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Criminal Justice Application Essay Examples

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The summer after fifth grade my father decided he wanted to teach me the diamond business, which consisted of going to Downtown Los Angeles’ Diamond District from 8am-8pm, Monday through Thursday and 8am-6pm on Friday. My brother, whom he exploited and abused by forcing him to work every day after school since fourth grade came every day after his mandatory school provided camp provided. With three years of experience Downtown, alone with my father and getting blamed for bad business deals, he taught me the ropes; I trusted him explicitly.
No words could express the horror of discovering that the painful and secretive “activities” my brother coerced me and my sisters into were abnormal. However, once I was aware that what was happening to us was wrong and abnormal, I reported it. Little did I know that my choice was a rare one, thirteen year olds keep incestuous relationships to themselves, even once they realize how …show more content…
I’m glad I was mature enough, at thirteen years old, to allow my abuser to receive inpatient therapy in place of going to trial where I was ensured he would be sentenced to five to seven years in prison and be a registered sex offender for life.
When I began public school, I entered a whole new world. One of opportunity, diversity and open-mindedness. I was finally somewhere I wanted to be, and as a result, I excelled. The next two years were fairly simple as I signed up for increasingly harder classes beginning two months after I entered the school. Within one year I made up the classes I failed in ninth grade while maintaining straight A’s. The next year I took Advanced Placement classes and by the end of junior year, ready for a challenge, I signed up for six Advanced Placement classes, only four fit into my schedule, a blessing in disguise considering I was diagnosed with cancer two weeks after school

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