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Define Marketing


Submitted By jimmycrackcorn
Words 1084
Pages 5
Defining Marketing
Eric Severyn
University of Phoenix

Defining Marketing
Marketing plays a key role in any successful business and is the most important step in creating or expanding a business, especially if the business is a startup or an entity trying to introduce a new product to the marketplace. The following will define marketing, first my own personal definition, and then definitions from two different sources. In addition, the importance of marketing in an organization’s success will be explained based upon these definitions and include examples from the business world that support my explanations.
Personally, I think marketing consists of many facets when trying to build a reputation for your business or introduction of a new product. Marketing can take place through advertising, surveying prospective clients, studying demographics of your market area, specifying a particular income range for your efforts, and many other forms of notifying or discovering a new client base. Yet the most basic form of marketing that exists is often ignored, and that is plain old good customer service. In my experiences in business, this was always the cheapest and most efficient way to build my company’s reputation because as the old adage goes, if you do a bad job, the client will let 10 people know, yet if you do a great job the client will tell a few. Customers are always more likely to complain than complement unless you step beyond the normal customer satisfaction levels. Other forms of marketing, especially when introducing a new product, consists of sampling and taste tests for food products and test drives for cars or sample size items for other products. defines management as the “process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer" ( /definition /marketing.html). The article

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