...marketers may ignore some important information in their environment simply because it is not consistent with their past experience. The purpose of this article is to outline both the intellectual and the pragmatic roots of changes that are occurring in marketing, especially marketing management, as a body of knowledge, theory, and practice and to suggest the need for a new paradigm of the marketing function within the firm. First, the origins of the marketing management framework, the generally accepted paradigm of the marketing discipline for the past three decades, are considered. Then shifting managerial practice is examined, especially the dissolution of hierarchical bureaucratic structures in favor of networks of buyer-seller relationships and strategic alliances. Within those new forms of organization, the changing role of marketing is discussed and a reconceptualization of marketing as a field of study and...
Words: 12359 - Pages: 50
...Is competition necessarily beneficial for consumers? Niall Douglas Firstly, I shall summarise the Neo-Classical Economic interpretation of the maximisation of social welfare through the concept of perfect competition versus monopolies. Secondly, I shall state a range of empirical evidence drawn from various sources negating the Neo-Classical interpretation, from which it shall become clear in what situations the Neo-Classical model fails. Lastly, I shall outline a game theory explanation of the typical case where monopoly invariably outperforms competition. The Neo-Classical Economic Interpretation According to this interpretation, social welfare (in the sense of maximising allocative efficiency1) is maximised only under perfect competition where infinitely tiny (relative to all other competing) firms are price takers2. In contrast, monopolies, whom are price setters through their ability to affect their market, create a deadweight loss to society as output is lower than is socially optimal3. This model is summarised by the top graph in Figure 1 below where Pm and Qm are aggregate equilibrium price & quantity for monopolies and Ppc and Qpc are for perfectly competitive firms. The graph on the bottom is that for a single perfectly competitive firm, with its straight line fixed price. 1 By ‘allocative efficiency’ I mean reaching a Pareto Efficient Optimum whereby any further change would make the aggregate of consumers and firms (ie; society) worse off according...
Words: 2509 - Pages: 11
...Subject Code: IMT-17 Subject Name : INTERNATIONAL Notes: a. b. c. d. Write answers in your own words as far as possible and refrain from copying from the text books/handouts. Answers of Ist Set (Part-A), IInd Set (Part-B), IIIrd Set (Part – C) and Set-IV (Case Study) must be sent together. Mail the answer sheets alongwith the copy of assignments for evaluation & return. Only hand written assignments shall be accepted. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. 5 Questions, each question carries 1 marks. Confine your answers to 150 to 200 Words. Two Case Studies : 5 Marks. Each case study carries 2.5 marks. MARKETING A. First Set of Assignments: B. Second Set of Assignments: C. Third Set of Assignments: D. Forth Set of Assignments: Objective: 1. To give an overview of the scenario on international marketing which offer unlimited opportunities to the organization 2. To equip students with the understanding of environments with capability to develop products and other marking mix elements to develop effective market plan. 3. To imbibe an outlook to win world markets Contents GLOBALIZATION: THOUGHTS AND PROCESS For and Against Globalization; Determinants of Global Trade; Global Trade Dynamics; Global Trade and Economy Flows During -; International Competition; Outgrowth of New Markets; Defining Concepts of Global Trade; Drivers of Globalization;Organizing Global Marketing; Global Local Marketing; Objectives of Global Marketing...
Words: 2057 - Pages: 9
...carriers with exemplary customer service delivered by more than 47,000 employees to more than 100 million customers annually. Southwest Airlines operates more than 3,600 flights a day, serving 95 destinations across the United States and six additional countries. From its first flights on June 18, 1971, Southwest Airlines launched an era of unprecedented affordability in air travel as in a lowering of fares and increase in passenger traffic wherever the carrier serves. With 42 consecutive years of profitability, Southwest is one of the most honored airlines in the world, known for a triple bottom line approach that contributes to the carrier's performance and productivity, the importance of its People and the communities they serve, and an overall commitment to efficiency and the planet. The purpose of this milestone is for students to introduce a firm for analysis in their research paper. This milestone requires students to provide an overview of the firm, which will lay the groundwork for their analysis. Students will provide a history of the firm as well as current information about its goods/services and areas of operation. This milestone will also ensure that students are familiar with APA formatting for in-text citations and reference lists. Prompt: Submit a draft of the introduction (Section I) of your research paper for your selected firm, which was approved by your instructor in Module One. Include all critical elements listed below...
