...Over the past few decades we have experienced tremendous progress in the advocacy of equal rights for women, however it is apparent that to a certain degree some form of inequality still persists. This is prevalent in the art work that I have chosen to explore and inspires much reflection on the subject. My Bed, By Tracey Emin was put on display in 1999 in the Tate Gallery. It was originally created a year earlier and moved around to different galleries. Tracey was born and raised in Margate, South East England. (Cherry). She is the daughter of an English mother and Turkish Cypriot father. Tracey suffered from deep emotional trauma due to the fact that she was raped at an early age. This comes out in much of her art as it usually has a sense of adultery attached to it. She also suffers from abuse of alcohol and other substances which may be a result of her history. (Wikipedia). In this work, we see different aspect of Tracey’s life, however none of them which directly create a geographical or cultural link of her origins. This instillation is particularly known as it left her just short of the Turner Prize. This art piece showed much emotional distress as there is no concern for hygiene or organization. Emin claims...
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...student, he first attended the parsonage's primary school, where his father was headmaster, and then a nearby grammar school in Abeokuta, where an uncle was principal. Though raised in a colonial, English-speaking environment, Soyinka's ethnic heritage was Yoruba, and his parents balanced Christian training with regular visits to the father's ancestral home in `Isarà, a small Yoruba community secure in its traditions. Soyinka recalls his father's world in `Isarà, A Voyage Around "Essay" (1989) and recounts his own early life in Aké: The Years of Childhood (1981), two of his several autobiographical books. Aké ends in 1945 when Soyinka is eleven, with his induction into the protest movement that during the next decade won Nigeria's freedom from British rule. The political turbulence of these years framed Soyinka's adolescence and early adulthood, which he chronicles in his most recent autobiographical work, Ibadan, The Penkelemes Years, A Memoir: 1946-1965 (1994). At twelve Soyinka left Aké for Ibadan to attend that city's elite Government College and at 18 entered its new university. But in 1954, his ambition focused on a career in theater, Soyinka traveled to England to complete a degree in drama at Leeds, under the well-known Shakespearean critic, G. Wilson Knight. After graduation in 1957, Soyinka extended his European apprenticeship by working several years as a script-reader, actor, and director at the Royal Court Theatre in London. This period also saw the composition of...
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...some of the struggles of fitting in that she endures after moving to America. Due to the financial collapse of her father’s businesses and the option of bankruptcy being out of the question, Suki and her family are forced to abandon their extravagant life in South Korea. After arriving in America, the family takes up residence in Queens, New York (Kim, 2011, p. 62). Suki’s new home is anything but glamorous. She describes it as “a crammed, ugly place” compared to the “hilltop mansion” where she grew up. For the first time in 13 years, she has to make her way through the day-to-day routines without the aid of the hired help. Aside from being stripped of her pampered lifestyle, Suki is now attempting to knock down the language and cultural barriers that separate her from her peers. In her new school, Suki is enrolled in an English as a Second Language class. With this class comes the opportunity for Suki to converse with fellow students in her native language. However, in the midst of these common bonds is also the obvious distinction of social status (Kim, 2011, p. 63). America is most often looked upon as a melting pot where all are welcome with the expectation of being treated equally. It doesn’t take long for Suki to realize that this is not always the case, even amongst those her age. Having been born and raised in South Korea, Suki is well versed in Korean traditions. Throughout the years, she integrates American traditions with those from her native Korea...
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...she had to overcome in order to adapt to a new life of poverty and cultural diversity in New York after leaving behind her affluent and luxurious life in South Korea. This article discusses the author’s point of view as 13-year-old Korean immigrant who moved to United States out of desperation and financial tragedy rather than in search of a better life. The author’s main idea in this essay is to convey the message that the foundation of divided immigrant groups, cultural differences and generation gap are so deeply rooted even in the United States that it is impossible to eradicate them from the mindset of people. The author emphasizes on the fact that her wealthy and sheltered background in Korea created confusion. Thus, making it difficult for her to identify with people’s perception of her race in America “One new fact that took more time to absorb was that I was now Asian, a term that I had heard mentioned only in social studies class”, stated author Suki Kim in her article. She continued, “In Korea, yellow was the color of the forsythia that bloomed every spring along the fence that separated our estate from the houses down the hill. I certainly never thought of my skin as being the same shade.” The author struggled to accept the fact that her race was divided based on her skin tone and that she had to transition as an immigrant from a fairy tale princess. The authors novice understanding of cultural differences in United States started settling when she did not see...
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...This major work began for me on the reading of Junichirō Tanizaki’s ‘Some Prefer Nettles’. The tale itself, highly symbolic and tinged with an unmistakable pathos, ultimately led me to select as a focus for my major work the Taisho period of Japan, a period of social, political and literary fermentation. The Taisho period was a time of literary reflection on the changes the Meiji period had brought about, it was a period where a great many authors turned their minds towards locating an authentic cultural identity distinct from Western influence. Decidedly thus influenced by this topic, my critical response was to have the purpose of illustrating the tensions that exist between modernity and traditional culture, additionally dealing with the...
