...Implementing situation analysis to identify marketing opportunity For a marketer, the most important aspect of marketing management is to analyze the recent and changing trends in the market, conduct a situational analysis and meet the demands of their consumers. Trend Analysis is the practice of collecting information, analyzing it and them attempting to spot a pattern or ‘trend’ in the information. After spotting the trend in the information, marketers follow it to come up with ideas in order to meet the demands of what their consumers want. Trend analysis is used to predict future events based on events happening in the present or the past. While conducting a trend analysis, marketers are actually conducting a situational analysis. A situation analysis, according to the American Marketing Association (AMA), is “the systematic collection and study of past and present data to identify trends, forces, and conditions with the potential to influence the performance of the business and the choice of appropriate strategies.” The situation analysis involves a thorough review of the industry, the market and the marketer’s competition. A thorough analysis of the situation in which the firm finds itself serves as the basis for identifying opportunities to satisfy unfulfilled customer needs. In addition to identifying the customer needs, the firm must understand its own capabilities and the environment in which it is operating. The situational analysis can be viewed as the analysis...
Words: 4953 - Pages: 20
...Identification of relevant social factors that affect customer behavior in purchasing car 1.1 Background of the Study The main purpose of this research is to identify the relevant social factors that affect purchase intention in purchasing car. The result of the research could be used as reference by the car dealer and manufacture which allows to understand the requirement of the market demand in Malaysia. Since there are a lot of competitors in vehicle industry provides advance manufacturing technologies and facilities which to be successful, automaker companies have to strengthen the need according to the need of the customer in order to remain in the car manufacturing industry. Carmaker and marketers should not only focuses on manufacturing vehicle and performance of the vehicle instead they also should emphasises on the social factors which influence the buyers decision in purchasing car such as reference group, family factor and social status. Other than that, the basic principle in the current market which is governing is customer orientation and customer centeredness in belief. Currently, the Competitive market is forced to produce the goods according to the customer needs (Tafler, 2007). The study on the consumer purchase behaviour which also refer as consumer behaviour, provides information of the consumer patterns and purchase intention (Nesai, 2009). Other than that, the organization able to survive along the organization could able to supply the needs...
Words: 9144 - Pages: 37