Words: 3144 - Pages: 13
...2.Literature Review 2.0 Game theory and Microeconomics A game can be defined as a formal description of a strategic situation. It is a complete mathematical summary of a strategic interaction setting. Likewise, Game theory is the formal study of decision-making in which several players must make choices that potentially affect the interest of other players. Game theory addresses the dilemma in conflict and cooperation. The concepts of Game theory apply whenever the actions of several agents or players are interdependent within a competitive situation. These agents include individuals, groups, firms or a combination among these. Formal applications of Game theory requires knowledge of the identity of independent actors or players, their preferences...
Words: 1043 - Pages: 5
...mission is to continue to drive for excellence throughout my life. I will ensure that I graduate from school with my Bachelors of Science in Accounting degree from DeVry University. My mission is to also enroll in Keller’s Graduate school to get my master in Business and Management. My goal is to work for a successful company in a management position to demonstrate my skills and help the company to drive for outstanding results. I am committed to becoming a successful manager in a retail store or corporate level. I am willing to go above and beyond to reach that goal. I am a driven, compassionate, and hardworking individual. My goal is to one day get marry and have a family. I will be loving and proactive in building and maintaining my relationships with my employees, family and friends, so that I may be considered a successful wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, co-worker, and manager. Elevated Speech Hi my name is Carmelia Bell. I am a senior at DeVry. I’m graduating June 30 of this year. I have 4 years of an assistant manager experience. I’m currently working as a team lead at Target. There I have driven my team of becoming number one out of a group of 300 stores of having the highest guest experience score. Our goal was 88% and I led my team of getting a 99% score. I’m looking for company where I can contribute to their company success by driving for outstanding results for them as well. I am a dedicated and hardworking person with the mindset of being the best...
Words: 3474 - Pages: 14
...significant market power, that is, the power to charge high prices.[4] Although monopolies may be big businesses, size is not a characteristic of a monopoly. A small business may still have the power to raise prices in a small industry (or market).[4] A monopoly is distinguished from a monopsony, in which there is only one buyer of a product or service; a monopoly may also have monopsony control of a sector of a market. Likewise, a monopoly should be distinguished from a cartel (a form of oligopoly), in which several providers act together to coordinate services, prices or sale of goods. Monopolies, monopsonies and oligopolies are all situations such that one or a few of the entities have market power and therefore interact with their customers (monopoly),...
Words: 10774 - Pages: 44
...UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULA AND FACULTY 2007 – 2011 Proposed 2009 – 2013 2 Requirements for the BBA degree: Foundation Courses 40-41 Credits Core Courses 45 Credits Departmental Requirement 24 Credits Minor 15 Credits Total variable requirement for Graduation 124-125 Credits Foundation Courses Communication Skills ENG 101 ENG 102 ENG 105* ENG 106 ENG 202 Listening and Speaking Skills English Reading Skills Business English Advanced English Skills Introduction to English Literature 40-41 Credits 9 3 3 3 3 3 * Prerequisite ENG 101 & 102 Note: students not exempted from ENG 101 and ENG 102 will have to take ENG 101, ENG 102 and ENG 105. Note: students exempted from ENG 101 and ENG 102 will have to take ENG 105, ENG 106, ENG 202 Computer Skills CIS 101* CSC 101** Fundamentals of Computer System Introduction to Computer Science 3 3 3 * For students without basic knowledge of computer **For students with basic knowledge of computer & mandatory for students with Major in subjects offered from the SECS Numeracy MAT 100* MAT 210* Basic University Mathematics 1 Basic University Mathematics 2 6 3 3 3 *MAT 100 and MAT 210 mandatory for SLAS majors(English, Media & Communication, Anthropology) other than Sociology MAT 101* MAT 211* MAT 102* MAT 212* Intermediate University Mathematics II Probability and Statistics Introduction to Linear Algebra & Calculus Probability & Statistics for Sc. & Engr. 3 3 3 3 **MAT 101and MAT 211 mandatory for...