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...Disorder Specific Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Interventions – WHM-M-030 Introduction The purpose of the paper is to discuss the current theory and empirical literature for using a transdiagnostic approach in cognitive behaviour therapy and it’s relevance in current practice. I will discuss the theory and evidence for using a transdiagnostic approach and highlight the main processes. A discussion on the strengths and limitations of the approach will conclude the first part of the paper. The second part will be a review of personal clinical work discussing the transdiagnostic process and its hypothesised effectiveness. To conclude the author will provide a personal reflection. There has been a long widely accepted claim for the effectiveness of CBT with prolific amount of evidence for it’s effectiveness for Depression, Anxiety and Mood disorders (Roth & Fongy, 1995) Models such as cognitive therapy for depression (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979), panic disorder (Clark, 1986,), posttraumatic stress disorder (Clark & Ehlers, 2004); and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Salkovskis, 1989) have led to disorder-specific interventions for treating common mental health problems. The benefits of devising a model on specific disorders is the high degree of research and comparable data involved; from that the therapist will be highly trained in the use of the model to deliver the approach for each disorder (Salkovskis 2002). Disorder specific models are seen to be easily delivered...
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...Democracy Both Jean Jacques Rousseau and Alex de Tocqueville have been profoundly influential in helping us understand the nature of our society. Their critical analysis provides a platform through which we can engage in pragmatic debate. This paper will attempt to explain the views of both authors while giving a comparative analysis of their ideas. In the early 19th century, renowned French political thinker Alex de Tocqueville embarked on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean to America. His mission was to understand what exactly made American democracy so special. Along the way, much was revealed about the American way of life. In his findings he noted the prevailing sense of individualism amongst the population. He found that most people where predominantly occupied by the notion of the “self” rather than the collective. Unsurprisingly, Tocqueville came to the conclusion that such a way of life would inevitably cause a collapse in America’s social framework. In what can only be called a remarkable display of socio-political prescience, Tocqueville also concluded that the American civilization was destined to adopt a form of governance wherein all actions would be designed to satisfy the will of the individual rather than the will of the collective. The trend towards individualism and selfishness that Tocqueville identified prompted him to come to a series of revealing predictions. He found that a culture predicated on egotism, selfishness and individualism would promote...
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...is perhaps the most famous and most written-about long poem of the twentieth-century. Eliot’s composition brings forth a reader to understand the work through its historical context and to understand cultural and intellectual history through this piece of literature, which documents the new discipline of the history of ideas. In other words, The Waste Land is subject to New Historicism to further understand the text of the poem and its relevance to history. T.S. Eliot’s poem, The Waste Land, was published in October of 1922. The 1920’s and 1930’s are often known as the interwar period. The decades were profoundly shaped by the dislocations of World War I and then the mounting crisis that led to World War II. These were decades of considerable dislocation in the West. Revolutionary regimes in several societies provided another source of change. New, authoritarian political systems were another response to crisis, particularly after the Great Depression, in several parts of the world. All of this occurred even as resistance to European imperialism was mounting (Davies 938). In addition, the 1920’s was marked by major patterns. One of the first major patterns, Western Europe recovered from World War I incompletely, particularly in economics and politics. Cultural creativity was important, and several social developments marked real innovation. But political and economic structures and European diplomacy as well, rested on shaky foundations. World War I quickly...
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...He sees the purpose of philosophy as promoting personal reflection. Here, the line between philosophy, as Rousseau would define it, and psychology, as someone of today would define it, has become extremely blurred. It is difficult to see where one discipline ends and the other...
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...Midterm: Joy Harjo English 375: Literature of the American Midwest Joy Harjo Can we separate the artist from the art? If you read something written by Hitler, could you really understand his intent without knowing what the man himself was about? An individual may read thousands of books, articles or poems during their lifetime, but how many of us really try to understand what sort of background or values influence what we are reading? There is a reason that the Literature of the American Midwest is a collection. Each story or author has something in common that in some way has connected them to writing about what we define as the American Midwest. “If the Midwest is to act as a region, it must know what it is. It must define itself. It needs a unifying portrait, a communal myth. To paint this portrait, we look to our writers, especially our novelists (Longworth, 2010, pg. 1).” Joy Harjo is an example of a writer whose work uniquely defines the Midwest through her heritage, values, accomplishments, and social and political views. Joy Harjo is a particularly interesting writer whose accomplishments and values can help you to understand a great deal about how and why her writings define her as much as she defines them. “Joy Harjo was born in 1951 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Native American and Canadian ancestry. Strongly influenced by her Muskogee Creek heritage, feminist and social concerns, and her background in the arts, Harjo frequently incorporates Native American...
