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Dakota Office Products


Submitted By cundaranedim
Words 299
Pages 2
Nedim Halilagic
Prof. Ermin Cero
ACCT 306
December 10, 2013
Dakota Office Products

Dakota Office Products (DOP) is a regional office supply company with a strong reputation for customer service and quality supplies. Additionally, DOP is unafraid to adopt new service operations such as its “desk top” delivery option which delivered smaller orders directly to individual sites as we all as its traditional commercially delivered mass orders to customer distribution sites (Kaplan, 2003, pp.1-2). Additionally DOP deployed an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) solution in order to ease data and payment transfer from and to customers as well as building a customer website that acts an order and account interface for its customers. Together these initiatives all expanded DOP’s customer service and quality metrics but also came with a cost which the company had difficulty identifying. While exact costs were difficult to ascertain for DOP it is clear that the company is incurring expenses in a manner that it previously had not since its EBIT (earnings before interest & taxes) for fiscal year 2000 revealed a -1.3% loss (Kaplan, 2003, p.4). Since the company did not actually break down costs in order to arrive at a more accurate pricing schedule but instead relied only on a universal 15% markup over basic material costs, DOP had absolutely no way of being able to identify where the cost inefficiencies were in its operations. Its existing costing system was inadequate because it is incapable of accounting for even all of the known costs such as the desktop delivery service as well as hidden costs such as the 10% DOP paid to maintain its working capital line of credit for accounts receivable (Kaplan, 2003, p.4)..
Kaplan, R. (2003). Dakota Office Products. Harvard Business School, 9-102-021.

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