...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Student PHL/458 June 4, 2012 Instructor Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Alaska’s economy in the summer is in many ways driven by tourists visiting the state. A few years back the Alaska legislators enacted a head tax on visitors who arrive to the state. The $50. Per passenger tax was to go to projects that benefited the cruise line industry. Two problems arose from this ill-conceived tax; legislators could not find enough projects to put the funds to. Bradner,T, (2009) Par 10, along with this the downturn in the economy along with higher costs caused many cruise line companies to reconsider their Alaska destinations. If the legislators approached the cruise line companies and asked them for specific projects that would benefit their industry before levying a tax and then looking for projects they may have helped bolster the industry instead of hurting it. By thinking critically one considers the outcome and the effect ones decisions have. Also a creative thinker would look for inventive ways to accomplish goals that would have better outcomes than following the usual procedure. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Free will is the ability to free oneself from the influences or...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise PHL/ 458 Prof. January 7, 2014 Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Situation can be described as related to critical thinking and creative thinking could be used in the results related to driving license in our young adolescents under age in the state of Florida. Permission designed to handle restriction is 16 years old and must have the consent and approval of the parents. It is legislating in the state of Florida, to grant permission for a driver's license without restrictions taking other considerations into our youth, such as young people who have a grade point average of excellence, high truancy and has reflected a pattern consecutive game and academics. It is important to think critically and creatively due to the continuous changes faced by each member of a family, but without forgetting the responsibilities that entails, as are the possible bodily experiences and write a first and second persons. I think it is an idea that has to be studied very thoroughly before being adopted due to the recent statistics in our youth , the first cause of death in young people are accidents of cars and the second suicide . As we have to hurdle the following few factors, how mature and capable is the young, how responsible is and how expensive it is to allow a driving license. If every young man who wants a license without restrictions you must meet certain requirements established from time to time and to report to the department for...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise 1. Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Critical thinking along with critical thought is used every day and most individuals don’t even realize it. One such situation in which I could have used critical or creative thought for the better was my decision to separate from the Air Force. When I was making this decision to separate, I was only thinking of the negative items with the military and why I wanted to separate at the end of my enlistment. Just like many other people that faced this same situation, if given the opportunity to repeat this process utilizing the creative thinking process would be a major player in my decision making. I would suggest to those people to use critical thinking by looking at the whole picture including positives and negatives of staying in the military. Also, using creative thinking to try and come up with a plan of action if separation is the final choice and what the path forward from that point will be. 2. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Free will is defined as choosing to make a decision. Truth is defined as “what is so about something, the reality of the matter, as distinguished from what people wish were so, believe to be so, or assert to be so” (Ruggiero, 2009). Knowledge is to know about...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise John Doe PHL/458 - Creative Minds and Critical Thinking March 31st, 2011 Ace Ventura Critical Thinking and Society Exercise * * Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. * Most people use critical thinking and creative thought each day and don’t even realize it. One situation in which I could have used critical or creative though better was when I was developing one of my first new metal wall panel systems. We offer a wide variety of metal wall panel products for architectural construction and while developing a new metal panel system, I focused just a few aspects of the system that I was developing with out thinking of future needs or product expansion. I could have used critical thinking to broaden my perspective. * While what I was working on was good, it could have been much better if I had taken some time to set aside preconceptions and evaluated my creative concepts. If given the same situation I would take the opportunity to write down ideas then evaluate them based on there perceived values. Then after I was completed with my critical review I would also invite peer review to see if there was a perspective that I missed. * * Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. * Free will is the ability to...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Matthew J. Brown PHL/458 February 17, 2014 Lauren Castrogiovanni Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Justin Bieber getting arrested for drag racing down a public highway is an example of a situation where critical and creative thought could have been used to result in a better outcome. Justin Bieber was recently arrested for racing down a public highway. This is the same person that has millions of dollars and access to do almost anything he wants to do without breaking any laws. If he would have thought critically and creatively about this situation, he could have reserved a local racetrack if he wanted to drive fast. If would have cost him a few thousand dollars to reserve a track and his public humiliation could have been eliminated. By definition, the person’s ability of choosing the best alternative from several possibilities is called free will. Free will gives us to think ourselves, take decision based on our own knowledge, thoughts and feelings. Truth is the ability of being in accordance with the reality or the fact. It can also mean any idea or judgment that is accepted as true or is considered true. Knowledge is a collective set of information and facts acquired through both education and experience. Knowledge helps in making rational decisions in critical thinking based upon our experience and what we take as truth. Opinions are judgments or beliefs that are not supported by...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Allen V. Briscoe PHL 458 September 14, 2013 Joseph Zodl A situation where creative thought and critical thinking could have been used for a better outcome has to deal with hiring the right skill-set of people in barbershops around the world. Many barbershops around the world hire people who can give good hair-cuts to different customers with different textures or styles of hair, unfortunately that doesn’t go well for some minorities. All barbershops around the world should hire barbers suited to cut all styles of hair to customer satisfaction to include all people around the world. Thinking creatively and critically introduces new ideas and ensures careful planning. Free will is the will to do what you please at any time. Truth is when someone tells facts that happen and could be proven. Knowledge is the research and experience you have on different subjects. Opinion is something everyone expresses about each and every subject. These are all used in our formulation of thoughts. Our thoughts are made up of free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Three habits that are hindrances to the critical thinking process are human limitations, use of language, and misconceptions due to faulty logic. Methods of overcoming each one of these hindrances are to acquire an adequate basis of understanding of the situation at hand for human limitations, for use of language we need to recognize when words are not intended to communicate ideas...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Christopher Nieto PHL/ 458 May 1, 2014 Patricia Caracena Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Alaska’s economy in the summer is in many ways driven by tourists visiting the state. A few years back the Alaska legislators enacted a head tax on visitors who arrive to the state. The $50. Per passenger tax was to go to projects that benefited the cruise line industry. Two problems arose from this ill-conceived tax; legislators could not find enough projects to put the funds to. Bradner,T, (2009) Par 10, along with this the downturn in the economy along with higher costs caused many cruise line companies to reconsider their Alaska destinations. If the legislators approached the cruise line companies and asked them for specific projects that would benefit their industry before levying a tax and then looking for projects they may have helped bolster the industry instead of hurting it. By thinking critically one considers the outcome and the effect ones decisions have. Also a creative thinker would look for inventive ways to accomplish goals that would have better outcomes than following the usual procedure. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Free will is the ability to free oneself...