Words: 16148 - Pages: 65
...This article was downloaded by: [Kingston University Library] On: 02 November 2013, At: 01:05 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Marketing Management Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjmm20 Relationship Marketing Theory: Its Roots and Direction Kristian Möller & Aino Halinen Published online: 01 Feb 2010. To cite this article: Kristian Möller & Aino Halinen (2000) Relationship Marketing Theory: Its Roots and Direction, Journal of Marketing Management, 16:1-3, 29-54, DOI: 10.1362/026725700785100460 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1362/026725700785100460 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis...
Words: 10306 - Pages: 42
...INTRODUCTION Following this introduction on Nigeria’s economic development challenge, this paper reviews business economics, outlining the relationship with innovation and social entrepreneurship. It also presents a holistic framework for economic development covering the individual, firm and macro levels, and outlines the roles of stakeholders at each level, in fostering national development. It concludes by calling on all stakeholders to play their part in leveraging entrepreneurship and all aspects of business economics to unleash the wealth of human capital that Nigeria is endowed with so that more people can participate in the transformation of Nigeria. Nigeria as the most populous country in Africa is naturally endowed with millions and millions of acres of arable land, 38.5 billion barrels of stated oil reserves, vast gas reserves, a variety of unexploited minerals, and a wealth of human capital by virtue of its estimated population of 150 million. It is the world’s eighth largest exporter of oil, and Africa’s second largest economy, after South Africa. Nigeria accounts for 15 per cent of Africa’s population, contributes 11 per cent of Africa’s total output and 16 per cent of its foreign reserves while it accounts for half of the population and more than two-thirds of the output of the West Africa sub-region. It has been at the forefront of the resolution of many political challenges in Africa. Over the last decade, Nigeria has implemented far reaching economic reforms...
Words: 2924 - Pages: 12
...MIcroeconomics: Markets, Methods & Models Douglas Curtis and Ian Irvine | Version 2014/2015 $ ADAPTED OPEN TEXT FORMATIVE ONLINE ASSESSMENT COURSE SUPPLEMENTS COURSE LOGISTICS & SUPPORT a d v a n c i n g l e a r n i n g www.lyryx.com Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.en_GB Douglas Curtis and Ian Irvine Edition 1.11 This edition is differentiated from the first edition solely by minor editorial adjustments. Content has not been altered. Microeconomics: Markets, Methods and Models About the Authors Doug Curtis is a specialist in macroeconomics. He is the author of twenty research papers on fiscal policy, monetary policy, and economic growth and structural change. He has also prepared research reports for Canadian industry and government agencies and authored numerous working papers. He completed his PhD at McGill University, and has held visiting appointments at the University of Cambridge and the University of York in the United Kingdom. His current research interests are monetary and fiscal policy rules, and the relationship between economic growth and structural change. He is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, and Sessional Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario Ian Irvine is a specialist in microeconomics, public economics, economic inequality...
