...Network Architecture Four Network Architecture: 1. HOST BASED ARCHITECTURE 2. CLIENT-BASED ARCHITECTURE 3. CLIENT-SERVER ARCHITECTURE 4. CLOUD ARCHITECTURE HOST BASED ARCHITECTURE * The early types of data communications networks used host-based architecture. The host was usually a mainframe which performed the functions of data storage, data access, application logic, and presentation logic. In this architecture, the client was usually a terminal. A major problem with this architecture is that the host is required to do all the processing and as the number of applications grows on a given network, processing will slow-down significantly. The only solution will be to upgrade the host, which is usually very expensive. Because of this, since late 1980's organizations moved toward the use of Local Area Networks which is a client-based architecture. CLIENT-BASED ARCHITECTURE * In a client-based architecture, the client, usually a low-cost microcomputer does a good amount of processing functions. More specifically, the client performs the data access, application logic, and presentation logic. The host, a server, simply stores the data. As the amount of data and the number of applications grow in this type of architecture, more and more data needs to travel on the network circuit so that the clients can process it. Demand for network circuit capacity increases and as such, the overall network performance decreases. CLIENT-SERVER ARCHITECTURE *...
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...Analytics using Secured Cloud Storage System M Swetha Chandra1, M Suma Latha2, KODAVATIKANTI S M Aditya Kumar3, S K R Swamy4 1,2,3,4 Department of CSE, TRR College of Engineering, Inole, Patancheru, Hyderabad, AP, India 1 sweet.smily99@gmail.com 2 msumalathacse@gmail.com 3 smaditya@gmail.com 4 kramas2004@yahoo.com | | | ABSTRACT Business analytics go far beyond reports, dashboards, and scorecards. Analytic impact occurs after the numbers are delivered, and analytic value is driven by the kinds of questions that are answered. Ordinary analytics tell you what has already happened. Good analytics provide insight into why things happen, and great analytics provide foresight to see what lies ahead. Today’s business climate demands extraordinary analytics. Business managers need to know more than what. The hard questions today are why, what if, and what next. According to Gartner, BI and Analytics is a $12.2 billion market with 16.4% growth in 2011. Gartner's 2012 CIO survey showed that analytics/BI is the No. 1 technology priority for CIOs. The mega vendors such as Oracle, SAS, IBM etc., are already having major portion of the revenue with their packaged applications in these areas. It is estimated by Gartner that Analytics will be touching 75% of potential users by 2020. This is proven by the growth rate of new vendors such as QlickTech and Tableau by 45% (as per Gartner report). Cloud Storage: Cloud Storage, also referred as Data Storage as a Service, is a delivery...
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...Assignment 1: Computer Architecture Noel E Baez Professor Ali Abedin Introduction to Information Technology July 25, 2013 Abstract This paper will describe the Von Neumann Architecture and explain why it is important. It will describe and explain what a system bus is, and why it is needed in the computer system. A summary of the Boolean operators and the use in computers calculations will be included as well. Finally, a short list of various types of computer storage and memory will be included, and a definition of computer storage. Keywords: Neumann, Boolean, Memory, Storage, System, Bus John Von Neumann was born in 1903 in Budapest. He studied mathematics and graduated from the Pázmány Péter University in Budapest with a Ph.D. In 1930 he was invited to the University of Princeton to teach mathematics in the Institute for Advance Study of Princeton. Von Neumann possessed an extraordinary memory, he was a gifted man that made multiple contributions to the math world, and the computer world, but perhaps his biggest contribution is the creation of the Von Neumann Architecture. The Von Neumann architecture stated that a computer was able to have an uncomplicated, established structure, able to execute any calculation when given the proper command. The Model of this architecture is comprised of the following components, the memory, the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The memory was used to store the information from the ALU or processing unit. This...
