Premium Essay

Dan Scanlon's Monsters University

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Words 295
Pages 2
In the award winning movie Monsters University, directed by Dan Scanlon, there are many different themes presented. The first theme in the movie is “to dream big.” For instance, after seeing a scare rowr Mike Wazowski, a little green one eyed monster, develops the improbable dream of being a scarer. “How do I become a scarer” (Scanlon x:xx). Although Mike is not scary, in fact he’s more nerdy than anything, and probably does not stand a big chance at becoming a scarer, Mike still believes in his dream!. Later in the movie, the storyline promotes the theme of how we all should use “teamwork.” For example, in the beginning of the Scare Games, the monsters were only in it for themselves; but, towards the end they start to work together. “Squishy.

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