...Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON December 2006 Copyright © by Melissa Maier Bishop 2006 All Rights Reserved ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A wise professor told me before starting my PhD work to not forget my distractions. Therefore, this work is dedicated to my three favorite distractions—my husband Jeff and my two sons, Abel and Peyton. Thank you, Jeff, for all of your encouragement, your support, and your shoulder to lean on and your ear to listen during the past five years as we’ve come together on this journey. Thank you, Abel and Peyton, for sharing me with my studies and for often keeping me company while I studied for my exams and wrote my papers. Thank you also to my wonderful committee who were all so encouraging and patient with me, especially my Chair, Dr. Mark Peterson. Your excitement for my ideas inspired me as well as your belief in me. You have an unselfish and self-sacrificing nature that shines through you, and you are a gift to all of your students. Many thanks also to Dr. Roger Dickinson, who was a great support to me over the past five years and a big reason I decided to join the program in the first place. Thanks to my parents and to Jeff’s parents for helping me out in so many ways during this program. You all have always been so supportive of me in all that I do. Finally, thanks to God who put in me a stubborn and persevering nature, without which I would not have been able...
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...through the cross cultural context of who I am, as a cultural being and to identify through terms and understanding the concept. This is a form of analysis and to go through the process of questionnaire and self study by observation. The self study paper will demonstrate as a cultural being how one fits in society, culture, and views of self; also to be aware of self and to compare with different theories to give a better understanding of Cross Cultural Psychology and to better understand the personality, from where one comes from. Self Study As a Cultural Being The concept of this paper is to demonstrate what is behind Cross Cultural Psychology, and how it’s being used, meanwhile to identify one-self...
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...Academic English for Business and Management Compare and contrast the ideas expressed in the two texts. To what extent do these texts show that national and cultural stereotypes are no longer a useful way of examining the human condition and economic activity? Choose an element in the texts which you find interesting and explain your reaction to it by giving examples from your own experience. It is commonly regarded that globalization is a world trend today, thus national and cultural stereotypes are drawing attention. Before reading, the definition of stereotype should be clarified. Stereotypes are traits but different from the country, language, culture and other factors. Furthermore, stereotype is ‘a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing’ (Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press, 2014). This essay will compare and contrast the ideas from two articles named ‘Intercultural communication for sale’ (Piller, 2011) and ‘East meets West: How the brains unites us all’ (Yong, 2009), then consider whether stereotypes are useful to examine people’s mind and business activities. It is shown in two texts that national stereotype is a common topic that both Piller and Yong discussed in their articles. Yong (2009) refers to stereotypes that easterners have a holistic world view, while westerners tend to think more analytically. Piller (2011) uses the ideas of stereotypes and shows how they can be exploited to help sell...
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...Preserving and Revitalizing Filipino Architecture Thru Museum Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A. The Problem and Its Setting a. Background of the Study Various cultural influences are here in our country, there’s the Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Spanish and even American traditions left their trademarks on the Filipino culture that plays a part on country’s architecture. Different traditions, motifs and even culture are merged with our identity. Identity that had struggled for centuries by Filipino especially in designing and architecture. Many of us are wondering with these questions: Does Philippine Architecture really exist? Is there Filipino architecture?People said that our architecture is an adaptation of Asian architecture. Our very own bahay -kubo, our mountain region dwellings are said to be similar with the other countries. Architecture, as an art, It is “subject to social, political or cultural influences”. It reflects the values of the society. we should provide an opportunity of more accommodating for the presentation, promotion and development of this art. The aim of this study is to give us the information about the architectural background of our country, not to prove that, but to give the facts and knowledge of our architecture. b. Statement of the Problem Major problem: Filipino architecture is not that recognized. Sub-problems: Non existence of architectural museum in our country. Several people are asking about the country’s architecture...
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...of Organisational Behaviour The scope for the examination of behaviour in organisations is very wide. There are a multiplicity of interrelated factors which influence the behaviour and performance of people as members of a work organisation. It is important to recognise the role of management as an integrating activity and as the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness. People and organisations need each other. The manager needs to understand the main influences on behaviour in work organisations and the nature of the people–organisation relationship. The learning objectives of this chapter are to: G G G G G G G explain the meaning and nature of organisational behaviour and provide an introduction to a behavioural approach to management; detail main interrelated influences on behaviour in work organisations and explain the nature of behavioural science; explain contrasting perspectives of organisations and different orientations to work; explain the importance of management as an integrating activity; assess the importance and nature of the new psychological contract; recognise the need for an international approach and the importance of culture to the study of organisational behaviour; appreciate the complex nature of the behaviour of people in work organisations. Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the study area, a perspective on the nature of organisational behaviour and the importance of the role of management in work organisations. This chapter highlights the...