Words: 118779 - Pages: 476
...Academic assistance is the defined as an activity for teaching available for students in all subjects including science, mathematics, management, business studies, business and law and information technology. In the academic assistance, all subject related helps is being provided to the students to meet specific subject related queries. It is defined as a tutoring practice, which provides support to the students in solving particular subject related queries. Apart from this, this makes the learning process easy for the students through providing ready to learn or tailor made notes and helps in solving specific subject problems. Basically, academic assistance is the new method of tutoring by a large number of institutions to facilitate the students in their studies. Academic assistance encompasses all types of subjects from English to Management. In the academic content development, a number of subjects such as business studies, marketing, accounting and financial management, operations management, qualitative techniques, history, science, statistics, dissertation and its proposal development, human resources and organizational behaviour are covered. In pertinent to the given subjects, academic assistance is a kind of help provided to the students in developing particular topic related subjects content. Academic assistance is not only limited to provide a notes specific to subjects, but also it covers a full helps in completing the project steps such as authentic data collection...
Words: 5329 - Pages: 22
...Microeconomics of Competitiveness: Firms, Clusters, and Economic Development Submission of Assignment Student : Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi NPM : 8605210299 Program : S3 – Ilmu Manajemen – Pasca FEUI Date of Submission : September 13, 2005 Case: Finland and Nokia Assignment: 1. How was Finland able to move from a sleepy economy to one of the most competitive nations in the world by the end of the 1990s? 2. How was Finland able to become a world-leading nation in mobile communications? Why did this cluster emerge rather than others? 3. Why did Nokia become the world leader in mobile handsets? 4. What are the critical challenges for the Finnish government in 2001? For participants in the Finnish mobile communications cluster? For Nokia? 5. Given telecom downturn, what should the government do next? What should the private sector do? Answers: 1. Competitiveness of the nation does not lie on the government but rather depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade (Porter, 1998). It is believed with innovation and upgrade industry as aggregate of companies would lead to increasing level of productivity. Porter emphasizes the importance of productivity as the prime determinant of a nation’s long-term standard of living. In most situations, industry will need government involvement to play its roles as facilitator (Musgrave, 1989) or through making public policy (Grindle & Thomas, 1991). However, the less the government gets involved in...
Words: 1436 - Pages: 6
...PERNIAGAAN 1, PUSAT PERNIAGAAN SG.JELOK, 43000 KAJANG SELANGOR TEL: 03-87375009 FAX: 03-87395418 WEBSITE: www.riverbankacademy.com.my EMAIL: info@riverbankacademy.com.my 1 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE Executive summary Introduction To Standard Chartered Bank Introduction to Bond Sales & Literature Review Purpose of Study Objective of Study Problem Statement Literature Review Methodlogy Limitation of Study & Data Anaylsis Summary and Conclusions Recommendations page 3 page 4 page 15 page 19 page 21 page 23 page 25 page 27 page 29 page 31 page 32 2 Executive summary Business research functions to study the internal and external factors that affect profitability and market share for a company. There are several methods used in business research that helps executives to focus the energy of developers, production staff and distribution forces. The concept of sales "theory" or marketing "theory" is problematic. This is because these are really subsets of a broader microeconomic approach to the manipulation or creation of demand. The concept of "translating purchasing power into demand" is nothing other than this. Therefore, sales "theory and practice" is an aspect of microeconomics and revolves around the response to demand. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find dedicated employees who could be relied on when the going gets tough. It takes an encouraging supervisor to motivate an employee to stay on his/her job position and to do his/her job well. Likewise, it takes a committed...
Words: 5848 - Pages: 24
...quality; Service features; and Customer complaint handling as the major determinants of customer satisfaction in Banking sector: A Case study of National Bank of Pakistan Ishfaq Ahmed1, Shafiq Gul2, Umer Hayat3, Mohammad Qasim44 Introduction Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. The study is intended to identify customer satisfaction and retention is critical for retail banks, and investigates the major determinants of customer satisfaction and future intentions in the retail bank sector. Identifies the determinants which include service quality dimensions (e.g. getting it right the first time), service features (e.g. competitive interest rates), service problems, service recovery and products used. Finds, in particular, that service problems and the bank’s service recovery ability have a major impact on customer satisfaction and intentions to switch. This study investigates the relationship between perceived performance, satisfaction and behavioural intention, and the extent to which each is associated with actual performance, customers' attributions for problems, experience...
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