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David Kessler's The First Family Detail

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Pages 5
I chose to read The First Family Detail because hearing about stories and secrets from the people who protect our presidents interest me. The cover was also very creative with photos and patriotic colors. Getting to know just how our presidents act fascinated me. How much do we really know about our nation's leaders? Just the things they want us to know. While considering what book to choose knowing this made me feel inclined to read and learn more. The thesis of this book is that secret service agents are putting the life of the president and themselves in jeopardy by making very poor decisions. The book starts out with a story from an agent that was assigned to Bill Clinton's detail in Chappaqua. “Gather, collect, and maintain a picture form of ID, log them into the visitors’ book, and make sure they’re on the list to come in… ‘Except there’s one that you don’t log into the book: the blonde.” (Kessler 2) The foolishness shown here is the supervisor informing a new agent to not log Bill’s mistress in when she visits. Instances like this fill the book with pictures and quotes from the people who experience these thoughtless decisions. As the book continues on secrets are revealed. Joe Biden is a good example of this. The president has to always have the nuclear football with them. The nuclear football is a leather …show more content…
Broadly speaking the whole book is biased toward agents and the president. Specifically, bias is shown when speaking about how some of the presidents and their wives act. He doesn’t express happiness when talking about them and their actions. During Hillary Clinton’s chapter, all that is talked about is how awful she is. “If agents get the nod to go to her detail, that’s considered a form of punishment among the agents.” (Kessler 26) Another example of this is in Nancy Reagan's chapter. She is explained to be “very cold.” (Kessler 124) Throughout her chapter, not one good thing is shown of

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