...Nonfiction texts strive to be factual but not all nonfiction texts can be. In autobiographies we deal with ones memory, there memory tends have subjectivity in it. Mao’s last dancer written by Li Cunxin demonstrates that nonfiction texts rely on memory, perspective, and purpose. Without these key factorsNonfiction texts strive to be factual but not all nonfiction texts can be. In autobiographies we deal with ones memory, there memory tends have subjectivity in it. Mao’s last dancer written by Li Cunxin demonstrates that nonfiction texts rely on memory, perspective, and purpose. Without theseNonfiction texts strive to be factual but not all nonfiction texts can be. In autobiographies we deal with ones memory, there memory tends have subjectivity in it. Mao’s last dancer written by Li Cunxin demonstrates that nonfiction texts rely on memory, perspective, and purpose. Without these key faNonfiction texts strive to be factual but not all nonfiction texts can be. In autobiographies we deal with ones memory, there memory tends have subjectivity in it. Mao’s last dancer written by Li Cunxin demonstrates that nonfiction texts rely on memory, perspectivNonfiction texts strive to be factual but not all nonfiction texts can be. In autobiographies we deal with ones memory, there memory tends have subjectivity in it. Mao’s last dancer written by Li Cunxin demonstrates that nonfiction texts rely on memory, perspective, and purpose. Without these key factorsNonfiction texts strive to be factual...
Words: 940 - Pages: 4
...Verjetnost Sluˇajna spremenljivka c Spomnimo se ◮ Vzorˇni prostor S je mnoˇica vseh moˇnih izidov sluˇajnega c z z c poskusa. ◮ Dogodek je podmnoˇica vzorˇnega prostora sluˇajnega z c c poskusa. ◮ Verjetnost je preslikava, ki vsakemu dogodku E vzorˇnega c prostora S priredi neko ˇtevilo P(E ), tako da velja: s P(S) = 1, 0 ≤ P(E ) ≤ 1, P(E1 ∪ E2 ) = P(E1 ) + P(E2 ), ˇe E1 ∩ E2 = ∅. c Gregor Dolinar Uporabna statistika Verjetnost Rezultat sluˇajnega poskusa poskusimo opisati s ˇtevilom. c s Vsakemu moˇnemu izidu priredimo neko realno ˇtevilo. z s Primer Met kovanca. Moˇna izida sta: prednja stran, hrbtna stran. z ˇ prednja stran, izidu priredimo ˇtevilo 1, ˇe hrbtna stran, izidu Ce s c priredimo 0. Igra na sreˇo: ˇe prednja stran, 2 evra dobimo, ˇe hrbtna stran, 2 c c c evra izgubimo. ˇ Ce prednja stran, izidu priredimo ˇtevilo 2, ˇe hrbtna stran, izidu s c priredimo -2. Gregor Dolinar Uporabna statistika Verjetnost Definicija Sluˇajna spremenljivka je preslikava, ki vsakemu moˇnemu izidu c z priredi realno ˇtevilo (poleg tega poznamo tudi verjetnosti moˇnih s z izidov). Definicija ◮ Sluˇajna spremenljivka je diskretna, ˇe je njena zalogo c c vrednosti konˇna ali kveˇjemu ˇtevno neskonˇna. c c s c ◮ Sluˇajna spremenljivka je zvezna, ˇe je njena zalogo vrednosti c c enaka intervalu. Gregor Dolinar Uporabna statistika Verjetnost Diskretno sluˇajno spremenljivko...
Words: 2585 - Pages: 11
...g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg ;+ljwfg;ef ;lrjfno l;+xb/af/, sf7df8f+} . 0 k|:tfjgf xfdL ;fj{ef}d;Qf;DkGg g]kfnL hgtfÙ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}ldstf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«o Pstf, :jfwLgtf / :jfledfgnfO{ cIf'00f /fvL hgtfsf] ;fj{ef}d clwsf/, :jfoQtf / :jzf;gsf] clwsf/nfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{Ù /fi6«lxt, nf]stGq / cu|ufdL kl/jt{gsf nflu g]kfnL hgtfn] k6s– k6s ub{} cfPsf P]ltxfl;s hg cfGbf]ng, ;z:q ;+3if{, Tofu / alnbfgsf] uf}/jk"0f{ Oltxf;nfO{ :d/0f Pj+ zxLbx¿ tyf a]kQf / kLl8t gful/sx¿nfO{ ;Ddfg ub}{Ù ;fdGtL, lg/+s'z, s]Gb|Ls[t / PsfTds /fHoJoj:yfn] ;[hgf u/]sf ;a} k|sf/sf lje]b / pTkL8gsf] cGTo ub}{Ù ax'hftLo, ax'eflifs, ax'wfld{s, ax';f+:s[lts tyf ef}uf]lns ljljwtfo'Qm ljz]iftfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ u/L ljljwtfaLrsf] Pstf, ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts P]Soa4tf, ;lxi0f'tf / ;b\efjnfO{ ;+/If0f Pj+ k|jw{g ub}{Ù juL{o, hftLo, If]qLo, eflifs, wfld{s, n}+lus lje]b / ;a} k|sf/sf hftLo 5'jf5"tsf] cGTo u/L cfly{s ;dfgtf, ;d[l4 / ;fdflhs Gofo ;'lglZrt ug{ ;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zL / ;xeflutfd"ns l;4fGtsf cfwf/df ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ ;+sNk ub}{Ù hgtfsf] k|lt:kwf{Tds ax'bnLo nf]stflGqs zf;g k|0ffnL, gful/s :jtGqtf, df}lns clwsf/, dfgj clwsf/, aflnu dtflwsf/, cfjlws lgjf{rg, k"0f{ k|]; :jtGqtf tyf :jtGq, lgikIf / ;Ifd Gofokflnsf / sfg"gL /fHosf] cjwf/0ff nufotsf nf]stflGqs d"No / dfGotfdf cfwfl/t ;dfhjfbk|lt k|lta4 /xL ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0f ug{Ù ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds zf;g Joj:yfsf] dfWodåf/f lbuf] zflGt, ;'zf;g, ljsf; / ;d[l4sf] cfsf+Iff k"/f ug{ ;+ljwfg ;efaf6 kfl/t u/L of] ;+ljwfg hf/L...
Words: 54751 - Pages: 220