Third Periodical Exam In TLE – III
(Bread & Pastry Production)
Name: ___________________ Year and Section: __________________ Date: _____________
TEST I: Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer from the choices below by shading it. 1. It is a process which will remove soil and prevent accumulation of food residues. a. b. Cleaning c. Chelating d. Sanitizing e. Sterilizing 2. 3. A process that will reduce the bacterial count to a safe level f. g. Cleaning h. Chelating i. Sanitizing j. Sterilizing 4. 5. The correct procedure in the cleaning operation is: k. Prewash, wash, rinse and air dry l. Prewash, wash, sanitize, rinse and air dry m. Prewash, wash, rinse, sanitize and air dry n. Prewash, wash, rinse, air dry and sanitize 6. A cleaning compound that is good at mineral deposit control is o. p. Acids q. Basic Alkalis r. Chelating s. Surfactants 7. 8. A cleaning compound use to remove heavy accumulation of soil.
a. Abrasive cleaners b. Acid cleaners c. Detergents d. Solvent cleaners 9. First step in cleaning kitchen premises t. Collect loose dust by sweeping the kitchen floor daily with a broom u. Make an all-purpose cleaner in a spray bottle v. Prepare diluted vinegar solution in a bucket w. Fill a few bowls with about ½ cup each of baking soda 10. Second step in cleaning kitchen premises x. Collect loose dust by sweeping the kitchen floor daily y. Prepare diluted vinegar solution in a bucket z. Fill a few bowls with about ½ cup each of baking soda {. Make an all-purpose cleaner in a spray bottle 11. Third step in cleaning kitchen premises |. Make an all-purpose cleaner in a spray bottle }. Fill a few bowls with about ½ cup each of baking soda ~. Prepare diluted vinegar solution in a bucket . Collect loose dust by sweeping the kitchen floor daily 12. Proper storage and handling of cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils is very important to prevent ______ prior to use. . Contamination b. Rust c. Spoilage d. Unclean 13. All utensils must then be thoroughly dried before they are re-used. . . True . False . Maybe . Uncertain 14. 15. Chemical sanitizers or very hot water were used in absence of dishwasher . . True . False . Maybe . Uncertain 16. 17. The following are the factors influence the effectiveness of chemical sanitizers except one. Which one? . Concentration b. Cleaning agent c. Contact time d. Temperature 18. A cleaning agent that can penetrate soil quickly and soften it.
a. Acid cleaners b. Abrasive cleaners c. Detergents d. Solvent cleaner 19. Which of the following is most commonly used to sanitize surfaces. . . Hot air . Hot water . Steam . Heat 20.
21. Which is the proper way to store kitchen tools? . Hang them in a rack . Keep them in the cabinets . Place them in one box . Classify them according to use 22. It is often called degreasers a. Acid cleaners b. Abrasive cleaners c. Detergents d. Solvent cleaner 23. Use a damp ______ to wipe off all cake mix splatter from the mixer. . . Cloth . Cellophane . Table napkin . Wipes 24. 25. Return electric mixers and other electronic equipment to their designated _______ places . . Area . Cabinets . Rack . Storage 26. 27. Utensils need to be thoroughly washed in __________. . Cold soapy water . Lukewarm soapy water . Tap soapy water . Warm soapy water 28. __________ is a sanitizer that effective against a wide variety of microorganisms . Acid . Chlorine . . Quarternary Ammonium 29. A French word which means “everything in place” . . Mise-en-place . Miz on flas . Meas-en-pla . Miss on plus 30. 31. Good kitchen and laboratory practice have to be followed but one very simple rule to remember is ________.
a. Clean as you go b. Cleaning c. Sanitizing d. 32. Too dark bottom crust are caused by . Wrong temperature and over baked . Too much water and over baked . Under baked and over mixing . Over mixing and too much water 33. Too much water, over handling and wrong temperature or insufficient heat will result; . Tough crust . Too pale crust . Soggy bottom crust . Thick and soft crust 34. The following are causes of failure in baking pies and pastries except . Too much water . Wrong temperature . Wrong measurement . Sufficient heat 35. Soggy bottom crust are caused by . Too much filling and uneven heat of the oven . Wrong measurement of fat and over baked . Over baked and over handling . Over handling and uneven heat of the oven 36. Which of the following does not belong to the characteristics of a baked product . . Texture . Taste . Flavor . Aroma 37. 38. The external part of the product like the height of the baked product. . . Appearance . Flavor . Taste . Odor 39. 40. A composite of taste, odor and touch. . . Appearance . Flavor . Taste . Odor 41. 42. Descriptions of food like burnt, smoky, moldy, musty and sour. . . Appearance . Flavor . Taste . Odor 43. 44. Too pale crust are caused by . Under baked and wrong temperature . Too much water and over handling . Wrong temperature and over baked . Wrong measurement of fat and use of warm water 45. The oven is preheated before food is put in the oven for baking . . True . False . Maybe . Uncertain 46. 47. Description for sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness or combination (bitter-sweet) . . Appearance . Flavor . Taste . Odor 48. 49. Description for the internal part of the baked product . . Appearance . Flavor . Taste . Texture 50. 51. The following are essential before starting the actual baking procedure except . Review the baking principles . Prepare the ingredient . Gather some tools and equipment . Organize your work 52. This allows you to move fast and make fewer mistakes during the actual baking. . Studying the recipe carefully and be sure you have the recipe during the laboratory work . Review the baking principles . Cleaning your workshare . Sanitize all the tool and equipment 53. Thick and soft crust are caused by . Wrong measurement of fat and use of warm . Too much filling, over mixing and uneven heat of the oven . Over handling and fats . Wrong temperature and over baked 54. How will you check if the baked product is fully done. . Insert a toothpick in the center of the product . Prick the center of the product . Insert a bamboo stick . Sliced the center of the baked product 55. Which of the following refers to a cooking method using dry heat. . . Baking . Cleaning . Cooking . Frying 56. 57. All of the following are Benefits of home baking except . It develop family bonding . Product are addictive – free . Freshly baked product are a trend . More expensive ingredient can be used 58. One of the benefits of home baking is to provide practice to improve _________.
a. Cooking skills b. Baking skills c. Dance skills d. All of the above
59. Specializes in baking pastries, cakes and desserts.
a. Pastry chef b. Bread baker c. Bakery chef d. Product supervisor 60. Making various kinds of bread weather by hand or with the use of machinery
a. Bread baker b. Pastry chef c. Pastry chef d. Production supervisor 61. Who is in charge of the daily operation of a bakeshop . Bakery chef b. Bread baker c. Pastry chef d. Product development researcher 62. Who develop new products for industrial production . Bakery chef b. Bread baker c. Pastry chef d. Product development researcher 63. Oversees the production line making sure the products meet quality standard . Bakery chef b. Bread baker c. Pastry chef d. Production supervisor 64. All of the following are job position related to a baking career except . . Pastry chef . Bread baker . Bakery chef . Cook 65. 66. Bread baker makes various kinds of ___________ . . Bread . Salad . Appetizer . Soup 67. 68. Bakery chef is monitor quality of products & take care of ____________ . . Product . Inventory . Jobs . Bakeshop 69. 70. One of the benefits of home baking develops family ____________ . . Bonding . Relationship . Income . Ties
Answer Key
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. A 50. D 51. A 52. A 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. A 57. A 58. A 59. A 60. D 61. B 62. A 63. A 64. A 65. D 66. D 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. A