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...college preparatory high school, Jan.2010 - June 2012 • Carthage High School, Watertown, NY, Sept.2009-Dec.2009 • Ramstein American High School, Germany- Sept.2008-June 2009 Academic Record – Advanced Courses • Grade 12 – Honors English - Honors World History • Grade 11 – Honors Spanish 3 - Honors American Themes English 11 - A.P. U.S History • Grade 10 – Honors Modern History Extra-curricular Activities • St. Johns University Freshman/Sophomore years - Art Club: Learned about all aspects of art including music, drawings, paintings, sculptures, poetry. Each week we discussed new topics and optionally brought in our own pieces of art to show to the club. - African Students Association (ASA): Represented some of the best students on campus by focusing on the current issues facing Africa today as well as the influence on African culture in our American world. Meetings were held at least once a week, in which the organization would...
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...Before I started my research in Code-Switching, I had very little knowledge of what code switching actually was. Through my research, I came to find that code means language; switching means alternating between. Right as I started my research, I started to notice that authors spell “code switching” in different ways. For example, they use it as two words, with a hyphen between them, or as one word. The different ways to spell code switching is a perfect example of the meaning of the word/s itself. Switching languages can mean a variety of things. As the articles I annotate below indicate, language switching can occur without notice, between dialects of a language, between different languages, and so on. Due to its broadness, it is important to focus on a topic of interest when researching code switching. I decided to focus on the advantages and benefits that Code Switching provides. The articles I reviewed give reasons why code switching happens, and some articles present many explanations. However, the main reasons as put forth by Arnfast and Jorgensen (2003), imitate the three main reasons that code switchers give for using their skill. These reasons are: to fill in linguistic gaps for words, acquisition or maintenance of social power, and social acceptance. After much research and by reading several studies of these approaches, I came to the conclusion that code switching is used rarely for one purpose. It is also doubtful that the users are completely aware of all the reasons...
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...our mind. They can alter the way we see the world and the way we think and the way we live our lives. I’ve always been a firm believer of this and many different persons including lawyers, linguists, and psychologist speculated it, but not until recently were studies actually done to prove these statements. This was mostly done because it was presumed “untestable”, but luckily, Stanford and MIT found ways to reopen the question. “We have collected data around the world: from China, Greece, Chile, Indonesia, Russia, and Aboriginal Australia. What we have learned is that people who speak different languages do indeed think differently and that even flukes of grammar can profoundly affect how we see the world.” (Boroditsky, Lera. "HOW DOES OUR LANGUAGE SHAPE THE WAY WE THINK.) Language is a unique thing that humans have had the ability to create and develop and it is not only a key example to express how humans work, but it allows us to express ourselves in so many ways. To understand how language works, we must first understand what language is. Language is defined as ‘a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition’, but this definition can no longer be viewed as valid. Communication through language isn’t just a verbal expression. In fact, language wasn't the earliest form of expression and communication between two individuals; sign language was. Sign language...
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...Exploring the Ethnic Diversity in Shakira’s Song ( Objection) Literary studies in English Dr. Shanthini Pillai Feras Ismail Ali P61421 Review: Over the ages, humans migrated from place to place. Between 1700s to 1800s have been substantial migrations among the world. One of these migrations was the Latin Americans to United State of America. By the time the number of Latin Americans increased to reach 30 million with different ancestral, cultural background and traditions, those immigrants establish their own heritage, customs, traditions and values to build their own identity. This raises the concept of panethnicity. Panethnicity is a collection of different small identities which form a community. The different ethnicities in panethnic community have similarities in their customs, values, language and music. ( Andrea Bedoya, 2007, P1). Shakira and her family was one of the families who migrate to USA, when she became a famous singer all over the world, she tries to maintain her origins and culture through her lyrics and symbols in her songs. These movements of different origins and parts created diasporas who have to maintain their roots with their origin land, looking for their ancestral land and culture although they have to cope with the new land and culture, Shakira in her song presented these feelings clearly through the music, lyrics, setting, clothes, instruments and dancing. She tries to save her culture through singing. Karim (1998, P2) argued that “diasporas...
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...internationally. In 2010, I visited India for three weeks to visit my husband’s family. During this time, we lived in the homes of our family members in various villages and cities throughout the country including: Ahmedabad, Mount Abu, Pune, Delhi and Mumbai. Additionally, in 2007, my husband and I vacationed in Greece for two weeks staying in Athens and Greek Islands. Lastly, I have taken smaller vacations in several Caribbean countries and Mexico. Through these vacations, I came to appreciate the unique cultures and values of the people that I met. Despite the contrasting lifestyles and material wealth I witnessed in each country compared to what is in the US, I also saw how similar my values and beliefs are to those I met. In each case, the people I met helped make me a more well rounded person. I only wish I could have stayed longer. 2. Do you have any foreign language skills, either reading or conversational? (*) Currently, I would characterize my knowledge of Spanish as: Speaking = conversational, Listening = basic, Writing = conversational. I studied Spanish in high school and was fortunate to have the opportunity to complement my studies with the knowledge that came from conversing with the Latin American employees of my father’s various farming operations in their native language. After, moving away from home to attend college, I continued to study Spanish; however, I quickly realized that my knowledge and application of the language was deteriorating, as...
