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Crispin's Inspirational Words Bear Analysis

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Words 326
Pages 2
One of the most inspirational words Bear told Crispin was, "Think of what you might become if you were cleansed of thirteen years of dirt, neglect, and servitude ( Avi 119)." What Bear is trying to tell Crispin is to move on from the past and become someone better and someone confident.

This influenced Crispin because it changed him for the better. Overtime, Crispin is slowly become more confident. For example, at first, Crispin didn't know how to play the recorder and didn't think that he could. Bear kept on pushing him to try harder. Eventually, Crispin was able to play it: " No one was more amazed than me...I wanted to play it over and over again." When Bear started dancing to his music, Crispin realized that Bear wanted him to help Bear:"

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