There are several things that all volunteers must complete before they can begin volunteering. Please check off each as you complete it, and then return this form to the volunteer office.
___________ Saint Francis Volunteer Orientation and Safety Training See attached list of dates. Call the volunteer office to register for a class. Come to the Volunteer Office at Saint Francis Hospital and we will go to a training room. Orientation date:_______________________.
___________ Occupational Health Clearance Call 860-714-4270 to schedule an appointment for the PPD test (be sure to return two days later to have it read). If you plan to do this at your personal physician’s office, please see a member of our staff for the appropriate forms which must accompany your PPD results. Depending on your placement, you may also have to either bring a copy of your immunization record or have a test to determine your immune status.
____________Identification Badge (Badge # ________________) You will need to have your photo taken and an identification badge made prior to starting your volunteer position. This cannot be done until you have attended Orientation. Badge appointments may be made at Saint Francis on Monday from 8:00-10:30. At Mount Sinai they are available on Tuesday from 8:00-11:00. Be sure to call the volunteer office at 860-714-4979 (Saint Francis) or 860-714-2652 (Mount Sinai and the Rehab Hospital) to let us know when you are coming in for your badge. On the day of your appointment, please stop first at the Volunteer Office to get the form that authorizes you to get a badge. Once you have your badge, please come back to the volunteer office so that we can record your badge number.
____________Parking Form To have your badge programmed