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Cyberstalking Research Paper

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Over the years technology has advanced dramatically. Anything from a Bluetooth head piece to a computer is considered technology. Almost everything we use today has some sort of technology in it. Although there are many crimes committed through technology, one major crime committed is Cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is an escalated form of online harassment directed at a specific person that causes them to be threatened or uncomfortable. Before going to the authorities to make a complaint over cyberstalking, be sure to take the appropriate steps to eliminate the cyberstalking if possible. Most people get cyberstalking confused with spam messaging. Spam mail is junk email that contains false information and is sent to numerous people on the internet. If harassment is started during a chat room or some …show more content…
They will obtain a detailed description of the harassment and threats. They will also ask if the stalker has contacted the individual by phone calls or even being personally followed by the stalker. The police officer working your case will then ask if you personally know the individual stalking you. If the victim knows the stalker, the police officer will then get any and all the information that is known by the victim. The officer will also obtain a copy of the messages for the case that includes the email address, Website, URL, nickname or any other information that is linked to the stalker. The next step the officer will take is to speak with the victim to know if he/she knows why they are being harassed and stalked. If there are any possible reasons, it will also be documented for the case. Knowing the reason why you are begin stalked can help lead to the identification of the stalker. The police officer will also ask how the harassment is being done. The victim will be asked all the ways the stalker has came in contact with

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