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...1: Computer Architecture Tony D. Everett Professor Jennifer Merritt CIS106 Intro to Information Technology July 28, 2013 Introduction The use of Information Technology is well recognized. Information Technology has become a must for survival of all business housing with the growing IT trends. The computer is the main component of any Information Technology system. Today, computer technology has filled every scope of existence of modern man. From airline reservations to auto repair diagnosis, from government services databases to manufacturing and production systems that are used by the likes of Pepsi, Kellogg’s and Kraft Foods-everywhere we witness the elegance, complexity and effectiveness possible only with the help of computers. These systems operate using the Von Neumann Architecture. The Von Neumann Architecture and Importance The von Neumann architecture is a design model for a stored-program digital computer that uses a processing unit and a single separate storage structure to hold both instructions and data. The instructions are executed sequentially which is a slow process. One shared memory for instructions and data with one data bus and one address bus between processor and memory. Commands and data have to be fetched in sequential order (known as the Von Neumann Bottleneck), limiting the operation bandwidth. Its design is simpler than that of the Harvard architecture. It is mostly used to interface to external memory. Neumann architecture computers are...
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...Abstract Computer architecture and its history are important to understanding how a computer works. The Von Neumann architecture is the basic building block to the modern day computer. There are different types of functions within the Von Neumann architecture that have helped create an efficient design and allow computers to perform multiple functions rather than being used for one specific purpose. The Von Neumann model uses memory, system buses, and Boolean operators to communicate programs and perform functions. Computer Architecture- Von Neumann Architecture Explained A computer is an electronic device that operates under the control of instructions that are stored in memory. The concept of storing memory or instructions within the computer came from John Von Neumann. Von Neumann architecture can be best described as a stored program design. A stored programmed design means that the program that operates the computer and the instructions that carry out the program are stored on the computer in one location, memory. By having a stored program design, the computer doesn’t have to go through a rigorous process to be reprogrammed, or to perform multiple functions. The basic design of today’s computers is founded on the architecture of Von Neumann, which can be referred to as the “fetch-execute cycle”. The Von Neumann model consists of five major components that work together to make the computer perform. There is an area for memory to be held and processed; today we know...
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...Cloud Computing: Data Storage Security in Green Technology Perspective Pallavi Singh MCA Vth Semester SoS in Computer Science & I.T. Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) pallavisingh.530@gmail.com Surendra Kumar Patel Assistant Professor SoS in Computer Science & I.T. Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) surendrapatelit2004@gmail.com Anil Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics and Information Technology Govt. N.P.G. Science College, Raipur (C.G.) sharmaanil.mail@gmail.com Abstract— Cloud computing is a new field in Internet computing that provides novel perspectives in internetworking technologies and raises issues in the architecture, design, and implementation of existing networks and data centers. In these beliefs, users of cloud storage services no longer physically maintain direct control over their data, which makes data security one of the major concerns of using cloud. This paper investigated the problem of data security in cloud data storage, which is fundamentally a dispersed storage system. Index Terms—Cloud Computing, Data Storage, Security, Green Computing. 1. INTRODUCTION The remarkable development of cloud computing in recent years is increasingly sparking the interest of Internet and IT users seeking to derive the greatest benefit from the services and applications available on line via the web in service-on-demand mode with per-usage billing. Cloud computing offers a new economic...
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...that accepts digital data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results as output. 2. A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor (or a SIP block), with its architecture optimized for the operational needs of digital signal processing. 3. A graphics processing unit (GPU), also occasionally called visual processing unit (VPU), is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display. 4. A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated µC, uC or MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of NOR flash or OTP ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM. 5. Advantages of Microcontrollers a) Microcontrollers act as a microcomputer without any digital parts. b) As the higher integration inside microcontroller reduce cost and size of the system. c) Usage of microcontroller is simple, easy for troubleshoot and system maintaining. d) Most of the pins are programmable by the user for performing different functions. e) Easily interface additional RAM, ROM,I/O ports. f) Low time required for performing operations. 6. Disadvantages of Microcontrollers a) Microcontrollers have got more complex architecture than that of microprocessors...