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...Dimensions of Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a process in our human mind. Each and every day human beings must do this whether consciously or unconsciously. A critical thinker process that I became well aware of that; I thought was just regular thinking was simply preparing dinner meals. I just simply looked at its’ association with natural living. Some insights that I gained from this exercise is that when using the critical thinking process you either make assumptions, be biased and or analyze the situations. Assumptions can be detrimental to someone’s character. Sometimes we as human beings don’t take into account all the hard evidence before making final decisions. We take a lead and go all the way and fill in our own blanks. The exercise has taught me that every situation, sentence, and statement needs to be evaluated thoroughly. We live in such a microwave society that we don’t want to take the extra time; we are always rushing and not taking the millisecond to make the right choice or make the right decision. When we are challenged about our decision then we re-evaluate the scenario and find the facts or make accusations whether justifiable or inconsistent. At some time or another we also can be very bias in our daily conversations. Sometimes we are not persuaded to change our thinking even when the evidence clearly states the truth. A critical thinker will always have a plan and analyze the evidence in hand. Critical thinking added to a person...
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...Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Mayra Aida Arzac Perez PHL 458 May 7, 2013 Renee Orton Critical Thinking and Society Exercise As a manager in the telecommunication industry I constantly have to use a critical and creative thought. The company I currently work for T-Mobile launched the iPhone which is a huge deal in the cell phone industry. Store manager were asked to create a plan that will help in the success of the launch. With the knowledge that I had from previous carriers iPhone launches it provided me with information to be creative and critical. I began by putting together a plan of potential problems that have and could arise from previous launches. Such as system outage and employee coverage that can potentially affect the success of the weekend launch. It is always important to think outside the box and be creative. With the launch of the new phone I created ways were the high increase in traffic would be managed by providing them with beverages and there was a kid corner to minimize the parent’s nerves. I also planned a week in advance a time frame to market the launch of the phone. Sometimes to be creative one needs to go outside your four walls which is especially true in the sales industry. Free will, truth, knowledge and opinion all affect the thoughts and visions that people have. People have the free will to make decisions, choices and create their personal view of things in life. Truth can be hard to define as everyone sees the truth...
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...Critical and Creative Thinking in Society Short Essay l and Creative Thinking in Society Short Essay A situation of public interest that comes to mind is legalizing marijuana. So many people thing that legalizing it is a great thing because of health reasons but what about what kids think about it. Some people feel that legalizing marijuana should have a more critical thought process to it. Some children feel that since marijuana is becoming legal in so many states “because of medical reasons,” they think that it is ok to smoke. Not only is it not ok it is illegal, in the way that they are using it. Children think that it is their free will (make unimpeded choices) to smoke marijuana because it is accepted by society. It is the children opinions (their thoughts not factual) that smoking marijuana is the “cool” thing to do. Truth – fact or belief that is accepted as true Knowledge – familiarity and awareness Three hindrances in critical thinking are: problem solving, making decisions that benefit everyone, not just you and good thinking strategies. A way to overcome some of these obstacles is to slow down and do not be so quick to respond. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture and think of the choices based on what the outcome would be as a whole. A message in advertising that some people struggle with is the lost weight advertising. It gives people the thought that if they take these pills or eat this certain meal that they will instantly lose weight...
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...Students will learn about the relationships and connections among leaders, individuals, and organizations. Topics include strategy, communication, motivation, power, organizational change, and workplace conflict. Additionally this course relates leadership skill to those skills needed to be a successful lifelong and online learner. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe social problems, the various perspectives on problems, and possible solutions. 2. Apply knowledge of a particular major or discipline to pressing contemporary problems. 3. Create empowering environments by inspiring others, building coalitions, and developing a shared vision. 4. Integrate leadership and critical thinking skills through completion of a final project. 5. Analyze and solve problems using strategic thinking, planning, communication, and writing skills in a practical, applied setting. 6....
