Memorializing events from history are based on different criteria that come for the specific event. In some cases a memorial can pay tribute to a great achievement. Others are show respect for a tragedy that can never be changed. While these are good reasons to provide a memorial there are other things needed to be considered in order to be worthy of a memorial. Without certain criteria every signal failure and success to ever happen would be memorialized. With history being as eventful as it was I believe that understanding what deserves to be remembered is an important thing. The three factors that should considered when creating a memorial are the number of lives impacted, the purpose of this moment in time, and the ability for this memorial to bring healing to the people who need it.
The first piece of criteria to consider is the number of lives impacted by the moment. In order to memorialize a moment in time it needs to have a lasting impact on people. Whether this impact has to do with people finding new land to colonize or burying the dead the lost in a tragedy. According to Source D, Savannah Memorial Park holds more than 3,000 graves dated back to as early as 1847. Kosareff states, "The pioneers from the Santa Fe Trail would bring their dead along with them, preserved somehow, and buried them here." Due to the fact the…show more content… If the moment creates a turning point in our country then it should be memorialized. This proves that we show respect for the moments that create the land we live on and the people who surround us. Source B is showing the Christopher Columbus Monument in Riverside Park. This memorial is showing the man that "founded" America and giving tribute to the events and deaths that made us who we are. Memorializing these historical events based on the purpose and effect the moment has gives the memorial a strong pull to the