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Database Systems


Submitted By Crondar
Words 1313
Pages 6
Database Systems name 3-12-2012
Web-407 Advanced Web Development instructor's name

Most companies need some type of database. A company may be small or extremely large but they all share one thing in common, if they make any type of product, sell anything, keep contacts, balance the books, pretty much anything a business can any will do, they need some type of database or multiple databases to store and later retrieve the data a typical business generates. Choosing the right database is even more important in the age of the Internet, products and services can be sold around the world now and the data from shopping carts and other payment and shipping needs a database too. This article will go into a bit more detail on some of the types of databases that are available and how to pick the right one for your company.
Open Source vs. Proprietary
This is the big question on a lot of businesses minds these days. Rather to try and cut costs by integrating an Open Source database or a proprietary one. First off let us go over what open source means. Open source software, in this case a database, is software that generally has a limited license for free using. The software is developed and maintained by developers and coders around the world that continuously work at improving the software but providing security upgrades and bug fixes.
Proprietary software on the other hand is generally developed, upgraded and patched by a company that sells or licenses the software usually with some type of technical support which may or may not be free, as a general rule of thumb, the technical support isn’t free forever, but may have a short contract for support within a given time frame.

Advantages and disadvantages There are some advantages and disadvantages of course with each one of these type of software. The biggest is that one is generally free and the

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