan development: • Riordan Manufacturing • Huffman Trucking • McBride Financial Services Day 7 Individual Internal Risk Assessment Resource: University Library’s Datamonitor 360 Access the University Library’s Datamonitor 360 and look up...
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...Organizational Structure A basic review of modern corporate organizational structures can offer an insight into the origins of present day design of corporate management. By examining the predominant organizational structures in the economy today, it is clear that the growth and diversity of modern business practice has been the developmental catalyst for these individual management processes and structures Bureaucracy has a clear and definitive hierarchical structure with the authoritative mandate and directives typically led top down from senior executive leadership groups to silos containing secondary managerial structures (Ashkenas, 1999). A typical analogy of this organizational structure has been quoted as ‘the top rung of one ladder is the bottom rung of another’. Corporate operating procedures, methodologies, and policies and procedures are the foundation for a sustainable bureaucratic organizational system (Rockman, 2012). Common examples of this type of organizational structure would be large scale government or military organizations. A basic review of modern corporate organizational structures can offer an insight into the origins of present day design of corporate management. By examining the predominant organizational structures in the economy today, it is clear that the growth and diversity of modern business practice has been the developmental catalyst for these individual management processes and structures Bureaucracy has a clear and definitive hierarchical...
Words: 927 - Pages: 4
...MGT 488 Entire Course Global Business Strategies https://homeworklance.com/downloads/mgt-488-entire-course-global-business-strategies/ To Get this Tutorial Copy & Paste above URL Into Your Browser Hit Us Email for Any Inquiry at: Lancehomework@gmail.com Visit our Site for More Tutorials: ( http://homeworklance.com/ ) MGT 488 Entire Course Global Business Strategies Week One: Strategic Business Continuity and Internal Risk Assessment Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Identify key firm capabilities. 1.2 Describe the components of sustainable competitive advantage. 1.3 Analyze the influence of the organization on strategic business continuity. Readings Read Ch. 3 of Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Case. Participation Participate in class discussion. All Days 1 Discussion Questions Respond to three discussion questions. Days 3, 4, 5 3 Weekly Summary Write a 300-350 word summary of how this week’s material relates to you professionally and to organization. Post to Weekly Summary Thread. Day 7 1 Learning Team Instructions Create the Learning Team Charter. Select one of the following Virtual Organizations to use throughout the course for strategic plan development: • Riordan Manufacturing • Huffman Trucking • McBride Financial Services Day 7 Individual Internal Risk Assessment Resource: University Library’s Datamonitor 360 Access the University Library’s Datamonitor 360 and look up...
Words: 6810 - Pages: 28
...University of San Carlos – Technological Center Industrial Engineering Department IE524 Management Information Systems CASE 4 Agilent Technologies and Russ Berrie: The Business Challenges and Consequences of Failure in Implementing ERP Systems Submitted by: Apas, Cherry Ann Caisic, Shaira Carvajal, Jay-Ann Submitted to: Christine Omela V. Ocampo, IE February 2, 2016 A. Executive summary Agilent Technologies is an American public research, development and manufacturing company established in 1999. The company provides analytical instruments, software, services and consumables for the entire laboratory workflow. Agilent focuses its products and services on six markets: food, environmental and forensics, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, chemical and energy, and research. Meanwhile, Russ Berrie and Company is the company named after its own founder Russell Berrie which originated as a maker of stuffed animals, other toys and gifts. The company sells a wide variety of gift items, including stuffed animals, mugs, picture frames, figurines, and various home accessories through retailers located around the world. Both companies, Agilent Technology and Russ Berrie, experienced challenges and consequences of failure in implementing ERP systems. When implementing ERP systems, organizations encounter different kinds of challenges. A problematic ERP implementation in mid-August of 2002 costs Agilent Technologies Inc. $105 million in revenue and $70 million in...
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...Research Paper Management accounting: An instrument for implementing effective corporate governance Mayanja MK and Van der Poll HM Department of Management Accounting, Unisa, Pretoria, 0003 South Africa. Accepted 28 September, 2011 Management accounting is not given sufficient emphasis, at the board level, as a provider of timely and relevant information to facilitate the execution of good corporate governance. Without management accounting information corporations in Botswana may find it difficult to create sustainable corporate governance. A qualitative approach using questionnaires and interviews were used to establish the extent to which management accounting tools are applied by the directors in the target companies. The research was carried out amongst listed companies on the stock exchange and the parastatal companies in Botswana. Furthermore documentation, for instance annual financial statements from the companies were reviewed. Most directors in the companies do not fully utilise the tools of management accounting in decision making. Management accountants have also failed to provide the relevant information to the board. To execute their duties efficiently, directors may need to call for the management accounting reports from the senior management level up to the board level and regularly use these reports to facilitate decision making. Key words: Management accounting, corporate governance. INTRODUCTION Management accounting, which was traditionally intended for internal...