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...LAB 1 : FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LEARNING OUTCOMES This lab sheets comprises of activities 1A until 1D By the end of this lab session, you must be able to: * Explain and identify common database management system * Describe the three-schema architecture of DBMS * Describe the client-server architecture of DBMS * Identify the categories of DBMS * Describe the benefits of Desktop database and Server database * Select an appropriate DBMS suitable for a given business requirements * Identify the contribution of database technology to society Activity 1A Databases and DBMS are an essential component of life in modern society: most of usedcounter several activities every day that involve some interaction with a database.For example, if we go to the bank to deposit or withdraw funds, if we make a hotel or airline reservation, if we access a computerized library catalog to search for a bibliographicitem, or if we purchase something online such as a book, toy, or computer chances are that our activities will involve someone or some computer program accessing a database. Even purchasing items at a supermarket often automatically updates the database that holds the inventory of grocery items. 1. Why would you choose a DBMS instead of simply storing data in operating system files? 2. Name few of database names that you know. 3. When would it make sense not to use a DBMS? Activity 1B Diagram 1 1. Describe the three level-schema...
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...MECN1001: Critical Thinking Component Science Fiction Course reader Semester 2, 2015 “If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology, then its myth is tragic.” – Ursula Le Guin Lecturer and course co-ordinator: Ms Linda Mabin Linda.Mabin@wits.ac.za CM, 3rd Floor, East Wing, ADU (011) 717-7064 MECN1001: Critical Thinking Course Outline Science Fiction is a genre that is growing in currency around the world as a literature of cognitive estrangement, and one that has immense universal value because of this. To distance oneself from the ascendant structures of power is to perceive the world anew, filled with potential for change. For this reason, Science Fiction is a literature of immense value for a country such as South Africa. Approaching the challenges of a nation such as this requires an imagination trained to be meticulous in its logic, but unrestrained by the restrictions of present reality. Each tutorial activity is crafted to correlate with the concerns of the lecture material. Tutorials transpose the fundamental concerns dealt with in the subject matter of the lectures and ‘activate’ these ideas by having students demonstrate their knowledge not just in the form of individual written exercises, but through the vitally necessary process of engaging their tutors and peers in structured discussion. It is thus clear that the success of a tutorial is dependent on student participation, and as clear that the success of a tutorial depends on students being intrigued...
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...STUDY Lecture 1 Critical Reading Skills 1 Barriers to Critical Thinking Making inferences and drawing conclusions Identifying themes and main ideas of texts 2 Aims of Lecture 1 The main goal is to develop in students the skills and the confidence to approach a piece of academic text, read it efficiently and critically, and extract main ideas and key details. But the goal of academic reading is more than just retrieve information. It is also the development of academic writing. Assessment for EAS Assignment 1 (Written) Assignment 2 (Presentation) Mid Term (Week 6 or 7) Final Exam 20% 15% 15% 50% 3 4 WHAT DO YOU FIRST SEE? 5 6 1 5/26/2014 7 8 WHAT DO YOU SEE AND BELIEVE? Seeing is not believing. An idea should be formed based on valid evidences and unbiased perception. However, other perceptions and interpretations are possible. Acceptance of other opinions. To think CRITICALLY! BARRIERS TO CRITICAL THINKING… 9 10 Barriers to Critical Thinking (Why do people find Critical Thinking so difficult? What prevents people from thinking critically?) 1. Egocentrism - inability to see other people’s viewpoint - focus on self: I, ME, MYSELF selfish 1. Egocentrism 2. Sociocentrism 3. Unwarranted Assumptions and Stereotyping 4. Relativistic Thinking 5. Wishful Thinking 11 12 2 5/26/2014 Two common forms of Egocentrism are: 2. Sociocentrism (family, friends, community, society) Self-interested...
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...Masculinities Name Institution Men and Masculinities Key issues that arise when thinking about men in families and in the paid labor market When thinking of men in families, the issue of the relationship between the institution of marriage and the family arises. The family comprises of a father, mother, and children and each member has some roles to fulfill. The sociological perspective explains the family using critical sociology, symbolic interactionism, and functionalism. Critical sociology suggests that the family unit depends on historical transformations in economic structure and power relations in the society. Symbolic interactionism asserts that families are groups in which participants view one another as members of a family, connect emotionally and maintain strong ties for an extended period (Kimmel 2012). On the other hand, the functionalist perspective indicates that families are groups that perform critical roles for the family and the whole society. Families provide for one another's emotional, physical, and social well-being. The main question that people need to address is the extent to which gender roles have changed within the family. In the past few decades, many sociologists agreed with the fact that men were family providers whereas women would do the housework and raise children. Although there is considerable progress towards equality in the family, men continue to exercise greater power in the family (Schwalbe 2014). Similarly, the high occupational...
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