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...In recent years, the amount of storage sold almost doubled each year and is expected to sustain annual growth of at least 60%. Secondary storage has a healthy place in future computer systems. While many storage products are directly attached to personal computers, most disk array products (65% and rising) are deployed in local area network file servers. This centralization of storage resources enables effective sharing, better administrative control and less redundancy. However, it also increases dependence on network and file server performance. With the emergence of high-performance cluster systems based on commodity personal computers and scalable network switching, rapidly increasing demands on storage performance are anticipated. Specifically, storage performance must cost-effectively scale with customer investments in client processors, network links and storage capacity. Unfortunately, current distributed file system architectures severely limit scalable storage. In current distributed file systems, all storage bytes are copied through file server machines between peripheral buses (typically SCSI) and client LANs. In essence, these file server machines act as application-level inter-network routers, converting namespaces (disk block versus file range) and protocol layers (SCSI versus RPC/UDP/IP). This is a critical limitation for cost-effective scalable storage. Specifically, the sustained bandwidth of storage devices is rapidly outstripping ...
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...Network Attached Storage ITMO 557 Research Paper Submitted by: Ashif Anwar CWID: A20318587 Date of Submission: This is a research paper on Network attached storage covering the various areas given in the contents below. Fall 2014 ASHIF ANWAR Illinois Institute of Technology-Chicago 11/30/2014 Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. History. 3. Product demonstration. 4. NAS future perspective. 5. Introduction Network Attached Storage is basically defined as a file level computer data storage server connected to a computer network. It is specialized for file server operation by its hardware, software or configuration of elements to provide data access to wide range of clients (Wikipedia, 2014). In simple words we can say “a network attached storage is a external hard drive which is a computer storage system that access and remains on a computer network via Ethernet and wireless connections. The drive is then accessible to all computers in a network, instead of one just hard wired computer”(Networking, 2014). Figure-1: NAS Storage on a network infrastructure. (slideshare, 2013). NAS is one of the popular approaches which allow homes and business to store and retrieve large amounts of data in an efficient and affordable manner. One can wirelessly backup their computer files such as music, videos and other important documents...
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...Assignment 1: Computer Architecture Joseph Henry Strayer University CIS 106 Prof. Shaun Gray November 03, 2013 Assignment 1: Computer Architecture Von Neumann architecture is named after the late John Von Neumann, who was part of a team that created the EDVAC in 1944. This machine was the follow up to the ENIAC, simply because the ENIAC could not modify the program’s contents and could only hold 20 10-digit numbers at a time, needing to be programmed manually (Anderson, Ferro, & Hilton, 2011, p. 11) The concept of Von Neumann architecture is that of a stored program computer, where both binary instructions and data are stored on the main memory. Basically, a program is loaded into memory, and that program could modify itself and be written to perform other functions. Binary instructions are fetched at the same time that data operations occur since they share the same bus. From the computer’s memory, instructions are processed in order and executed by the central processing unit (CPU). The focal point is the CPU, which contains an arithmetic login unit (ALU), control unit (CU), and registers (small storage areas). The ALU performs mathematical functions, especially addition. The CU controls the data traffic in and out of the CPU. The registers are small high-speed units that store instructions and data for the CPU. The CPU accepts input and provides output to external devices. A crystal clock, known as the System Clock times each step in the fetch-execute cycle that...
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...2.1 Define the following terms: Data Model – a collection of concepts that can be used to describe the structure of a database i.e. the types, relationships and the constraints that should hold good on the data contained in the database. Database Schema – The description of a database is called its database schema. Database State – The data in the database at a particular moment in time is called a database state. It is also called the current set of occurrences or instances in the database. Internal Schema – Internal Schema is one of the major parts of the Three Schema Architecture of a Database. It describes the physical storage structure of the database. Conceptual Schema –is a map of concepts and their relationships used for databases. The conceptual schema hides the details of physical storage structures and concentrates on describing entities, data types, relationships, user operations, and constraints. External Schema -- External Schema describes the part of the database that a particular user group is interested in and hides the rest of the database from that user group. Data Independence – the capacity to change the schema at one level of a database system without having to change the schema at the next higher level. DDL – DDL or Data Definition Language is used to specify conceptual and internal schemas for the database and mappings. DML – DML or Data Manipulation Language as the name suggests is used for typical manipulations include retrieval, insertion...
