Ariel E. Rosado
May 13, 2013
Mitchell W. Jessip, MS
Corrections has been around for hundreds of years, to the times during and after the rain of King Hammurabi. Corrections is the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders through different programs. Corrections consist of counseling, treatment programs, and prisons, concrete and bars. Corrections is one of the final components in the criminal justice system. After a person get arrested and goes through the court process and has received a conviction then it’s off to the department of corrections.
History of Punishment All throughout history there have different types of punishments. For example during the time of King Hammurabi, punishment for a crime was very strict. If a person stole something they would get a hand cut off to show everyone in the land that he or she was a thief. Another way of punishment in ancient time to have a person banished from the land. The banishments were temporary periods or permanently. The law of the land had a lot to do with the type of punishment that a person would receive. Historically punishment was painful and shameful. Offenders were placed in stocks and pillories as punishment in front of the townspeople. Today people here in the United States are place in prison, parole, or probation for the different crime that one commits. People at home punish their children by grounding them, taking away something, timeout, or spankings. Punishment is nothing more than try to correct the wrong. For example, murder, murder can be punishable in many different ways. The first the convicted person could receive a lift time in prison, and second a person my receive the death penalty.
History of Prison Development William Penn, the governor of Pennsylvania, who was a Quaker did not want his colony to be like his