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...recession may result in crashing stock markets, bankrupt businesses, and increased unemployment, poverty and mortality rates worldwide, due to hunger, depression, suicide and lack of resources. My choice would be the “fracking” proposal which can avert the recession & boost the economy. “Green Wind Turbine” would be unsuccessful during recession, since its expense is more than its revenue. And, without economic viability all other stakeholders’ interests are lost. Utilitarianism supports “fracking” as it produces “greatest good for the greatest number”. In the end it will create millions of jobs, help boost economy, meet Canadian and US oil needs and supports ‘energy security’. We cannot address all concerns from all stakeholders at all times. “fracking” serves the majority of Primary and Secondary stakeholders which have a higher priority in the stakeholder typology. The non-social stakeholders are dormant and are a minority. Utilitarianism being a consequential principle focuses on the ends, and ignore the means. The shortcoming of “fracking” is that on the way to boost economy via oil production, it’s also boosting environmental and ecological dangers. Emissions, pollution, wastes, chemicals, contamination are bi-products of oil extraction by “fracking”. This principle drives us to ignore the primary and secondary non-social stakeholders and may cause an irreversible damage, while focussing on producing utility for the majority. The principle of Moral Rights supports the...
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...The Shell Global Scenarios to 2025 The future business environment: trends, trade-offs and choices © Shell International Limited (SIL), 2005. Permission should be sought from SIL before any part of this publication is reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any other means. Agreement will normally be given, provided that the source is acknowledged. The information contained in this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate although the forward looking statements herein are by their nature subject to risk factors which may affect the outcome of the matters covered. Opinions from independent experts are presented as their own views in separate inserts with their approval. None of Shell International The companies in which Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c. directly or indirectly own investments are separate and distinct entities. The expressions “Royal Dutch/Shell Group” and “Group” are used to refer to the companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group as a whole. The words “Shell”, “we”, “us” and “our” are used in some places to refer to the Group and in others to an individual Shell company or companies where no particular purpose is served by identifying the specific company or companies. Limited, its affiliates and their respective officers, employees and agents represents the accuracy or completeness of the information set forth herein and none of the foregoing shall be liable for...
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...fall of China’s corporate dragon: Kelon and its old and new owners Guy S. Liu and Pei Sun INTRODUCTION The collapse of corporate empires in contemporary capitalist economies tends to be no less dramatic than the vicissitudes of political empires in history. While the political ones often slipped into a less than envious position through a gradual process, in which the decline could be discerned widely by both outside political observers and ordinary people, the sudden collapse of corporate dinosaurs nowadays can take even the closest, longterm corporate analysts by surprise. Unfortunately, this was the case in the example of Kelon, a domestic household appliance manufacturer that once enjoyed the honour of being cited as a typically successful case study on Chinese firms in international business schools. Entitled Kelon: China’s Corporate Dragon,1 the study regarded it as an exemplar of dynamic Chinese firms rising from China’s embracing of the market economy during the 1980s and 1990s.2 The timing of the publication, namely the year 2001, could not have been more embarrassing for both the authors and business school students. Guangdong Kelon Electrical Holdings Co. Ltd shocked investors and equity analysts alike by reporting an unprecedented net loss of RMB 1.5 billion (HK$17 million) in the same year, with appalling scandals of the controlling shareholder’s expropriation of company assets. The rise and fall of Kelon is deeply rooted in its corporate governance system, which...
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...its been called “profit making only”, “going beyond profit making”, “any discretionary” corporate activity intended to further social welfare”, and “improving social or environmental conditions”. We can understand it better if we first compare it to three similar concepts which are Social Obligation, Social Responsiveness and Social Responsibility. Social obligation is when a firm engages in social actions because of its obligation to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more while Social responsiveness is when a company engages in social actions in respons to some popular social need. Indeed, Social responsibility is as business’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. From what we had go through and search on Avon, our group had agreed to conclude that this company is one of the company which apply those Social Responsibility in its management. This is because, Avon had launched so many social actions and activities those related to the way on protecting nature and human being such as Avon Breast Cancer Crusade , launched in 1992. The other one is, Speak Out Against Domestic Violence, launched in 2004. As a global citizen, Avon also responds to major natural disasters and emergencies in areas where the company has a presence. . The program, called Hello Green Tomorrow, is a corporate initiative in more than 50 countries that in its first two years generated over $3.5 million...
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...management strategies fail from four perspectives (leadership, culture, people issues and quick response) that are major factors to determine whether change management is successful or not. INTRODUCTION Change for organizations both large and small, whether in the private, public or voluntary sectors has been inevitable for the past decades or so. Such trends of organizational change are increasing in frequency, pace, complexity and turbulence under current situation, and there appears to be no sign of abatement. The concrete purposes of change management for different organizations are probably not the same, but the ethos of change management is the same, that is, making the organizations more effective, efficient, and responsive to the turbulent environment changes. Through the comparison of the trends of change in private and public sector organizations in the UK, there are many common traits we can draw, such as, Focus on quality and value for money, flatter structures, decentralization, downsizing, and rapid advancement in the application of information technology and so forth (Hamlin, 14). It is evident that the...
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