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Custody Decision Making Case Summary

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According to the text, parenting plans are a part of custody decision making which includes custody arrangements and visitation rights for the non-custodial party or close relatives of the child. These plans should be arranged in the best interests of the the child. In the case of the 9th scenario, our group agrees with the decision presented in the story of the case. David should receive sole custody with generous visitation for Kathleen. David and Kathleen were married for eight years and have decided to divorce as their understanding of the relationship matured to different directions. Both parents love their two children and respect each other.
We believe David and Kathleen should have joint custody, where both parents will share legal …show more content…
This way, she would be able to secure a better teaching job at a community college instead of staying in the unstable ceramics selling. Even though Kathleen will require temporary financial support, in the long run she will be able to provide for herself after she gets further in her career and establishes herself. David also trusts Kathleen, thus having her spend time with the kids on the weekend should not be a problem. He is mostly concerned with having control of the children’s schedules which he will be able to do as he will have the children the majority of the time.
Generally, courts will not hesitate to award sole physical custody to one parent if the other parent is deemed unfit — for example, because of alcohol or drug dependency or child abuse. But in this case, Kathleen does not fall under those criteria, which proves that a sole physical custody may not be the best course of action. We also emphasize the importance of the distinct role each parents play in the children’s lives. Sole physical custody may cause animosity between the two individuals. It is best not to seek sole custody unless the contrasting parent cause direct harm to

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