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...What is literature? * Creative writing of recognised artistic value. * Written works of fiction and non-fiction in which compositional excellence and advancement in the art of writing are higher priorities than are considerations of profit or commercial appeal. * Literature is literally "an acquaintance with letters" as in the first sense given in the Oxford English Dictionary (from the Latin littera meaning "an individual written character (letter)"). The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts. The word literature as a common noun can refer to any form of writing, such as essays or poetry; Literature as a proper noun refers to a whole body of literary work, world-wide or relating to a specific culture... * lit·er·a·ture n. 1. The body of written works of a language, period, or culture. 2. Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value:"Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity" 3. The art or occupation of a literary writer. 4. The body of written work produced by scholars or researchers in a given field: medical literature. 5. Printed material: All the available collected literature on the subject. 6. Music: All the compositions of a certain kind or for a specific instrument or ensemble: the symphonic literature. Good literature has something important to say about life. If we take the time to read and understand the literature...
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...Examine historical, social, cultural, or political context to broaden inquiry and create questions. SCCR E2.RL.5.1: Cite strong...
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...An Ethics of Reading At the age of nine, Edith Wharton fell ill with typhoid. The local doctor told her parents nothing could be done and that their daughter would soon die. Only the ministrations of another physician, who happened to be passing through town and was prevailed upon to examine the girl, saved her life. Her fever fell, and the young Wharton began to recover. During her convalescence, she read voraciously. One of the books she was given contained a “super-natural” tale — a story which turned out to be, in Wharton’s own phrase, “perilous reading” (Wharton, p.275). In the original manuscript of her autobiography, Edith Wharton describes how reading this uncanny story occasioned a relapse, which brought her, once again, “on the point of death”: This one [book] brought on a serious relapse, and again my life was in danger and when I came to myself, it was to enter a world haunted by formless horrors. I had been a naturally fearless child; now I lived in a state of chronic fear. Fear of what? I cannot say — and even at the time, I was never able to formulate my terror. It was like some dark undefinable menace forever dogging my steps, lurking, threatening; (pp.275‑6).[1] According to Wharton, an act of reading plunged her body back into fatal illness. The young Edith Wharton did recover from the relapse, but its uncanny effects continued to haunt her well into adulthood. In “Women and Madness: the Critical Phallacy” (1975), Shoshana Felman tells another uncanny...
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...Learni M edi and Technol ng, a ogy I SSN :17439884 ( nt 1743Pri ) 9892 ( nlne)J O i ournalhom epage:ht p: / w w . andf i com / oi cj 20 t /w t onlne. l / em Al earni desi f st ng gn or udent -gener ed di t at gi al st oryt lng eli M at hew Kearney t To ci e t s art cl M at hew Kearney ( t hi i e: t 2011)A l ni desi f st ear ng gn or udent gener ed at di t st gial oryt lng,Learni M edi and Technol eli ng, a ogy,36: 1692, 188,D O I : 10. 1080/ 17439884. 2011. 553623 To lnk to thi arti e: ht p:/ doiorg/ 1080/ i s cl t / dx. . 10. 17439884. 2011. 553623 Publshed onlne:14 Apr 2011. i i Subm i your artcl t t s j t i e o hi ournal Ar i e vi s:1332 tcl ew Vi r at ar i es ew el ed tcl Cii ar i es:6 Vi cii ar i es tng tcl ew tng t cl Ful Ter s & Condii l m tons ofaccess and use can be f ound at ht p: / w w .andf i com / i j t /w t onlne. acton/ournalnf m aton?j nal I or i our Code=cj 20 em D ow nl oad by:[ i esex U ni siy] M ddl ver t D at 02 Febr e: uary 2016,At 11: : 17 Learning, Media and Technology Vol. 36, No. 2, June 2011, 169–188 A learning design for student-generated digital storytelling Matthew Kearney* Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Received 16 December 2010; accepted 7 January 2011) CJEM_A_553623.sgm Taylor and Francis Downloaded by [Middlesex University] at 11:17 02 February 2016 shirleya@uow...
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...Compare and Contrast The theme I chose to centralize my paper on is race and/or ethnicity. I will compare and contrast two poems: “Child of The Americas” by Aurora Levins Morales and “What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl (For Those of You Who Aren’t) by Patricia Smith. Morales is a woman if mixed race; Puerto Rican and Jewish, while Smith is African-American. We all want to think that someone’s race or color of their skin wouldn’t determine how they are treated or how they are perceived, but this is not the case. When talking amongst friends about someone they do not know we often describe them by using their skin color. And when meeting someone new one of the first questions we ask is “what race are you?” or the harsher “what are you?” Both of these poems give the reader a look into the mind of two young women of different races, one being mixed and the other being an African American, and how each girl views herself. The poem, “Child of The Americas” by Aurora Levins Morales, the reader looks into the consciousness of a young multi-racial woman. Morales herself is a multiracial woman “Puerto Rican-born and Jewish American Aurora Levins Morales is a poet, essayist, historian, and activist” (Fiandt, 2006). Morales’ poem talks about finding ones identity. Morales starts her poem off by stating that she is an American “she does not claim any single identity beyond “American” and this “American” includes the multiple races and nationalities that have entered the Western hemisphere”...
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