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Submitted By dwight826309
Words 1036
Pages 5
Corruption: Good or Evil Corruption in developing countries perpetuates to be one of the greatest factors of poverty, development and internecine conflicts. Although many developing nations are endowed with priced natural resources, yet they struggle and scramble for position in the lower rungs of the United Nations Development Index. Most developing countries perpetuate to grapple with the ever transmuting trends in global politics, economic and technological advancements having little or nothing to do due to the weakening effects of corruption on their very subsistence. From the USA to the Philippines, corruption perpetuates to have an adverse effect on the lives of the vast majority of the population. Understanding the concept of corruption presupposes that one should have a clear dichotomy of what it entails and what constitutes it in the simplest term. There is no single accepted definition for the term ‘corruption’ because what may seem corrupt in one society may not indispensably be perceived as such in another. Though there have been different endeavors to define it, there is no precise, clear definition that can be applied to all forms, types and degrees. According to Friedrich (1972), “Corruption is a kind of behavior which deviates from the norm actually prevalent or behaved to prevail in a given context, such as the political. It is deviant behavior associated with a particular motivation, namely that of private gain at public expense.” The Oxford English dictionary defines corruption as “Pervasion or favor, the use of existence of corrupt practices especially in a state, public corruption, etc.” The most commonly used and popular definition is the one given by Palmier (1985) according to this definition, corruption is visually perceived as the utilization of public office for private advantage.

One cause of corruption is psychological. There

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