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...or her world through the interaction of around them, genetic influences, and learned factors often model by a child’s parents and teachers. “Among the areas of cognitive development are information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, and memory” (Blumberg, 2004), however historically cognitive development in children has been studied in a variety of ways, and has been explained in several different manners. While most psychologists believe there is a developmental cognitive stage the each explains the stage differently in order to defend their findings and information. Recently I read four different articles relate to cognitive development, and realized that although all psychologists believe this stage to exist, they all understand it differently, and explain it differently as well. While many believe cognitive development is solely representative of one’s surroundings, others believe it can be influenced by one’s genetic making, or situational circumstances. In the first article I read, cognitive development was explained as something highly influenced by a person’s cultural surroundings, creating the understanding that our culture background meaning; believes, customs, food, and language have much influence on our cognitive development. It explained that cognitive development is a cultural process, and stated that “children develop knowledge and thinking skills, according to their cultural practices” (Gauvain, 2011). In this article, the authors describe...
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...tourism authority and the residents as to the attributes for revisiting the City of Manila? 3. What are the issues and concerns attributed to the City of Manila as tourist attraction? 4. What promotional plan may be formulated to sustain the City of Manila as tourist attraction? CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction The Manila is teeming with history, and some Filipinos live with our past even as we move toward the future. Manila is blessed with historical places which determines our culture, religion, bravery and determination. One of the places that is teeming with the history of Manila is Intramuros. Conceptual Framework This research was framed on the initial aspects to consider in the enlightenment of the study. Input consist of the researcher’s personal observation and read materials such as books, magazines including respondent reflected on the answered survey questionnaire. Process includes the analysis from distribution of survey questionnaire and it’s retrieval, then the sorting out of gathered data and tabulate. Statistically measured, analyzed, evaluated and interpreted results. Output shows the outcome of the result on the respondent’s...
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...Table of Contents Abstracts…………………………………………………………………………….…………….3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Consumer Purchase of Organic Products……………………………………………….………..5 Methodology:………………………………………………………………………….………….7 * Procedure ………………………………………………………………………..……7 * Samples Description…………………………………………………………………..8 Results:………………………………………………………………………………….…………8 * Identification of Groups……………………………………………………………….9 * Preliminary Results…………………………………………………………………..10 * Invariance Testing……………………………………………………………………12 * Structural Modeling…………………………………………...……………………..14 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………….…….16 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………………18 References……………………………………………………………………………………..…20 Abstracts In this paper, I analyze the market for organic products in eight European countries, based on differences in their respective value systems. With a significant sample of 8014 consumers, I first identify international segments in the European organic products market using the Values Theory. Then I apply the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine how European consumers use attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to form their purchase intention for organic products. Results show that subjective norms are the main underlying factor driving consumer behavior concerning these products. This effect is higher for the group of countries whose citizens score higher on Schwartz's value scale. In this segment of countries...
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...CAP-STONE- PSY 490. INSTRUCTOR: SEYMORE, RICHARD DEL VILLERS. Date: 12/17/2012 Student: Ramy Barrett * OUT LINE: “Cultural competence an important skill to a health care practice”: * What is cultural competence? What is not? 1. It’s not cultural awareness, cultural sensibility. 2. According to the anthropologist, Williams Haviland: Cultural 3. According to the office of Minority Health, defined Cultural and linguistic ( Website: www.competence (http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/) 4. Kate Berardo as Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication. 5. Stephanie Quappe and Giovanna Cantatore( 2007). * Why is cultural competence important in the health field? 1. I’ am an immigrant (My experience) : I have seem poor quality of care 2. Personal experience as an interpreter. (Example). * The Benefit and the lack of cultural competence:(Negative & positive effects): 1. Zborowski, M. (1952). Cultural Components in Responses to Pain. Journal Of Social Issues, 8(4), 16-30. 2. Dr Elyse R. Pork PhD from, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (2006) 3. http://xculture.org/why-cultural-competency 4. Used: Schwartz, M. C. (1978). Helping the worker with counter-transference. Social Work, 23(3), 204. 5. Cultural Competence in Psychosocial and Psychiatric Care: A Critical Perspective with Reference to Research and Clinical Experiences...
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...1 In this assignment I will be evaluating the role of sub-cultural factors such as social class, age, gender, race or ethnicity as they affect consumer behaviour in my chosen market. The market I have chosen to investigate is the automotive/car industry. Also I will be discussing how a marketing manager might improve their marketing through use of my analysis of sub-cultural factors. Automotive Industry Outlook Automotives are an essential part of the daily life in the UK; about 75% of households own at least one car. Despite this, the Motor Vehicle Manufacturing industry has had a bad time recently. Industry revenue is forecast to stagnate at 0.1% per annum growth over the five years through 2011-12 to reach £37.4 billion. Car and commercial vehicle production is expected to decline by 2.5% per annum over the five years through 2011, to about 1.45 million vehicles. Revenue is expected to grow by 4.2% in 2011-12 but this positive performance is nothing to be complacent about. Competitive pressures and increasing complexity have led automotive companies to look for an edge wherever they can find out. Improved customer insight into vehicle shopping and buying behaviour can provide that valuable advantage. Cultural Factors Cultural factors have a significant impact on customer behaviour. Culture is the main reasoning behind a person’s wants, needs and behaviour. Marketers are always trying to spot cultural shifts which might point to new products that might be wanted...
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