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...today's day and age, cloud storage vendors such as Amazon, microsoft etc are providing cloud services to all companies in different sectors. Flexibility, cheaper, security and reliability are the main advantages for the companies to shift their operations and storage on cloud. This migration led to the tremendous increase of big data. Data is expected to grow __ by 2020. To increase the system capacity for the humongous data, cloud services are following scale-out architecture. Scale-out architectures add more CPU, memory and connectivity hence increasing the efficiency. This practice is very expensive and in the longer run will undermine the cost effectiveness of the future data centers. However, with data increasing tremendously the computing efficiency related to data is not increasing at the same pace. Today big data analytics professionals agree that with such rapid data growth the Moore’s law almost came to an end. Cloud data centers need an optimal computing, memory and storage architecture that can efficiently scale with the data growth and application computing demands. Most big companies offer storage products that are very expensive and old. The scale flux came up with a very unique product that can enhance the computing efficiency in the scale out architectures. ScaleFlux’s Converged Cloud Subsystem (CCS) is tightly unified software and flash-based hardware subsystem solution that easily and cost-effectively integrates into Big Data, scale-out servers. CCS collapses...
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...Green computing architecture Regulations and industry initiatives Approaches to green computing Conclusion Reference 2 1. Abstract 1. Abstract • In 1992, the US Environmental Protection Agency launched Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program which is designed to promote and recognize energy efficiency in monitors, climate control equipment, and other technologies. • “Green computing" was probably coined shortly after the Energy Star program began. • Energy management has always been an important topic for laptop manufacturers, who have been working on this for years as they struggled to manage weight versus battery life issues. 3 1. Abstract Definition of Green Computing • Green computing is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. • The primary objective of such a program is to account for the triple bottom line (or "People, Planet, Profit"). • Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as such, a green computing initiative must be systemic in nature, and address increasingly sophisticated problems. 4 1. Abstract Green Computing Regula-ons and industry ini-a-ves Government Industry Green Compu-ng Approaches to Green Compu-ng Architecture Overview of Green Computing Architecture Power Consumption in Laptop The Goals of Green Computing Impact of Green Computing Architecture Metrics of Green Computing Architecture Solution of Green...
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...When it comes to understanding the von Neumann architecture, it is necessary to understand the previous architecture of the ENIAC computer. The computer hardware consists of various vacuum tubes that are arranged in such a way to process data. Special computers are all the instructions are known in advance and what need to be done is just fetch in data, process them, and produce results. John von Neumann invented a nice architecture for general purpose computer which is still used. These architecture rules are not used in the hardware but treated in the same way as data. Binary codes are fetched into the CPU. Codes have the same length as data ones and contain information about what operations to run and specific addresses to read or write. The two essential parts of the von Neumann architecture are the Arithmetic Logic Unit (CA) and the Program Control Unit (CC) that are combined to form the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The main function of a computer, as the name implied, is to compute or specifically perform certain arithmetic (add, subtract, multiple, divide) and logic (comparisons) operations; this is carried out by the central arithmetical (CA) part of the computer. The CA is however unable to make computations by itself, there is, instead a special part that tell CA what kind of operations to perform, what sequence of instructions to be carried out, where to look for the parameters (data), and where to store the results of operations. This part actually controls...
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...Review Questions: Chapter 1 1.1. Define the following terms: data, database, DBMS, database system, database catalog, program-data independence, user view, DBA, end user, canned transaction, deductive database system, persistent object, meta-data, and transaction-processing application. • Data – known facts that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning. • Database – a collection of related data with an implicit meaning. • DBMS – a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a database • Database system – not only contains the database itself bit also a complete definition or description of the database structure and constrains. • Database catalog – the information about the database structure is stored in the Database Catalog which contains the structure of each file, the type and storage format of each data item, and various constrains of the data. • Program-Data Independence – DBMS access programs do not require changes in all programs due to the change in the structure of a file because the structure of data files is stored in the DBMS catalog separately from the access programs. • User View – a database typically has many users, and each of whom may require a different perspective or view of the database. A view may be a subset of the database or it may contain virtual data the is derived from the database files but is not explicitly stored. • DBA – a database administrator (short form DBA) is a person...
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